Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 144: Grinding On Snakes - 6

Chapter 144: Grinding On Snakes - 6

After paying their bill at the dango shop they left the building behind, which was really more Anko's bill than Daiki's, because man did she eat a lot of dango.

Well, at least he knew where her massive knockers came from, they were sponsored by dango.

They headed for his home after that, and as soon as as they were over the threshold, Daiki wasted no time in activating the multitutde of seals he'd placed over the property.

Well, the ones that weren't already active.

He wasn't really sure if chakra would leak or not, or if it would even be strong enough to be felt from any distance, but he sure as hell wasn't taking any chances.

Orochimaru was lurking out there, somewhere, he could be in the village right now. Odds were, he was not, but it paid to be safe than sorry, so he had the seals on his property masking any chakra fluctuations so on the off chance, Orochimaru or one of his agents would never sense his own chakra.

And get an inkling that he could actually do this, which would put Sasuke in danger.

"Alright," Anko looked around the main garden out front as he closed the gates to his property and finished activating the seals, "So how do we go about this, do you need to draw up a seal or something?"

"Usually something like that," Daiki replied with a shrug, focusing the consciousness into a seal wasn't exactly a low tier skill, "I don't need that though."

Let it be said that the benefits of being a Jinchuuriiki seemed to be never ending. He had the innate ability already to project himself into his own seal thanks to the connection between him and Isobu, and he could apply it to others as long as there wasn't something blocking him from getting in.

And he was pretty sure he could get in with his eyes as well at this point.

Anko raised a brow at him, "That right?" she asked, "How come?"

He grinned, jabbing a thumb at his chest, "Cuz' I'm the Sanbi Jinchuuriki-sama baby, I'm a natural born badass." he boasted.

'A natural born headcase more like.' Isobu snorted.

That too.

"Uh-hu," the purple haired special jonin replied dryly, "So where to then, out here, or out back where we sparred?"

"Doesn't really matter," Daiki shrugged, "The fight will take place on the mental plane and won't really effect the physical one, so we may as well be comfortable and go sit on my awesomely comfy couch."

"Honestly, this is kinda surreal y'know?" she laughed, "Relaxing on the couch while getting rid of the thing that's been tormenting me for years, you really know how to throw a girl through a loop don'tcha?"

"Never let em' know your next move." Daiki's grin widened, before beckoning her to follow him inside.

Isobu's clone was still inside the pond having a lovely old time, and would keep an eye out if anything happened around the premises, as always.

Anko whistled as they entered the main hall, "Is this mahogany, do you know how much this crap costs?" she asked, admiring the walls of the hallway, "Really does pay to have a lil Uchiha butt buddy huh, brat?"

"Pays to be awesome you mean," Daiki wasn't really phased, homosexual jokes were as old as time where he came from, or at least much older than he was, it took a man comfortable in his own sexual orientation to discuss the looks and such of other men, "He'd definitely make a hot chick though, I do wonder though, do you think Sasuko would be stacked or slender?" he mused aloud.

Anko gave a barking laugh, "Stacked," she answered, rather swiftly at that, "Dunno if you ever saw her, but the Uchiha kids mother, Mikoto was a real looker and she could have given me a run for my money when it came to tit size, you'd think she was part Hyuuga, those tighty whitey eye chicks are always sporting massive racks, though not that I need to tell you that, huh?" she gave him a knowing look.

"Huh, good to know," Daiki mused, before shrugging, "What a lost oppurtnity, too bad Sasuke's not a chick, though a bromance isn't bad either, in fact it's probably better to have a bro, there's tons of stacked chicks about here anyway."

Shame about Mikoto though.

And Kushina obviously.

That would have been an amazing threesome, something worth bragging about. Banging the mothers of two future demigods…or gods?

You know it actually wasn't all that clear. Kaguya was a dimension creating and destroying, planet wiping bonafide goddess more or less. And Naruto and Sasuke beat her, with help sure, but they beat her.

And they, or at least Naruto had access to the Creation Of All Things come that point, he could create objects from his chakra, stop the Gate of Death from killing Gai, create literal new eyes in the eye sockets of people and connect them without issue and more.

Were Naruto and Sasuke gods themselves by the end? They at least had the abilities of ones, literal creator god Naruto.

'….Fuck.' just remembering the monsters that would come later was beginning to make him antsy.

A tap on his shoulder broke him from his thoughts and he looked over his shoulder to see Anko giving him an odd look, almost concerned, "Yo brat, you okay?" she asked, "You just zoned out there and got all quiet, even stopped walking."

Oh, right.

This totally wasn't the time to be focusing on that.

Besides, he still had a few years to grind until his muscles could flex upon a god.

"Yeah I'm good, just thinking about something that came to mind there," he waved her off, "Come on, it isn't really important right now."

"Uh-hu." Anko's raised eyebrow told him, she did not believe him.

Daiki ignored it and lead her on, through the halls and to his living room.

"Damn, I have to admit, you have good taste kid," Anko looked around his living room, to the large fireplace, soft shag carpets, expensive furniture, large television, dimmer lights, the works, "Kids who have placed of their own at your age, generally live in pig sties, but look at you, living your best life huh?"

"What do you think you're here for?" Daiki teased with a smirk, good mood returning as a sense of pride filled him.

It maybe wasn't all that big of a thing to take pride in compared to being able to fire off a massive energy bomb that could wipe out thousands in an instant.

But, he'd always been an orphan. Twice over in fact, both in this life, and his other. He'd never had a proper home to call his own, his dingy little apartment didn't count, he didn't even like inviting people over there previous to moving in here.

So he put a lot of effort into building up his home into a living space he could be proud of. And while he hadn't gotten everything he wanted so far, a lack of gaming consoles being amongst the things missing in his sweet pad, he'd done some good work here.

And he was proud.

'The garden and pond is nice, I do admit, you did good work with that.' Isobu praised him.

The giant turtle boy did like his pond, that was for sure.

'You have your lusting after females and precious grind, I have relaxing in some nice water, we are not the same.' Isobu pointed out.

Anko snorted, "Is that what the shag carpets are for? she asked in return, bending down to run her hand through the fabric, "It's really soft and cushiony, making sure we don't hurt our knees huh?"

Not really, he just liked shag carpets, he'd always hated wooden flooring or tiled flooring growing up because of cold mornings on his bare feet. Shag carpets were nice, soft and warm.

But he wasn't going to tell her that.

That was for sure.

"You don't seem all that bothered by it," Daiki pointed out, "In fact, I'd say it's a bit off that your mind went right there first."

"I've got no illusions to what's gonna happen soon kid, once this seal is taken care of, or is the little games we've been playing not been clue enough?" Anko rolled her eyes, "And you're gonna have free reign with me, No way for a second I won't believe you aren't gonna have me between your knees and sucking your dick all submissive like."

"I mean…you're not wrong." Daiki shrugged, lamely.

"Exactly," Anko huffed in amusement, "I bet Kurenai got the same treatment, right?"

"Pretty much," he nodded, "Though not really in here, we spent most of the time in my bed, all she did in here was strip and give me a little show, shaking her ass for me, before I fucked her on the couch and dragged her back to my room."

"….That sounds awfully boring," Anko pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him, "I mean, I know she's a cold fish personality wise, but ouch, that explanation was drier than any little boys ass crack my old sensei has slithered his way up inside."

Daiki almost shivered in sympathy for Sasuke.

Not his Sasuke of course, because no way was Orochimaru getting anywhere near his buddies ass crack, but Sasuke from the other timeline.

Poor guy.

There had to be a reason for the butt rope, surely.

And Daiki knew his buddy well enough, to bet that if he offered a really powerful jutsu in exchange that would help him kill Itachi, Sasuke use Naruto's Sexy Jutsu if asked.

His buddy ol' bro really was broke.

'I'll need to fix him.' Daiki nodded to himself, before turning his attention back to Anko, "The dirty talk was pretty boring, I do admit, it was basically all the same thing, the submissiveness was great and doing whatever I wanted with her even better, but she didn't have much going on upstairs to formulate some good ol' words."

It may have been his ego talking, but he sure did love the idea of girls squealing out lots of dirty talk about how great and amazing he was.

'Some would call that a coping mechanism for hiding from your own insecurities, but I won't.' Isobu commented.

….He just did though.

Alright, so he needed the hype to keep going and make even himself believe his own boasts and making his plans work out.

He was self aware enough to know that, even if he pointedly ignored it and lived in his own little illusion.

He needed to believe he could accomplish what he needed to, otherwise it would be impossible. Taking Kaguya out of the equation, Madara was a monster, capable of defeating the reigning Kage with ease, slapping around all nine bijuu, alongside Naruto, Sasuke and Gaara, a kage, with little effort.

Without the deus ex machina that was Ashura and Indra's souls being attached to Naruto and Sasuke and being able to give them a power up boost, nobody currently alive in this world stood a chance against even mortal Madara, never mind Six Paths Madara.

Regular old Daiki and Isobu could never defeat him.

But, it was a different story for the Legendary Sanbi-Sama Grind Master Daiki who grew stronger every day, learned new techniques as he breathed and was so amazing and powerful people bowed in awe, women gushed for at the crotch and enemies bent over and prepared for an anal violation because they knew they could never escape his awesome legendary prowess.

That was the kind of figure he had to be, to defeat Madara.

Because in the end, even with the powers of Ashura and Indra, Naruto and Sasuke were still at a disadvantage against Madara.

If not for Kaguya ganking him, he probably would have won.

Thankfully, Daiki's heavy mood didn't last for long and he was able to bury the thoughts to the bottom once again.

Women were a mans greatest coping mechanism, and he had a hell of a woman right beside him.

"Huh, how sad, Yuhi really failed to deliver fully huh?" Anko shook her head and clicked her tongue, "How disappointing, but really, it's Yuhi after all, she's a bit of a lush."

She then shrugged her coat off, draping it over the arm of his couch and leaving her only in her tight, short orange mini skirt that came down to mid-thigh at best, and her mesh top, the contours of her large, perfectly shaped breasts obvious to his eyes through the mesh.

She gave him a toothy smirk, crossing her arms under her huge breasts and pushing them up, making her mountainous cleavage swell to ever greater depths, "So how we doing this then?" Anko asked.

Blood rushed south and all thoughts from before were swept over by the wave of red that shot down.

Daiki licked his lips, and walked passed her to sit on the couch, spreading his legs a bit, "I just need access to the seal, so why not come have a seat here then?" he pat his lap.

Anko stared at him for a moment, before grinning impishly, "Alright, daddy~" she rolled the word with her tongue and fluttered her eyelashes at him. It was almost a bit odd to see such an act on such an abrasive, confident and strong wo-

Anko reached down, grasped her mesh shirt at the top of her skirt, and promptly, pulled it up over her head in one motion, leaving her torso bare. Large, creamy breasts jiggled into view, tapped with small, juicy pink nipples and Anko then proceeded to skip over to him, making those huge melons bounce deliciously on her chest.

Then turned and deposited her full, luscious rear into his lap.

'You know that does bring up the question,' Isobu mused before he could truly take in and enjoy the sights and the feeling of this gorgeous woman in his lap, 'You are looking to empower your allies for later as well, when we crush this shard of Orochimaru, do you want its chakra for your own, or shall we give it to Anko to empower her? For you, it would be a few weeks of effort, but for her, it would be months of hard work at least.'

…..What brought up that question though?

'Madara.' Isobu supplied helpfully.


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