Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 91: Exaggerate With Everything You Have!

Chapter 91: Exaggerate With Everything You Have!

The process was similar to when Chen Chu and the others had first arrived. After disembarking, the new students lined up to receive their weapons and the luggage containing their battle armor.

As he and the others walked over, Chen Chu politely said, "Hello. I'm Chen Chu, and these are my classmates. We’re all from Nantian Martial Arts High School. Due to urgent matters, Ms. Liu Feixu and Senior Colonel Zhang Hong couldn't come. Therefore, I'm responsible for welcoming you all and taking you to the base hotel."

Chen Chu wasn't wearing a helmet. His exceptionally handsome face and polite demeanor instantly earned him some favor from the two teachers.

The male teacher with a refined and courteous demeanor smiled and said, "Hello, Chen Chu and everyone. I am Zhao Zhilong, a teacher from Heshan Martial Arts High School."

The other teacher, with a sturdy physique resembling a sports coach, also politely said, "I'm Xiao Hai, the leading teacher from Linchuan Martial Arts High School. Thank you for your work."

While Chen Chu was exchanging greetings with the teachers, the newly arrived students looked curiously in their direction, especially at Xia Youhui and the others’ extravagant battle armors. Shimmered with golden brilliance, or adorned with magnificent wings, they emanated a strong sense of edgy style.

Facing those gazes, Xia Youhui and his companions didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, with their helmets gripped in their left hands, they held their heads high, appearing quite proud.


Among the new students, a handsome young man couldn't help but sneer. "These guys are so ridiculous, just randomly modifying their battle armor. Don’t they know that it was specifically designed to perfectly balance defense, speed, and other things? All these added metal wings and thickened armor are just adding weight that seriously slows them down. It might as well be useless now."

As soon as the young man finished speaking, Xia Youhui expressed his dissatisfaction. "You over there, you're being superficial. On the battlefield, without reinforced armor, sniper bullets can break through with just one shot. Agility and speed won't matter then; staying alive is the only important thing."

Li Meng on the side chimed in, "Exactly! These newcomers don't understand anything. They've never experienced charging through a hail of bullets from thousands of rebels."

"Yeah, I still remember when I charged in through heavy machine gun fire, and I brought down both the enemy and their fortress with a single swing," Yuan Chenghuang bragged without reservation.

Pointing at the chest armor with a concave dent, Bai Mu sneered. "Look here. I was ambushed by a Blood Cultist, and I took a sniper bullet right in the chest. If I’d been wearing regular armor, I’d have a fist-sized hole right here. You want to talk to me about agility? How useful is that if you’re dead?

"And this was just from a bullet; on the battlefield, there are a whole bunch of different things flying everywhere. Look at the back of my armor here. I got hit by shrapnel from a heavy artillery shell back then. If I’d had your lightweight armor back then, instead of just some bruising, my spine would have been pierced and broken by the impact..."

Listening to these boasts, the new students were immediately silenced. However, not everyone was so naive. A male student pointed at Chen Chu. "Wait a minute, if thickening the armor is so practical, why hasn't that person modified his battle armor?"

"You're talking about Ah Chu. Can he even be compared to ordinary people?" Xia Youhui's gaze was peculiar.

Liu Feng nodded. "That's right. Chen Chu is different from us. He's a genius from our school, and he’s already taken down several Third Heavenly Realm Blood Cultists. On top of that, he once infiltrated a rebel camp. After slaying all of the cultivators, he beheaded a level 3 mutated bull with a single saber strike."


Upon hearing about Chen Chu's supposed feat, the students who understood the significance of such an accomplishment involuntarily gasped. They looked at the handsome young man in amazement, their eyes filled with awe.

Several of the girls' eyes flickered with admiration, causing Chen Chu to feel a bit embarrassed under their gaze.

These guys are exaggerating way too much. Especially Liu Feng. Hit by shell fragments? It’s clearly a dent caused by the sharp corner of Li Meng’s hammer when they were sparring yesterday.

Only Chen Chu and his group were aware of these details, however. The students and teachers, meanwhile, were finding it somewhat challenging to distinguish between truth and exaggeration.

Before coming, they had known that Leisteru City was one of Kyrola's major cities, and that there had indeed been a battle that annihilated the remaining force of over two thousand rebels.

But slaying a level 3 mutated beast, especially a bovine-type known for its defense and strength, seems quite implausible even if this student named Chen Chu is exceptionally powerful. He would have to be in the Third Heavenly Realm and practice top tier high-level arts. But how is that possible? He's only been in the first year of high school for two and a half months, and he’s already broken through to the Third Heavenly Realm? What a monster... Thinking about this, the two teachers couldn't help but exchange a glance.

No wonder they sent him as the welcoming representative.


Chen Chu cleared his throat, concerned with how far the exaggeration would potentially go, and suggested, "It's getting late. Shall we get on the trucks?"

Zhao Zhilong nodded. With a gentle demeanor, he said, "Certainly. On the way, I would have to trouble you to explain the situation here to us."

"That’s part of our duties; it’s no trouble at all. By the way, before getting on, I suggest the new students go to those two rooms over there and change into their armor."

"Change into their armor now? Is Leisteru that dangerous?" Xiao Hai was puzzled.

Before Pang Long and the others had come last time, Hong Zetian had coordinated with the military to set up a trap for some of the rebels. That was why they had Chen Chu and the others put on their battle armor as soon as they had disembarked from the plane.

Before Xiao Hai and the others had come, however, the information they had received was that the current situation in Leisteru City had stabilized, and that there were only some ordinary Blood Cultists and scattered rebels left to be dealt with.

Chen Chu smiled faintly. "On the day we arrived, we encountered a rebel attack. One of our classmates was blasted away by a grenade. If he hadn't been wearing his armor, he would have died on the spot. The situation is rather stable now, and the rebels and Blood Cultists are all in hiding. However, safety comes first. A lot of these guys are lunatics, and aren’t afraid of dying at all. Their actions can’t be fully predicted."

Zhao Zhilong nodded. "Chen Chu's suggestion makes sense. Everyone heard that, right? Boys and girls, separate into different rooms and change into your armor."

With both teachers issuing instructions and Chen Chu highlighting the dangers, the students promptly headed to the designated rooms to change.

They were all the geniuses of their schools, after all; only a fool would treat this trial so lightly.

Compared to Nantian, however, and taking into account the students who would have chosen not to participate, the number of geniuses these two second-rate schools had been able to send was considerably fewer.

Although the students had all put on their battle armor, none of them were wearing their helmets. Chen Chu didn't say anything more about it, as he and his classmates also weren’t wearing their helmets; this area was still under military control.

Soon, everyone took their seats in the three transport trucks. Chen Chu, Xia Youhui, and the two teachers were in the first truck along with ten new students.

The others were divided into two groups and sat in the back two trucks with the rest of the new students. As guides, they earnestly (and boastfully) explained their illustrious achievements to these newcomers.

Xia Youhui was doing the same. Seated beside two female students, he wore a serious expression while recounting the first time he accompanied the armored squad on patrol. They had faced a rebel rocket attack, and he vividly described how he had heroically intercepted the rockets with his heavy shield, preventing any innocent from being harmed...

Chen Chu paid no attention to Xia Youhui's boasting; it gave him a chance to relax. Instead, he focused on their surroundings, his gaze scanning both sides of the road.

Even though the Blood Cult and rebels had waned in influence and couldn't stir up as much trouble, Chen Chu still believed in being cautious. Once they left the safety zone, he remained highly vigilant.

In no time, several kilometers flashed by, and the dilapidated town came into view once again.


Chen Chu furrowed his brows, watching the town that was steadily approaching. He could faintly sense danger, and his gaze instantly sharpened. He had deliberately watched the area as they passed by here earlier, but there had been nothing notable at the time. That was only two hours ago...

Suddenly, Chen Chu shouted, "Stop!"

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