Naruto Time Control

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Mission entrusting office

The supervisor waited until evening for a member of the caravan that was going back to Hidden Grass Village to ask for a new team, as well as Feng and Might Dai to look for another mission.

However, even after waiting for so long, no one came. It just means that the caravan approved Feng and Might Dai to be their escorts going back to Hidden Grass Village!

"The caravan has no intention to ask for a replacement?"

As time went on, the supervisor was surprised.

He pondered in his heart.

Although Feng is a genius, this was his first time taking1 a mission, and he even teamed up with Might Dai, with these two in the same team it looked unfavorable.

If such a mission fails, it would have a certain impact on Konoha's reputation.

After hesitating for a while, he thought that it would be better to report this.

Generally, C-rank missions doesn't need to be reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the supervisor thought that it would be best to tell the Hokage.


Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was reading documents in his office received the report.

"C-rank mission..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly surprised, however he didn't understand why Feng would team up with Might Dai.

With Feng's temperament and strength, it should be no problem for him to complete a C-rank mission, but now that he has Might Dai on his team, if there is an unexpected situation, it would be hard to say.

But after thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen chose not to interfere.

After all, there's no completely safe missions. Moreover, the situation in the Ninja World is now becoming more and more tense. This kind of mission can be considered as Feng's training.

If they fail even if there was no accident that happened, then it can also serve as Feng's lesson. You shouldn't think that you can just team up with everybody just because you're strong.


After parting from Might Dai, Feng returned home and prepared his items.

He carried all the standard items such as: paper bombs, kunais, shurikens, and of course the most important one, his Chakra Sword.

Kakashi leaned against Feng's door with his arms folded and said,: "...You really plan to team up with Guy's father?"


Feng responded calmly: "I learned a technique from Guy's father before and benefited greatly. How can I just ignore him when he's having a hard time? You yourself also benefited from him. The technique I taught you, Hachimon, came from Might Dai."

After Might Dai's guidance, Feng taught it to Kakashi after he opened the first two gates.

Hachimon might not be that suitable for Kakashi, but the first and second gates are still very useful for him, and Kakashi in the original story also used Hachimon.

"That taijutsu came from him?"

Kakashi showed a look of disbelief. He always thought that Feng created it himself. It was hard to believe that a Genin was the one who made such a high-level taijutsu.

Seeing Kakashi's appearance, Feng smiled faintly, and said: "Why would I lie to you? Might Dai is stronger than you think. You learned his technique, you should roughly know how powerful it is if it was practiced to its limit. What if I tell you that Senior Dai is capable of opening the last Gate?"


Hearing Feng's words, Kakashi's pupils couldn't help but constrict.

Now, although he can barely open the first gate. He still has a certain understanding of the technique, based on his assessment. If one opened the eighth gate, that individual's strength would surpass that of a Kage.

He didn't believe it, but Feng didn't have any reason to deceive him about this kind of thing. Which only meant that what Feng said is the truth!

"But...Isn't that guy called the 'Eternal genin'?"

"Don't ever underestimate Konoha Genins."

Feng glanced at Kakashi deeply.

After Feng finished preparing all his things, he stood up and looked at Kakashi, and said, "By the way, how is your recent practice?"

Kakashi replied to his brother: "I just started practicing Cell Activation technique, I've already mastered Lightning Blade and can open the First Gate in Hachimon."

"Not bad."

Feng showed a hint of approval.

Kakashi's talent when it comes to ninjutsu is unquestionable. He easily mastered the Thunder Blade he created, the Cell Activation technique is probably not difficult for him as well.

With his practice on the Cell Activation technique, Kakashi's future chakra volume will not be his weakness anymore. Even if he doesn't have the Sharingan he can still reach the strength of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen at his peak!

At the very least, he can surpass Hatake Sakumo!

"Since Might Dai has such strength, then I wouldn't have to worry about your mission from failing. In addition, our teacher, Minato, will take us on a mission after a few days."

Kakashi showed a contemplative look as he suddenly thought of something, and said: "By the way, that Uchiha Obito guy seems to like Rin."

Feng smiled and said, "That's normal, afterall, Rin is very attractive. Why? Are you gonna ask me to intervene? You can handle it yourself."

"What do you mean 'handle it myself'?"

Kakashi rolled his eyes.

If the person in front of him is not his elder brother, he would've already smacked that person. During this time, both of those girls are constantly going in their house and it's making his head hurt.

But having said that, he couldn't put the blame on his brother, afterall Feng was popular among girls. Even if he finds it irritating, his brother just casually handles it.

"Oh, right."

Feng looked at Kakashi, and said: "Once you're with Minato Sensei, look for an opportunity to ask him about the Flying Thunder God technique."

Kakashi looked at Feng strangely and said, "Flying Thunder God technique? How did you know that Minato has this technique."

"Well, I received some information."

Feng didn't explain in detail.

The most famous Konoha's Yellow Flash, along with his Flying Thunder God technique that brought fear amongst the other villages, if he didn't even know who he was, then he would be unqualified to even be a traverser.

According to Minato's character, if Kakashi asked him about the Flying Thunder God technique, then Kakashi should probably obtain the cultivation method of it, however, it would be difficult to say whether he can successfully practice it.

Anyway, if he can get it then that would be for the best, if not, then there's nothing wrong in at least trying to ask about it.


The next day.

Feng arrived at the entrance of the village early.

After waiting for a while, Daisuke Urobe and his caravan arrived, carrying only some light baggage. After waiting for about a quarter of an hour did Might Dai arrive.

"Sorry I'm late."

"You're not late senior, we just arrived earlier."

Feng smiled and looked at the Chunin guard on duty at the entrance of Konoha.

After he registered the name of Feng and Might Dai, he signaled at them indicating that they're now free to leave.

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