Naruto Time Control

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Improving one's strength would undoubtedly bring joy to someone..

But this joy didn't last long, as Feng gradually calmed down. Because he knew that the Special Jonins are the authentic Jonin' level class shinobis, but for him, he was in an embarrassing situation.

Because even though his fighting capabilities are enough for him to reach the level of a Jonin, in terms of his ability to survive in battle, it is much worse than true Jonins.

"I'm still lacking..."

Feng groaned.

Without the physique of the Uzumaki clan, and a tailed beast sealed in his body, his current Chakra reserves in a strict sense is only comparable to that of a chunin, and there is still a big gap from jonin.

There is still physical strength, however how much physical strength can a body of a ten year old have?

When time is accelerating, physical strength would also be expended.

"If I could master the Hachimon as soon as possible, that would be great.

Feng helplessly thought of this.

Before he masters Hachimon, physical strength and Chakra reserves would be his weakness, but fully mastering Hachimon was not something he can consider for now.

Thinking about it carefully, so long as the strength that bursts out in an instant is strong enough, then even if his chakra reserves are limited, the discrepancy would be nothing, like Namikaze Minato, he can instantly cut down 50 people, even if his chakra reserves is short, it does not hinder the Yellow Flash to be famous in the Ninja World.

"It seems that my fighting style in the future is to end the battle in an instant..."

Feng said silently.

Regardless of whether his Chakra is limited or not, he still needs to practice Hachimon. With the combination of the hachimon and time acceleration, he truly has the capital to end the battle in an instant.

As long as he's fast, who cares about the lack of chakra?

The fight won't last long.

"Under normal circumstances, I should not be inferior to Chunin shinobis. And if I activate the triple speed state, I can even contend against Jonin class shinobis. But if I want to go further, there are three ways"

Feng pondered.

The first one is the most common, that is, step-by-step physical exercises, training his Chakra control , and using double speed state to make his body grow faster. When his body achieves the age of about twelve or thirteen years old, he will have the physique and chakra reserves of a Jonin.

Learn a standard ninjutsu at the Jonin level, then he can be considered as a shinobi under normal conditions.

As for the second one, he would continue to practice the Hatake swordsmanship.

If he can fully master the second stage of the Hatake swordsmanship, then even if his chakra reserves and physical strength are still lacking, he would still have the strength comparable to his father, White Fang.

And lastly, the third way is for him to practice Hachimon.

"...It would be best to have a partner in all three of them. "

Feng made a judgment.

For ordinary people, they would be choosing the first one and just focus on that and practice hard. Because if they did the three methods simultaneously, not only won't they have enough time, if they become greedy and bit more than they can chew. Then they won't be proficient in any of it, and their overall strength would just be mediocre.

But Feng was different.

With his ability to manipulate time, he would have more time to practice!

In the future, the Unreal Clock will continue to advance, and it may even achieve four times, five times speed... If that's the case, then he is absolutely confident that he can train in the three methods all at the same time!

"I'll set a small goal. I need to become a Jonin in six months. "

Feng clenched his fists and took a breath.


The strength of Jonin that he refers to is under normal conditions.

With this kind of strength under normal circumstances, he may be able to achieve the speed the same as Namikaze Minato with three times, four times, or even five times the speed!

Only at this level can he have a certain degree of self-preservation if the third Shinobi war broke out any time. And not simply die because of some accidents.

After leaving his place of practice, Feng returned to the village.

"The security became a little tighter again. "

Compared to the previous two days, there are obviously more guards on the streets today, and the frequency of patrols has also become more. But this is only on the surface.

The Konoha ANBU in the shadows that are under the direct supervision of the Third Hokage are monitoring and closely staring at every corner of the village. Searching for enemies and spies that may sneak inside.

Feng noticed that there were quite a few eyes and seemingly examined him. After confirming that there was no problem, the feeling of being monitored quietly disappeared.

The feeling of being secretly monitored is naturally very uncomfortable, but it was unavoidable during this tense period before the Ninja War. Various villages were sending out spies to obtain important information.

Because of his training under the speed state, the contents in his fridge are depleted very quickly, so he needs to replenish it every one or two days. Feng walked out to buy some stuff.

After taking a few steps.

A somewhat familiar voice came from the meat shop next door.

Feng looked sideways and saw a familiar figure holding a bag, standing in front of the shop owner selling beef, staring at the boss.

"What?! The price of beef increased to 450 ryo? This is too expensive!"

Might Dai complained unacceptably.

The shop owner said helplessly, "The purchase price is very high. I won't have any profit if I sell it with the previous price."

Affected by the tension of the third ninja war, prices have undoubtedly started to rise. Although Konoha is still relatively stable, the various channels for Konoha to purchase supplies have become tense, for fear of being attacked by enemy ninjas. Some large supply carriers would require ninja escort, which also increases the consumption of manpower that requires additional resources.

"Too expensive..."

Might Dai scratched his hair, which hurt for a while.

He was just a Genin, and because he couldn't find anyone willing to form a team with him, he could only take on a few menial tasks. The price increase is undoubtedly a heavy blow for him, but his son Might Guy is growing. During the developmental period, a meal of meat a day is essential for him.

After struggling for a while, Might Dai still bought a piece of beef, but the size was smaller compared to the last time, thinking that it would not be a big problem to eat less.

"Their situation is difficult. "

Feng murmured as he watched Dai buying the meat.

It was still okay on his side. Although Sakumo passed away, the inheritance that he left was enough to provide for him and Kakashi for several years. Coupled with Kakashi's promotion to Chunin, they don't need to worry about prices going up for the time being.

But having said that, Might Dai opened the eighth inner gate to beat the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist. So if he opens the seventh gate, his strength could be comparable to Jonin class shinobis, after becoming a high level ninja, it would be considered an extraordinary promotion. It's really questionable.

It is just that the tasks that Might Dai performs have no relation concerning battles, they are the worthless missions like cleaning garbage, looking for lost cats etc.

So Konoha has never been aware of the real strength of Might Dai.

After thinking a little bit, Feng quickly purchased a few ingredients and returned home After a simple meal, he left home again and looked for Might Dai.

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