Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 141: Grinding On Snakes - 3

Chapter 141: Grinding On Snakes - 3

He only had eight days before old man Hokage took over his training, which left Daiki with literally only a week to work down the massive list of things he had to learn.

It wasn't very long at all.

Even with his abuse of the shadow clone training method, it was all but impossible to finish up the entire list.

Granted, that was half because a lot of his clones were busy working away at developing the seal to squish Shisui's Sharingan inside his Shinkugan after the breakthrough he'd gotten when he saw Kakashi using the Evil Sealing Method.

But even if he'd been able to direct all his clones towards learning the jutsu and such he'd picked up, it would still have been unlikely he could learn them all.

And so here Daiki found himself now, seven days later, standing in the backyard of his home, examining his hand.

And the crackling aura of blue electricity shrouding it.

Lightning Release: Chakra Mode.

Perhaps the most important jutsu of all now within his repertoire currently, the jutsu that would go hand in hand with his bijuu forms to increase his fighting ability beyond their limits and one of the cards he needed for the future if he wanted to stand a chance against some of the monsters that would crawl out of the woodwork later.

'And unfortunately, incomplete.' Daiki clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Or rather, it wasn't the jutsu itself that was incomplete, but rather he himself. The biggest problem with the jutsu itself, was getting the lightning chakra composition right enough to enhance himself, yet at the same time, not fry his nerves.

Many of his clones had died rather grizzly deaths over the past week in the attempt to master the jutsu.

It was no wonder the jutsu was so hard to come by. An average shinobi would have killed themselves in the process of learning this jutsu.

The real problem was, there was only so low the output of the lightning chakra could be lowered to, before it became useless as far as enhancements went.

No, the real problem wasn't the jutsu itself, but rather-

Daiki's body wasn't strong enough currently to withstand using the lightning armour without damaging himself.

And if not for his innate healing factor from both Isobu and the fragment of gelel within the seal on his neck, he'd at best only be able to use it for a few seconds before his body went numb.

'As it is I can use it for about a minute before I have to stop.' he mused, cutting off the chakra flow and allowing the crackling aura of lightning to disappear from around his body.

"Well that's annoying." Daiki rolled his eyes and sat down on his backside, staring up at the sky.

It really put into perspective how tough the Raikage and his bloodline was. A's family were known for their stupidly tough bodies and endurance.

Especially when taken into account how high Daiki's own endurance was now.

With a thought, he brought up his status screen.


Name: Daiki Yurei

Age: 13

Chakra Capacity: 187,000/187,000 (Low-Tier Kage)

Strength: 201/?

Endurance: 281/?

Durability: 201/?

Agility: 201/?

Taijutsu: 215/500

Ninjutsu: 350/500

Genjutsu: 70/500

Bukijutsu: 140/500

Chakra Control: 290/500

Chakra Affinities:

Lightning - (Expert): Lightning flashes.

Water - (Expert): The sea parts before you.

Wind - (Expert): Howling hurricane winds.

Fuinjutsu - (Advanced): The breath hitches.


Two hundred and eighty one. It was by far his highest physical stat, and all his other ones had now broken into two hundred over the past week of training as well. A milestone for sure.

Yet even with that and his durability being over two hundred, he could only endure the technique for a minute even with what amounted to regeneration.

How annoying.

'Well, only one thing for it.' he mused, pushing himself up and dusting himself off.

He would just have to continue with the grind.

The answer to all things.

And well, it wasn't like the lightning armour had been all he had accomplished in the past week. He'd taken the time to properly learn how to use chakra strings, steal that sunglass wearing douche's chakra absorption technique and even the Mystical Peacock Method and a few others.

Not to mention he'd had quite a few clones working on the wind training he remembered Naruto going through and in the process of learning the Lightning Armour, he'd ascended to the expert level of the lightning release.

Not bad at all Daiki mused.

'Not bad he says,' Isobu snorted, 'A technique that has more or less been one of the reasons the Raikage's family has ruled Kumo as their kage's entirely, and your only problem is you're not tough enough to handle it fully yet. I could have told you that before you even managed to get the technique down.'

'To be fair, that technique wasn't actually that hard to learn.' Daiki pointed out. It was actually pretty simple compared to some of his other techniques. The real problem with the jutsu was being strong enough to withstand it and the stupidly huge chakra drain from using it.

Because it drained chakra rapidly as well, that was for sure. Though that wasn't as big an issue for him thanks to Isobu and his Heavenly Star Seal.

It was no wonder only the Raikage and his family used it despite how easy the jutsu was to reverse engineer. Without a body strong enough to handle it and stupid huge chakra reserves, it was more a disadvantage to use than an advantage.

'Mmm, give it a year or so, maybe a year and a half and you'll probably be able to use it without any drawbacks.' Isobu mused.

Not too bad a timeframe to be honest. As long as he could use it properly by time shippuden came around and Akatsuki started to really make their moves, then it was kosher.

Besides, it wasn't like it was something he couldn't use at all right now anyway. He could still use it for short bursts here and there if needed and would work well in a pinch.

He really wanted to try it out with his bijuu cloak as well to see how stupidly fast he was with it.

'That'll have to wait, you have a guest.' Isobu dashed that idea quickly.

Oh well.

"It sure is troublesome being so popular sometimes." Daiki snorted with a shrug.

A moment later a shadow descended from above and landed a few feet from him. A familiar voluptuous, tan trench coat wearing purple haired snake lady.

"I have a door you know," Daiki commented, raising an eyebrow at her, "Also a doorbell, which guests are supposed to ring."

"You also have a really punchable face, but you don't see me busting your nose in now do you?" Anko retorted with a grin.

"And you have a spankable ass but you don't see me leaving my hand prints on it," he shot back, "Besides, not that you could even if you wanted to." Daiki added.


Well, she most likely could while he was in his base and he fought her with no enhancements. Anko wasn't exactly a one trick pony like Kurenai, she was the one time apprentice of Orochimaru for a reason. He knew for a fact that she was not only skilled in taijutsu, but genjutsu and ninjutsu as well, he knew she was at least proficient in fire style as far as jutsu went alongside knowing some forbidden jutsu.

"Not like you don't want to with how much you were drooling over me before brat," Anko fired back grin widening and not at all phased about his comment about her ass, in fact she proudly cocked her hip to the side, "And we'll be seeing about me punching your face in now anyway since it seems you're not all that busy."

'That you know of.' he said mentally. Even right now he had a good hundred or so shadow clones within Isobu's personal dimension grinding away. Though at least fifty of them were working on his new seal.

Hmm, now that he thought about it, he'd need a name for his new seal?

'Bloodline grinder seal maybe?' he thought idly.

'No.' Isobu vetoed him immediately.


"I honestly expected you to to turn up here a while ago." Daiki dropped the banter and got down to business.

"I wanted to, but you obviously had some shit to work on," Anko shrugged, "As desperate as I am to get rid of this shitty seal, I've dealt with it for like a decade at this point, I can manage a few extra weeks."

"And since I look to be taking a break, you decided to pop over now?" he pointed out. He'd caught her watching him over the past week while he trained, though she hadn't approached beyond watching him for a bit and then leaving.

"That and by the looks of it, nobody else is coming by today like your little Hyuuga minion." Anko replied, shamelessly not trying to hide at all that she'd been keeping an eye on him.

"Apprentice." he corrected her. Hanabi had really grown on him and she practically hung on his every word. She'd came over every day since the end of the exams to train with him.

The only reason she wasn't over today was she had training today with her father apparently.

Beyond her, nobody had really visited him. Tenten came over for a bit to let him know she'd be pretty busy helping Neji with his training because he couldn't rely on his clan, and Gai was left unmentioned, though he was probably busy with Rock Lee.

And Sasuke came over for a bit to let him know he was going off somewhere to train for Kakashi and probably wouldn't see him again until the exams. Most likely Kakashi was getting him ready for the possibility of facing Gaara and teaching him the Chidori.

...Though, he had no idea what was going on with Naruto in that regard. Either or could have a decent shot at facing Gaara first. Hopefully he didn't just get parked with Ebisu. Granted, Ebisu would be a way teacher for him than Kakashi for preparing, he just hoped it wasn't like that because of how neglectful that would be on Kakashi's part.

"Sure," Anko shrugged off his correction before looking around the backyard, "I gotta admit though, this is a pretty swanky place, how'd a kid like you afford a place like this?"

"Some luck and a lot of effort," Daiki replied, "Most of the money came from the bounty for Raiga Kurosaki and Sasuke owns this entire district since he's the last of his clan, he gave me a good deal since we have an epic bromance and all."

Anko blinked, "Oh yeah, you did kill that guy didn't you?" she tapped her chin, then smirked at him, "But the Uchiha kid huh? He is rather pretty for a guy, something you'd like to share?"

"He's my male boo, nothing gay about it, though if he were a chick he'd probably be hot as shit," Daiki shrugged, he was comfortable enough with who he was to admit Sasuke was a good looking guy, and as a chick would probably be a hottie like his mother, he'd hit that for sure, "But as far as sharing goes, since you seem to like my house so much I can give you a personal tour if you like, I recommend my bedroom and my bed."

"I'm good for now thanks brat," Anko laughed, "I'm sure I'll see enough of it once you deal with this seal of mine." she shrugged.

Hmm, was it right of him to entertain the idea of bedding her when he was already possibly going to be in a relationship with Tenten? 'I guess as long as it happens before I get together with her, it's free game.' he shrugged.

Instead of letting any of his inner thoughts on the matter show, Daiki stroked his chin, "I should probably reinforce my bed with seals." he mused aloud and grinned wickedly at the purple haired woman.

"Have at it," Anko shrugged, not at all bothered by the implications of his words, "Like I said, if you deal with this seal for me, you can do whatever you want with me, you can try and blow my back out and make me walk bow legged for a month if that's what you want."

Damn, this woman was something else. Somehow, the way she treated it so casually that she was his use to his hearts content as long as he upheld his sign of the bargain, was really sexy.

Was it the submission of such a strong, beautiful confident woman maybe?

He put it out of mind for now, no use letting that thought distract him, right now, it was time to partake in something much more amazing than mere sex.

It was time to grind.

"Alright, so how we going about this then?" Daiki asked.

"Let's just fight," Anko replied, "It'll be easier for you to get a feel for at least partly how my old bastard of a teacher fights through fighting me, I'll show you everything he taught me, then later I'll run you through learning the shit yourself."

Daiki's lips twisted up into an excited grin, "Now you're speaking my language."

"Funny, I thought you language was more along the lines of, 'Oh Daiki-sama you're so big'." Anko snorted.

"I'm multilingual," Daiki fired back, "Good to see you're learning it for later though."

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