Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 28: Chapter 28


The gorgeous Jnin-sensei exits the bustling streets of Konaha's Market District and into the decently-populated Jnin bar, Elite Spirits. Her goal is simple: find Kakashi.

While Kurenai was eager to implement her plan for Uzumaki-kun, the first challenge she believes will posse an issue would be informing the genin's assigned Jnin-sensei, and getting his express permission to interact with his student.

Kurenai can understand the significance behind the obscure rule of one sensei to a triplet of students. At such an impressionable time in their education of a very dangerous profession, a single sensei can better map out a timeline for growth and skill traits design for each student.

A single sensei is integral to the development of their, hopefully, long careers, thus understands where the genin ninja is in their education and where they should go over a long period of time.

Even if the student receives lessons from another Sensei, it usually means the primary sensei doesn't match well with the student's clear talents, or simply is too inept to care. For example, a close-range taijutsu fighter would not be a good match for Kurenai's long-range, genjutsu instruction.

Unfortunately, Kakashi is the furthest you can get from inept, and he seems to be a suitable match for Uzumaki, so any leeway Kurenai might've had for borrowing the blond won't apply to this.

Fortunately, Kurenai doesn't have to traverse the entire village looking for the shameless porno reading Jnin. After leaving the cemetery, she finds the silver-haired Jnin in their group's usual section of their bar.

Walking through the moderately crowded, off-duty Jnin and turning down two invitations for drinks, Kurenai sits across from her fellow sensei.

Even if Kurenai's relatively certain her subtle tricks will work on the non-too-discreet pervert, she decided early on she wouldn't need to use her feminine wiles on a friend and senior Jnin.

It would be underhanded and there's always the possibility he takes the care of his students as seriously as she does.

After quick pleasantries and a firm demand from her to put his orange-covered filth away, Kurenai informs him, "I wanted to make you aware that I'll be using one of your students." Asserting confidence that she will have the thing she wants, even if it depends entirely on someone else has a better chance of success than simply asking, which is a sure way to hear no.

"Which and to what end?" the aloof Jnin asks.

"Uzumaki-kun," she casually answer before adding, "and the reason is of a personal nature, but what I can tell you is it's to help one of my students."

"As a punching bag," he casually inquires.

Kurenai gives a head tilt and look of disbelief, answering, "no, nothing like that." Kurenai understands some shinobiparticularly those in clansuse younger or weaker ninja as little more than punching bags for a prized pupil in order to instill confidence in the favorite, which goes against everything she believes in.

Kurenai wants all her students to succeed honestly; to learn and grow on the merits of their hard work and not on a fabricated sense of confidence. "I would never do that nor would I ever condone that behavior."

For Kakashi's part, he simply nods once, but he doesn't speak of her friendly appeal to use his student. A quiet moment or two passes between them before he simply hums, "...hmmm."

"What's the problem?" Kurenai asks, hoping to convince him there isn't a problem and his student's growth will not be hindered in any way.

Kakashi leans in a little and tilts his head as he asks, "have you approached him before informing me?"

She wasn't expecting that and answers, "no, I know the procedure." And he should know her well enough to not even bother asking, prompting her to ask, "why?"

He falls back again, shrugging once, conveying, "lately, he isn't acting like I expect, is all. Will you be instructing him in any way as a shinobi?"

"No," she quickly asserts. Truthfully, while she may want the blond to succeed and inherit the Will of Fire, she would prefer not to be tasked with that assignment. As challenging as Hinata-chan is, she can't imagine trying to mentor that blond failure as well.

"Will you be attempting to sabotage his development in any way," he follows up and before she can answer, he quickly adds, "and so we're clear, that has everything to do with your father."

"No, Kakashi!" she says with a little more heat than necessary. She doesn't talk about her father much. When all her friends have terrible stories of their own, it's just accepted that while it may drive the shinobi, it doesn't have to be spoken aloud.

When she does speak about her father, it's only with her closest friends. While she's never told Kakashi, she's not surprised he knows.

It's his job to know psychological triggers of ranking Jnin, and during the mental eval to become Jnin, she abruptly learned how much her father has shaped the Kunoichi she is today.

"I require Uzumaki-kun's assistance for a simple function that will not impair his training in any way while simultaneously helping my student."

"Fine," he easily answers as if she asked him to pass the salt. He then wonders aloud, "are you staying?"

Kurenai smiles for her little victory and for the invitation, answering, "no, I need to get a move on this." A little giddy, she teases, "why? Will you miss me?"

As always, unless Kurenai was sex written out on the page of a dirty book, the silver-haired Jnin doesn't seem interested as he casually shakes his head, 'no,' before nudging his chin toward the door. When Kurenai tilts her head to the right, in walks Asuma with Princess Tomoko by his side.

With the princess' delicate white-gloved hand resting on his strong, outstretched forearm, it looks like a delicate rose growing on a thick log. Kurenai's internal organs seize at the sight of them. Tomoko-hime is clearly beautiful and immaculate.

He's well-groomed down to his beard which is neatly trimmed, lining his masculine jaw in such an appealing and powerful way, it makes her ache to see him.

His uniform is brand new wrapped impressively around his wide shoulders and Kurenai can't help but recall the last time she had her arms wrapped around them, holding on desperately as they made passionate love. It seemed too long ago.

Kurenai breaks out of her daze the moment Asuma's eyes sync with hers. Brown and red irises locked together as they are, she can't help the way her mind thinks of him; his smell, his touch, his gruff laugh, his passion for her, the love they share.

There's a lot in his eyes and she's relatively sure he sees a lot in hers until he abruptly turns away from her in favor of speaking with the gazing princess. As the princess' guide, Asuma was clearly explaining the establishment and its elite clientele but Kurenai can't deny that hurt.

It hurt like a kick in her stomach.



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