Naked Sword Art

Chapter 287: Li ChangYing's Message

Chapter 287: Li ChangYing's Message

Back at the Nameless guild house, the moment Xiao Fang arrived with Ye Ming and Yan Mei, Yan Mei suddenly fell on her knees as if to kowtow to Xiao Fang. However, before she could, Xiao Fang quickly helped her up.

"This is all my fault. I wanted to tell you earlier, but-" Yan Mei said tearfully.

Xiao Fang let out a brief sigh

"Don't worry, Yan Mei. I know," he said as he gently raised her chin. "But from now on, no more secrets. Stay close to me and I will protect you."

"D-Does that mean I can stay?" Yan Mei asked.

"Mn. Just leave the White Jade guild to me."

Suddenly, Ye Ming lightly cleared her throat to get Xiao Fang's attention.

"Long Wang, can we talk?" Ye Ming said.

Xiao Fang could tell that she was disturbed by something, so he nodded.

"Get changed first," he replied.

Realizing that she was still naked under Xiao Fang's cloak, she became a bit embarrassed. Ye Ming quickly left to change.

After she left, Xiao Fang walked Yan Mei over to her private quarters. Along the way, he learned a little bit about how the White Jade guild operated, but when they reached her door, he informed her about the mission team he established earlier today.

"Will we be going on a guild mission tomorrow?" she asked.

"Mn, so be ready."

[ Xiao Fang's Office ]

With a brush in hand, Xiao Fang was practicing inscriptions when Ye Ming approached his door. However, before she could knock, the door suddenly opened on it's own as Xiao Fang mentally opened it using [ Reaper's Grasp ].

"Come in," he said.

Shortly after she stepped inside, Xiao Fang eventually put his brush down as the inscription paper began to glow.

"Was there something you wanted to speak to me about?" he asked.

"Yes. A Dragon-Class disciple by the name of Li ChangYing came looking for you earlier today. After I told her you weren't here, she asked that I give you this," Ye Ming said while taking out a small scroll from her spatial pouch.

Xiao Fang took the scroll, then slowly raised one side of his blindfold as he began to read it. Seeing his violet eyes reminded Ye Ming of the time she caught him having sex with Xue Li in the bath place. She thought she forgot about it, but as soon as she saw his violet eyes again it immediately sparked that memory.

Ye Ming's cheeks started to turn pink as her heart started to race. Xiao Fang was a bit distracted by her pounding heart, but he couldn't understand why she was reacting like that when he was neither horny nor looking directly at her. Either way, he still covered his eyes after he was done reading.

The scroll was fairly brief.

'Return the technique, or pay with blood.'

Xiao Fang felt a bit of a headache coming on.

'First the White Jade guild, now this. It hasn't even been a week since I started this guild. I need to start making some friends and allies before I'm surrounded by enemies,' Xiao Fang thought as he put the scroll away.

"What technique is she talking about?" Ye Ming asked curiously.

Xiao Fang raised an eyebrow at Ye Ming when he realized that she read his scroll.

"I might've taken a quick peek," Ye Ming confessed. "But after the way she treated me, you're lucky I even gave it to you at all," she complained.

"Did she hurt you?" Xiao Fang asked.

Ye Ming was a bit surprised by that question. Earlier, when he saved them from Gao Liwen, she assumed he was only doing it for Yan Mei, but now it seemed like he really cared about her well-being as well.

"That... not really. She just trapped me in an illusion before I could even do anything. Those Dragon-Class disciples are really on a whole different level. You should probably do as she said to avoid future troubles," Ye Ming suggested.

"I suppose that would be the smart thing to do. Besides, I already learned the technique, so I have no use for it anyways," he replied, as he picked up his brush to continue practicing his inscriptions again.

"So... What technique did you take from her anyways?" Ye Ming asked again in a bit of a mischievous tone as she approached his table.

Xiao Fang pretended to reach into his spatial pouch as he pulled the technique out of his spatial ring. However, it wasn't just a single technique, it was a collection of techniques with the same fundamentals compiled into a single book, the front cover of which was titled [ Misdirection ].

Ye Ming's jaw dropped.

Seeing this book, Ye Ming finally understood why Li Changying was being so dramatic in the message she left for him. Xiao Fang didn't just have [ Misdirection Punch ] and [ Misdirection Step ], but the book contained all the Misdirection techniques one could learn. Although Ye Ming didn't fear the girls in the Li Family Clan, she still felt like she was committing a crime just by touching the book.

"This is the Li Family Guild's special technique. How were you able to steal something like this from them!?"

"I didn't steal it, it was given to me."

Despite what he said, she found that hard to believe.

"Alright that's enough of that. If you want something to learn, try this one out for size." Xiao Fang said as he took out a scroll.

"What's this?" Ye Ming asked as she received it from him.

"Just like the Li Family Guild, every major guild has their own sqecial technique that they teach to the members of their guild. The technique I'm giving you today will be the Nameless guild's very own signature technique. I trust you will learn it well," Xiao Fang said.

"Solid Clone?" she said as she read the name of the technique.

Xiao Fang knew she was doubtful, so he gave her a brief demonstration.


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