Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 795: Kabuto’s Shock

Chapter 795: Kabuto’s Shock

Kabuto’s expression changed, realizing that Kanpū’s main body had arrived. However, as the business was currently bustling, he couldn't afford to be distracted and could only give him an apologetic smile before continuing to happily cook Oden.

They remained busy until two in the afternoon when Konoha Tavern finally quieted down.

“Jugo, close the shop.” Kabuto instructed the sweating Jugo with a smile.

“I got it.”

After working tirelessly, Jugo’s brows were beaded with sweat, but his expression was extremely comfortable, because kind of day was exactly what he had dreamt of.

Kimimaro blinked his innocent eyes and hurried over to help.

“My lord, this way please.” Kabuto said with a smile.

Kabuto is not stupid. He knew that since Kanpū had come in person, there must be something important. However, since Kanpū allowed him to continue cooking the oden, it shows that this matter is not very urgent.

“Business is very good. Looks like I don't need to sponsor you anymore in the future.”

Kanpū said in a good mood. It’s because his shadow clones left in Otogakure has all been disbanded. The memories retrieved did not show any other left arms, so if there’s no problem, the left arm in the basement is Shin’s!

The two went to the basement. At this time, Kanpū’s shadow clone was awake, standing still beside the left arm.

“My Lord, this arm…” Kabuto immediately noticed the left arm immersed in a special liquid in a glass container.

“This is something I stole from Orochimaru. It has extremely high research value!” Kanpū said seriously.

Kabuto looked at him with confusion.

Kanpū chuckled mysteriously and said: “The owner of this arm is called Uchiha Shin.”

“Uchiha Clan’s Shinobi?” Kabuto’s eyes flashed with surprise.

‘As Konoha’s Missing-nin, how could Orochimaru be associated with the Uchiha Clan’s people?’

“Uchiha Shin is not from Uchiha Clan. He only transplanted Uchiha Clan’s Sharingan, so he adopted the Uchiha surname.” Kanpū explained, “Now, do you understand?”

Kabuto nodded, and immediately shook his head: “My Lord, I still don’t understand.”

Kanpū’s shadow clone beside them couldn't bear it and exclaimed: “Idiot! What the main body means is that Uchiha Shin, after transplanting the Sharingan, showed no rejection, indicating his extremely unique constitution!”

‘A constitution unique enough to accommodate any foreign organ or tissue? Is that what the Lord meant?’

Kabuto revealed an awkward smile: ‘How can I tactfully tell the Lord that this impossible thing, without hurting his feelings?’

As for Shin’s Sharingan, Kabuto felt that since there is no rejection, it can only show that Shin has a relatively high degree of matching with this pair of Sharingan, but even so, it is impossible to have no rejection.

“My Lord…”

Kabuto hesitated to speak, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Kanpū, “No need to say more, just proceed with the experiment!”


What else can Kabuto say? He could only grab the glass container and head down to the basement’s second floor.

Kanpū’s shadow clone subconsciously followed, but was rudely stopped by Kanpū: “You are a shadow clone, just stay here and watch.”

Kanpū’s shadow clone at that moment wanted to curse the main body, feeling that he is discriminating against shadow clone.

Coming to the basement’s second floor, Kanpū looked around. The space here was enormous, about the size of two basketball courts. Bright lights hung from the ceiling, illuminating the area, and there is many huge glassware on the walls on both sides, which all contained deformed bandits!

Apart from that, there were various large medical instruments.

After looking around, Kanpū asked: “How many Shodaime’s cells are left?”

Back then, Kanpū had obtained three bottles of Hashirama’s cells from Root. After using some for Impure World Reincarnation for his own use, he entrusted the rest to his shadow clone. Whenever Kabuto needed some, he could simply request it from the shadow clone. However, after finding it too troublesome later, Kanpū handed them all over to Kabuto.

“My Lord, there's one bottle left.” Kabuto put replied as he placed the glass container in his hands on the experimental table. Then, he took out a glass bottle containing Hashirama’s cells from a nearby medical cabinet and extracted a bit of it.

Kanpū put his hands on the table and asked: “Kabuto, let me ask you a question. If we tear off a piece of skin from this hand, then transplant Shodaime’s cells onto it, and then transplant this piece of skin onto someone else, do you think it will work?”

Kabuto responded quickly: “Grafting method?”

Kanpū slammed the table: “Exactly! Kabuto, can you do it?”

‘If it can be done, then this hand can make a lot of ‘Wood Release Ninjutsu’!’

Kabuto skillfully took out the arm from the glass container and carefully transplanted Hashirama’s cells, and at the same time, he replied: “Of course, it's impossible.”

“Why?” Kanpū became displeased.

“My Lord, even if this arm truly doesn't exhibit rejection towards Shodaime’s cells as you said, the power contained within Shodaime’s cells is extremely domineering. A mere piece of skin is not enough to withstand this power, and once this piece of skin is transplanted to someone else, the power of Shodaime’s cells will definitely overflow and destroy that person.”

‘So that’s it.’

Kanpū sighed.

At the same time, Kabuto also completed the transplant, and then, he quickly placed the arm into a large glass container not far away, filled it with a special liquid, and sealed it.

The transplanted arm floated in the liquid, quietly drifting.

While lighting up some switches under the glass container, Kabuto explained: “My Lord, within half an hour at most, the power of Shodaime’s cells will completely take over this arm, and the rejection symptoms will occur simultaneously.”

Kanpū nodded, not offering further explanations.

Time passed gradually.

Kabuto’s expression while looking at the glass container became increasingly serious.

‘It’s almost half an hour, why hadn't there been the slightest sign of rejection on this arm?’

‘Could this arm truly accommodate any foreign organ or tissue, including Shodaime’s cells?’

‘This must be a joke!’

‘If that were the case, doesn’t it mean that eyes, ears, and anything else could be transplanted onto this arm and survive?’

Cold sweat started appearing on Kabuto’s forehead: ‘That Uchiha Shin is truly a monster!’

“Half an hour is up.” Kanpū has been paying attention to the time.

Kabuto turned his head, revealing a bitter smile. Suddenly, his entire being came alive, especially his eyes, shining brightly as if they were 3000-watt light bulbs, radiant and full of life!

“My Lord, please let me study this arm! No, if possible, please invite Uchiha Shin here to participate in the experiment!” Kabuto said very excitedly.

Kanpū also wanted that. He can’t wait to disassemble Shin to pieces, with each person getting a share of his body. If only he could have Shin's body to himself.

Unfortunately, when Kanpū arrived at Otogakure, Orochimaru had already left with Shin. He was a step too late.

Moreover, with Orochimaru’s suspicious methods, he would undoubtedly leave behind some backup when leaving Otogakure!

So, Kanpū’s stealing Shin’s arm is probably not hidden from Orochimaru. In other words, the possibility of Kanpū catching up with Shin in Sunagakure in the future is almost zero.

Although it is somewhat regrettable, there was still a gain.

‘With this arm, Shisui will would be able to fly side by side with Obito in the future.’

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