Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 81: Approaching Storm

Chapter 81: Approaching Storm

The news of Konoha being attacked by the Nine Tails spread throughout the Ninja World.

The familiar name once again was the topic of everyone's discussion.

Completely Obliterating the Nine Tails, everyone who learned this news finally admitted that this era belonged to Sword Demon.

A, who was thinking of a way to get his hands on Byakugan immediately extinguished his thoughts as he knew that as long as Kozuki was in Konoha any plan would result in failure.



After the eventful Night, the repair of the damaged area of the village started.

It has been 3 days since the attack of Nine Tails, everyone in the village forgot about the terror of Kyuubi.

Villagera talked with each other about how they saw Kozuki throwing the huge nine tails out of the village with a punch.

Yakiniku Restaurant

"Kozuki you really have left us all far behind"

Kozuki along with Kakashi, Obito and Guy sat together beside the table as they held a little gathering.

Obito commented on Kozuki's strength as he still remembered the scene of Kozuki abusing Kyuubi.

"Yeah, especially that last punch, my youth explodes whenever I remember it"

Guy was really shocked by the power of that punch which even vaporized the Bijudama, it's power surpassed any Jutsu in the world by far.

"You look worried did something happen?"

Kakashi noticed Kozuki who was a bit absentminded and couldn't help but asking.

"It's nothing important, let's eat, it's getting cold"

Kozuki these days was always thinking of the person mentioned by Kyuubi.

In his memory, there shouldn't be such a person which Kyuubi mentioned.

There was no need for the tail beasts to lie, so what they said shouldn't be wrong and there was definitely someone who even, he didn't know about.

Aside from this, he was also thinking about the future, with his involvement the plot has changed beyond his recognition.

Sakumo, Obito and Minato are all still alive, Naruto the son of prophecy didn't became a Jinchuriki and with his presence, the future will only keep changing more and more.

But he didn't regret it since he was ready for such a situation already.

Kakashi and the others could easily tell that there was definitely something that was worrying Kozuki but they didn't ask further and started to eat the food in front.

After eating Kozuki said goodbye to his friends as he strode towards the Hokage Office since there was something he needed to know and only Minato could tell him.


Hokage Office

Minato sat on the Hokage seat with bundles of documents placed on the desk in front of him.

These days the mood of Minato was a bit unexplainable as on one hand he was happy of becoming a father and on the other hand he was worried about the enemy he faced.

Being able to tame Kyuubi he could only think of Madara but there was something that made him unable to confirm his guess.

During the fight, he could easily tell that the opponent didn't have much fighting experience as some of his movements were full of flaws.

Minato wasn't a fool to believe that the legendary Madara could lack experience in fighting.


"Come in'

Minato looked towards the door and saw Kozuki entering the room.

"Kozuki Kun"

"Lord Hokage"

Minato stood up as he moved forward and welcomed Kozuki enthusiastically.

Kozuki spoke politely as he bowed slightly which he never did to Sarutobi.

"You want to know about the enemy"

After some formal greetings, Kozuki finally asked about the matter he was most concerned about.

Minato was surprised by his question but he didn't hide anything and immediately told all the information about Fukashi he knew.

"Ability similar to Flying Raijin along with Amaterasu"

Kozuki finally sighed in relief after knowing that the enemy didn't have any perverted ability like Shisui in the future.

If the enemy had an ability like Kotoamatsukami, he wasn't sure he could deal with it but fortunately luck was on his side.

While Space Jutsu and Amaterasu was also terrifying, it was still something that he could handle.

"Lord Hokage, I think you should know it already that Uchiha didn't have any part in this incident so they should be treated fairly"

Kozuki believed that Minato would not treat Uchiha badly.

"You don't need to worry Kozuki Kun, during my meeting with Lord Third and Elders yesterday, Elder Danzo suggested to relocate the Uchiha Clan but I rejected it, during the attack everyone saw them helping the civilians so I have already judged them innocent"

As expected by Kozuki, Minato did not disappoint him and treated the Uchiha Clan fairly.

Minato was already showing signs of becoming a true hokage as this action of his was totally against the will of Sarutobi

Kozuki left the Hokage Office in a good mood as he believed that with Minato being alive things would be a lot different when dealing with Uchiha.

But what Kozuki didn't knew was that enemy's hidden in the dark were already ready to deal with him.

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