Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 150: Return To Monke - 2

Chapter 150: Return To Monke - 2

After having a shower and a quick breakfast, Daiki returned to his bedroom to find Anko fast asleep, in the position he left her in.

She snored.


Very unladylike.

Rolling his eyes, the teenager eased her into a laying down position and pulled the covers over her, before proceeding to get ready and leaving his home behind for the time being.

The crisp morning air felt good on his skin and brushing through his hair. Konoha wasn't exactly Cloud or Mist temperature wise, the coldest of the five great villages, but it wasn't exactly Sand either, and nearing the latter half of the year now, mornings and days like this would become more common.

Daiki couldn't say he disliked it at all, in fact, it reminded him of the place his other self lived, it was a place with a colder climate than average, so crisp mornings were quite common.

"It's a good day." Daiki mused, the cold air sharpened his senses, which would be good for training with old man Hokage.

The cold didn't bother him anyway.

He left his home behind and hopped up onto the roof of a nearby building before travelling via roof hopping towards the Hokage Tower.

The general populace of the village was just beginning their day, and the hubbub of it all became a gentle backdrop in his ears.

It was nice and peaceful.

A peace that wouldn't last and would be wholly ruined in the coming years if the Akatsuki, Obito, Madara or Kaguya got their way.

…It was going to be his job one day, at most a few years away, possibly only a month away, to protect this peace.

Despite the fun and enjoyable time he'd had with Anko, a familiar weight seemed to form over his shoulders.

'Don't worry about it,' Isobu spoke up, 'It's just another weight for you to grind under until you can shoulder it easily, just like any other weight.'

His lips quirked up, "…Yeah, you're right."

And it wasn't like he was shouldering that weight alone. And his big ol' turtle bro had some real massive shoulders.

'I mean, if we're being technical, I don't really have shoulders.' Isobu pointed out, drawing a snort from the teen.

Not long later, he arrived at the Hokage Tower. He spotted the old man right away as he approached.

He was standing atop the tower, overlooking the village.

"Good morning Daiki-kun," the old man greeted him, glancing at the teen from the corner of his eye as he lightly puffed on his pipe, "Did you have a good sleep and get well rested for today?"

"Nope," Daiki shrugged, "I spent all night having 'fun' with Anko, if you know what I mean old man."

"Hoh?" the old man grinned around his pipe, "Is that to? You're quite the lucky lad aren't you? Are you trying to make your sensei jealous?"

Huh, he was already referring to himself as his sensei?

"I'm just built different old man," Daiki shrugged and crossed his arms, "Speaking of sexy ladies though, how was that old lady Koharu in bed back in the day when she was a hottie?"

"I wouldn't know personally," Sarutobi shrugged, "Though I'm told she was quite the minx if Hashirama-sama's words are anything to by."

Daiki blinked.


"She banged the first?" Daiki couldn't help but gape at the old man.

"Quite a few people did actually," Sarutobi chuckled, "Hashirama-sama was a bit of a dog you could say, many woman lusted after him and he indulged quite a bit in it."

Damn…the First Hokage was a player?


'So I'm not the first one who thought of using the Hokage position to get laid?" Daiki realised, "Wait, wasn't he married?"

"Yes, yes he was, he was a lucky man indeed," Sarutobi mused with a nod, puffing on his pipe, "Mito-sama was quite…kinky is the word I believe."

Wow, the more you learned man.



"You know, the Uzumaki really do sound crazy sometimes," Daiki shook his head, "I wonder how Naruto's mom stacked up." he intentionally dropped.

The Sandaime side eyed him thoughtfully, "So you even know that?" he mused, "You realise that's an S-class secret, correct?"

"About as much as Naruto being the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, right?" Daiki snorted, "Come on, it's not like she's not in the records and closely associated to the Yondaime Hokage in them, always on missions with him. And she was the only Uzumaki in the records during that time period, and with Naruto basically being a carbon copy of the Yondaime, anyone with a brain could put it together."

He had actually confirmed that pretty early on, just for an excuse when he brought this kind of thing up. Kushina Uzumaki wasn't hard at all to find in the records, her mission count, her ninja registration number, etcetera, it was all there at the shinobi library.

"You'd be surprised how few have made the connection actually," Sarutobi pointed out, "As for Kushina herself….she was something alright, that was for sure."

"That's for sure," Daiki agreed, "The Yondaime was a lucky guy, given a chance I'd be all over that redheaded babe."

"…Never tell Naruto that." Sarutobi responded dryly.

"Hey man, if Naruto was a chick, I'd be all over her too," Daiki shrugged, "As a girl, Naruto is a hottie hot hottie. Gotta be them Uzumaki genes man, probably the real reason why those ugly fuckers from Cloud, Stone and shit teamed up to wipe them out."

"Then I'm sure we can all be glad Naruto is a boy then," the old man snorted, "The last thing we need is an angry female jinchuuriki because she caught the boy she likes hitting on other girls like you do."

…Well he wasn't wrong.

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