Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 25: Elementary School Student-Nick Fury

Chapter 25: Elementary School Student-Nick Fury

Furui is a personal essence. I can tell by looking at Zhang Lan's state that this must be a guy who rarely kills or even kills people at all.

Even if a few people were killed, it wouldn't be as disturbing as Zhang Lan now.

See through it or not, Fry let people send dinner for two, Chinese style, standard four dishes and one soup, rice renjia.

After eating in a trance, Zhang Lan finally eased up and remembered the main task tonight.

"Thank you! Director Fury."

Zhang Lan sincerely thanked Fury, that is, thanking him for helping him handle his feet, and also thanking him for his quiet meal, the length of a game, but there was no such idle time.

"No, you deserve me to do this, can I discuss things now? This parliamentary room is specially made without any metal, so you can rest assured." Fury is still not used to the way of handwritten dialogue, slow Say, tired.

"Ah, okay, what do you want to know, ask first, and then I will mention my request." Zhang Lan nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

"So first of all, why did you suddenly explode and die? Is it related to showing me that piece of information?" Fury asked.

"Yes, you must understand how terrifying this kind of talent is, relative, and the price is also high." Zhang Lan paused for a moment, thinking about the sentence.

"If its just me who knows it and then does something for self-interest, then I will profit because of it, but if I tell others about the future, the greater the likelihood that the person who knows will change the future, I will be destined. The more severe the pressure is on." Zhang Lan bite clearly, very seriously.

Furi heard the words and took a drool in silence.

"Just like you told me that I might die in the future, and I knew it in advance, I wouldnt die, and Im the director of SHIELD. Those who plan to kill me must have something more important to do, otherwise they wont. Move me so easily, and I'm not dead is likely to cause a major event that may happen in the future to be blocked, so you will be attacked by unknown forces?"

Furi was very clever, and also gave a chestnut, so Zhang Lan was very worried, no need to think about how to continue to explain.

"Yes, that's basically it, and there is a feeling in me, just like I know to tell you about your future, I will be injured, but I won't really die, I can live, but if you let I tell you who is the Hydra in SHIELD. First, I dont know. Second, I can feel that if I tell you the full list, I may die before I finish talking."

added another condition, so that in the future he does not want or is not easy to say directly, he can use this excuse to stigmatize the past.

"So, what happened to you when you were resurrected?" Fury asked the question he was most concerned about.

Rebirth from death, if you can master this ability, the agents of SHIELD will be the most powerful in the world, because they teach the brave to fear death.

"This is... um," Zhang Lan stopped talking again, and only continued with a trace of blood coming out of his nose.

"Principles I can't explain for the time being, I can only tell you that this is an energy system in my hometown. I occasionally see some of these cultivation methods to master, h"

Finally, Zhang Lan squeezed the ninja seal and released three avatars. Fury was very curious to touch it, but just like touching the air, he passed it directly.

"This is N-level ninjutsu, called avatar." Zhang Lan explained: "There is no entity. If I say entity... Shadow avatar!"

In his speech, Zhang Lan released the shadow avatar again, summoned the shadow avatar, and then Yingfen shook hands with Fury.

Rao was very deep and surprised, and asked about the characteristics of the shadow avatar. Zhang Lan told Fry about the advantages and disadvantages.

Speaking of shortcomings, also hope that Fury can help solve him,

Fery did not let him down either. After listening, he pondered for a while and found a way.

"With regard to the good solution to the problem of mental fatigue, our agents usually only rest for two or three hours a day or even three or four days because of the task, but they are still full of energy, that is, the use of deep sleep medicine can reach extremely deep One level of sleep, one hour is equivalent to three hours of light sleep, but the flaw is that you can't be alert to your surroundings."

Zhang Lan was very pleasantly surprised by this. It does not matter if he is alert. He can call the shadow avatar to be alert, and he can do some things by the way, so that he can have at least 24 hours of activity time a day.

"Blue, this potion doesn't matter. I can give you as much as you want, even other conditions. As long as I don't overdo it, I can promise you on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., what do you think?" Fury suddenly behaved generously.

But Zhang Lan clearly smelled the conspiracy, and as soon as he rolled his eyes, he knew what Fury was paying attention to.

"Do you want to learn these ninjutsu? It's the abilities I just said." Zhang Lan said: "No problem, in fact, in addition to ninjutsu, we can also learn body and illusion, But the only thing I will use for illusion is the one I just used for you."

agreed very easily, after all, he is willing to teach, but also you can learn it?

"Really? Great Blue, the US government will remember your contribution. I believe the President will definitely be willing to award you a medal." Despite the doubts about Zhang Lan's ease, Fury still boasted.

Zhang Lan didn't love this kind of medal of honor for a dime, and actually started to ask for it.

"That line, let me talk about my conditions first. First, you must help me to catch the robber who killed my uncle, I want to be complete and alive."

"This is very simple, no problem." Fury agreed.

"Second, I need you to arrange a person who is proficient in combat, psychology, and firearms. I want to learn these." Zhang Lan continued to ask.

"This is simple, many people can do it in the game," Fury replied.

"Well, I want beautiful beauties to teach, big breasts, blond hair, and a pair of charming eyes, well... for the time being." Zhang Lan saw that Fury promised so easy, and added a few more .

Furi has been in contact with Zhang Lan for so long, UU reading slowly figured out his character.

Simply put, the personality is not much different from the ordinary residents of the earth, so Fury is also trying to slow down his serious face, hoping to be able to narrow the relationship with Zhang Lan.

After hearing Zhang Lan's last request, he laughed exaggeratedly, and then said bluntly, he must arrange the most beautiful and powerful single girl of SHIELD to him, and by the way learn the knowledge about ninjutsu with Zhang Lan.

Seeing that Fury suddenly became so good to speak, Zhang Lan was also puzzled. After comparing Fury with the movie, he concluded that the agent king can easily control his emotions.

'S normal expressionless face should be his real expression.

With this in mind, Zhang Lan didn't want to care so much either, and on the spot, he pulled Fury and began to teach Chakra to practice.

The first time he taught Peter, it only took a few minutes to learn. Now he wants to see Nick Fury, who is the limit of ordinary people. Can he learn and how long will he learn?

Facts have proved that it is really difficult for ordinary people to practice Chakra. Three hours have passed, and Fury is still touching his own braised egg head, trying unknownly.

"Boom boom!"

A rhythmic knock on the door sounded.

Fery, like a pupil who caught the opportunity to skip class, rubbed from the ground to the door to open the door. Agent Colson saw him squint, and after a few words with Fry whispered, he left.

From the beginning to the end, without staying in the house for a second, it is really a self-serving agent template.

Furry closed the door and asked Zhang Lan unintentionally: "The military just lost a fighter and was shot down by UFO. Do you know anything?"

Naked temptation!

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