Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 238: Targeting the Invincible Chen Chu (II)

Chapter 238: Targeting the Invincible Chen Chu (II)

Over a few days, with the consumption of the growth crystals, it had grown almost eight meters longer, at an astonishing rate of over a meter per day. However, the energy needed for this growth still had to be replenished, or it would severely deplete its body.

Thus, over the past few days, mutated creatures within a radius of hundreds of miles had suffered. Under the voracious hunting of the Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast, the Single-horned Kun, and the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle, almost all creatures over ten meters long had been killed and devoured.

It looked like they would have to hunt some high-level colossal beasts next, or perhaps find some resources to quickly replenish their energy and continue the rapid growth.

Deep in thought, the Fiery Beast idly tapped its claws on nearby corals, breaking them into fragments. Suddenly, a deep and resonant call sounded in the distance.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! Dad’s back. The oldest of the orca kids swam over excitedly. Of course, to them, the term “dad” was just a figure of speech.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! Ooouuwww... The second of the orca kids tried to mimic the Single-horned Kun's call, but it wasn't very successful.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! The youngest of them still couldn't communicate.

The three little orcas swam around the returning Kun, excitedly nudging against it until the female orca approached, upon which they quickly moved away.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! The female orca gently nudged her head against the Kun.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! The Kun used its huge fin to stroke its mate. The two mutated orcas continued communicating in their unique language as they nudged against each other in the sea.

The Fiery Beast found this scene extremely irritating, feeling like a third wheel as the two displayed their affection.

Fortunately, at that moment, a large figure appeared on the shore. The forty-six-meter-long Deep Sea Dragon Turtle stepped into the sea, causing waves to surge.

In its mouth was a shell the size of a bathtub, containing almost a dozen white crystals.

Of course, the Dragon Turtle wasn’t the one smart enough to think of using something to hold the crystals. Initially, it had planned to carry the crystals in its mouth straight from the pool, but the Fiery Beast gave it a slap at that. It had no interest in consuming anything that had been in another mutated beast’s mouth, so it had found a mutated shell for the Dragon Turtle to use instead.

As its head was about to be submerged by the seawater, the Dragon Turtle, seeing the two orcas still displaying affection in the distance, let out a low, muffled growl.

Roar! Big Horn, stop rubbing against her. Your scales are getting damaged. Come here and get your share of the loot.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! Coming.

Soon, the Kun and its family followed the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle to the coral reef a few kilometers away, where the Fiery Beast was waiting for them.

Once it started to suspect that it might be under the observation of human satellites, the Fiery Beast rarely went ashore and even seldom surfaced in the surrounding sea.

Roar! Thunder Fiery, today's good stuff is all here.

With a low growl, the Dragon Turtle placed the shell it was holding with its mouth in front of the Fiery Beast.

Roar! Let me see how many there are. The Fiery Beast looked down at the shell, which contained eleven crystals of various sizes. The largest was the size of a chicken egg, while the tiniest was smaller than a pigeon egg.

To these colossal beasts, which were over forty meters long, such small objects were like grains of sand to humans. Yet both the Kun and the Dragon Turtle eagerly gazed at the crystals, watching as the Fiery Beast slowly used its enormous claw to divide them.

Roar! As usual, we will divide the crystals evenly by volume into ten parts. I will take four parts, Big Horn three parts, and Baxia, you get three parts.

Roar, roar!! Got it.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! No problem.

The Fiery Beast quickly set aside the two largest crystals, then divided the remaining nine into two small piles, one with four and the other with five.

Roar! Baxia, you take the pile with four crystals. The one with more goes to Big Horn for its family.

Roar, roar! No problem.

Based on the Dragon Turtle's contribution when they had defeated the mutated beast previously guarding these crystals, it shouldn't have received thirty percent. However, because it needed to guard the resources and constantly faced the threat of potential human attacks, the Fiery Beast allocated a bit more to it.

This way, the harvest was fairly distributed.

The number of growth crystals varied each day. Sometimes there were as many as twenty, other times only a few. The harvest was much slower than the Fiery Beast had initially estimated.

The reason for this was related to the underwater current on the other side of the rift. Every afternoon and evening, the current on the opposite side would become stronger for some unknown reason, which would bring over three or four crystals within an hour. But when the current was calm, it would only bring one crystal in half a day.

Nevertheless, this still significantly accelerated the Fiery Beast’s growth. In just a few days, it had grown from the shortest to almost the longest in the group.

After dividing the loot, it was time to consume them.

The Fiery Beast slightly opened its mouth and used water currents to swallow the two largest growth crystals. Instantly, a surge of immense energy exploded within it.

Crack, crack!

The already massive Fiery Beast grew even larger, reaching an astonishing forty-six meters in just the blink of an eye, making it appear even more fierce and formidable.

Roar! The Dragon Turtle also excitedly swallowed the four smaller crystals. Immediately, its body inflated like a balloon, growing significantly larger.

Then it was the Kun's turn. Each member of its family took one crystal. The Kun consumed the largest one, while the female orca and the three young orcas each ate a small crystal. Instantly, their bodies also grew visibly larger.

However, compared to the Fiery Beast and the Dragon Turtle, their growth was much less significant. Despite being scolded by the Fiery Beast, the Kun still chose to share the loot with its family.

When they had first discovered the growth crystals, the Kun had brought its family over and given all of the crystals it received to the female and young orcas.

As a result, the Fiery Beast had given it a few disciplinary slaps.

Roar! If you don’t make yourself stronger, how can you get even better things for your family? This is like putting the cart before the horse.

The Fiery Beast had lectured the Kun about this two or three times, but perhaps because it was such a good mate, the Kun never seemed to learn.

This made the Fiery Beast, the leader of the group, feel very exasperated.

So hungry.

Having devoured the growth crystals, the Fiery Beast felt even hungrier. It looked toward the Kun, which was now forty-five meters long, and let out a low growl. Roar! Big Horn, have you found anything good yet?

Squeak, squeak, squeak! I found two places far away, but they're both guarded by very fierce creatures. We can't take them on.

This meant that level 9 colossal beasts were guarding those places.

Roar! Damn it! Those guys are always occupying the good stuff.

Roar! Big Horn, remember those two locations. When I become stronger later, I'll go and deal with them.

Roar, roar! Yeah, fuck them up and make them give up the good stuff.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! Don't worry, Thunder Fiery, I've marked them. We'll wait for you to lead us and fuck them up later.

The conversation between the three colossal beasts was filled with fierceness, not at all like ordinary mutated beasts.

Meanwhile, the female orca wasn’t bothered by them conspiring loudly. Instead, it seemed excited, emitting squeaks and showing some eagerness to go with them.

This was the world of mutated creatures, where strength reigned supreme. There was no order or morality like in the human world. It was the survival of the fittest; groups of mutated creatures of different species gathering together like this were quite rare.

In the darkness of the night, while Chen Chu's attention was focused on the Fiery Beast, the air slightly distorted near the edge of some bushes over a hundred meters away from him.

The dry grass on the ground slightly sank, forming large footprints. Their creator, invisible to the naked eye, gradually closed in on Chen Chu, who was cultivating cross-legged.

In this state, Maximus’ aura was fully concealed, and his eyes seemed transparent and empty. He could mask any killing intent in his gaze, which would normally trigger a reaction from the other party, while focusing on any movements around the target.

As a dominant clan ruling over a vast region of the mythical world, the power inheritance system of the Purgatory Demon Clan was more complete and powerful than that of the human race. This was especially true among the nobles, almost all of whom had inherited a complete set of demonic arts.

The comprehensive skills of this inheritance included offensive demonic arts, combat skills, instant speed bursts for escape, or the ability to conceal one's presence while assassinating or lurking.

This was what had allowed Maximus to quickly break through the teachers’ sealing circle, and even move away from the center of the siege despite his presence being exposed.

However, he never expected to encounter a genius from the Federation here. Judging from the aura he was emitting during cultivation, this genius was only at the middle stage of the Fifth Demonic Mark, equivalent to the Fifth Heavenly Realm for humans.

Maximus could instantly kill an opponent at this level, not even giving him the opportunity to send out a distress signal and expose their location.

Once I kill this genius and take his essence and vitality, my cultivation level will return to almost the middle stage of the Sixth Demonic Mark. Then, when I encounter those human squads again, I’ll be able to kill any below the peak of the Sixth Mark with a flip of my hand.

When the time comes, I’ll show them what it means to be invincible even if we’re on the same level, and what it means to live with pride.

Maximus sneered inside and slowly approached Chen Chu, controlling his aura and killing intent.

Chen Chu’s eyes suddenly snapped open.

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