Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 132: Magnetic Weapon, Solo-killing King-level Giant Beast (I)

Chapter 132: Magnetic Weapon, Solo-killing King-level Giant Beast (I)

The ability to move thirty times faster in an instant had almost the same effect even underwater. With such terrifying kinetic energy, coupled with a hundredfold burst of strength, a single blow from the Sword Armored Fiery Beast had severely injured the deep-sea monster despite its level and size advantage.

As the Fiery Beast prepared to pursue and finish off the deep-sea monster now in the distance, the monster emitted a resentful growl. Its two black eyes glared at the Fiery Beast that had wounded it, and then its six tentacles retracted behind it.


The monster instantly accelerated like an octopus, charging into the deep sea below.

Roar! It wants to escape.

The Fiery Beast made a low roar, and it soared out in no time.


Strong sonic vibrations surged from below, but the Fiery Beast's figure flickered slightly, and it swiftly crossed an arc at an even faster speed.


With another burst of swift energy powerful enough to create an explosion in the water, the Fiery Beast appeared behind the monster in an instant, its sharp claws tearing apart two tentacles with a blur of motion.

Instantly, the power of the sonic vibrations weakened.


The creature let out a cry, then suddenly turned its head and bit towards the Fiery Beast, its giant open mouth full of sharp teeth like a fierce abyssal maw.

The Fiery Beast, however, was even more agile. Like a black shadow, it pounced on the creature's head, tearing apart the energy layer and scales.

In no time, blood and flesh flew out.

Boom! Boom!!

Under the intense pain, the monster struggled frantically, stirring the surrounding sea into a turbid mess.

After a while, however, the water gradually calmed down, and a huge broken corpse floated in the dim sea. The Fiery Beast floated beside it, its entire body stained red with blood.

The beast exuded a terrifyingly ferocious aura, frightening the fish that had smelled the blood and causing them to scatter instantly.

To be entirely honest, if the creature hadn't given the Fiery Beast that resentful look, it wouldn’t have chased after the monster.

For such a creature with strange abilities, a strange direction of mutation, intelligence, and a grudge-holding nature, however, the Fiery Beast would need to swiftly eradicate it. Otherwise, if it were allowed to escape into the deep sea, it would become stronger and suddenly re-emerge to seek revenge one day.

Although the Fiery Beast was confident that no other mutated beast could match its speed, it was still better to kill such a strange enemy sooner rather than later.

This was also perfect timing; it hadn't hunted this morning.


The Fiery Beast's claws tore the scales off the creature's body and bit down, a feeling of satisfaction flooding through it at the sensation of flesh and blood filling its mouth.

Indeed, eating until full was the primary motivation for any creature.


The next day, Chen Chu received a call and took a taxi to the northern suburbs of the city.

"Yep, right here.”

Chen Chu got out of the car and looked ahead at the vast area guarded by soldiers, resembling a research institute but also looking like a military base.

As he approached, the door of the guard room in the distance opened, and Luo Fei waved at him. "Chen Chu, over here."

Today, the young woman was wearing a loose white T-shirt with long sleeves and gray trousers, exuding a uniquely youthful charm.

Chen Chu walked over, asking with some confusion, "Luo Fei, why did you ask me to come here?"

"To show you something amazing. You'll find out what it is later." She blinked her eyes in a playful manner, acting all mysterious.

The soldier inside the guard room interrupted, politely saying, "Sorry, Miss Luo, your friend needs to register."

"I almost forgot about that. Chen Chu, enter your ID for registration."

The security level here is so high. "Okay." Chen Chu nodded and walked into the guard room.

When Chen Chu entered his ID number, a note about him being a second lieutenant-level special forces soldier suddenly popped up beneath it, and the two soldiers beside him turned serious.

With a snap, they saluted Chen Chu, who subconsciously returned it.

After entering the base, Luo Fei looked a little surprised. "Chen Chu, how did you get the rank of Second Lieutenant?"

"It might be from the Kyrola trial," Chen Chu said as he pondered. He remembered meeting that officer Zhang Hong at the base once, who had mentioned something about honors. At that time, however, Chen Chu had thought it was just a verbal complement and hadn’t taken it seriously.

During the Kyrola trial, Chen Chu had earned over a hundred contribution points in total; as it was turning out, his outstanding performance had also resulted in his clearance with the school increasing by three levels, and even military rewards, apparently.

He had also heard some rumors over the past two days that the school seemed to be preparing some additional rewards for outstanding students.

Luo Fei nodded in agreement. "Your performance in Kyrola must have caught the military’s attention and earned you an honorary rank. It doesn't have any practical use right now, but it will be convenient for you when you come into contact with the military in the future."

Saying that, she turned to face Chen Chu. "That's research and development over there. Let's go to the testing area."

The girl, with her hands behind her back, cheerfully led the way, guiding Chen Chu around several buildings to a spacious area at the back.

This was a place similar to a shooting range, but far larger; the area was several times wider, and the furthest target was visually over a kilometer away from the shooting stations.

"You brought me here to watch you shoot?" Chen Chu's gaze fell on the sniper rifle on the shooting platform, which was 2.5 meters long with a barrel diameter of over 30 mm.

However, unlike the pictures he had seen in the chat group, this rifle had been upgraded and modified, with some additional designs and patterns on the barrel.

Luo Fei smiled brightly. "Since we're going to team up for the purge mission, I want to show you my skills, especially since I train every day."

As she spoke, she walked over and picked up the oversized sniper rifle, loading five long and thick bullets into the magazine on the shooting platform with several clicks.

"These are Black Bone Armor-piercing Bullets, with a diameter of 28 mm. The bullets are made from the bone spike of a mutated beast, with a toughness comparable to steel-core alloy, but twice the weight.

“The most important feature of these bullets is their 30% penetration against transcendent energy. They’re specifically designed to hunt mutated beasts at level 3 or higher.

“In addition, the gunpowder is a crystal powder explosive, ten times more powerful than granular gunpowder, which allows the bullet to achieve a muzzle velocity of 1300 meters per second.

"Of course, greater explosive power also comes with stronger internal pressure upon firing, so there are higher demands on the barrel, and the recoil force might even knock a person off their feet."

As the girl spoke, she held the rifle with both hands, assuming a shooting posture. Transparent true power emanated from her, flowing into the sniper rifle through her palms and causing the patterns on the barrel to light up one by one.

Chen Chu's gaze suddenly flickered. In his perception, Luo Fei had suddenly disappeared. She was still within his line of sight, and his eyes could still capture her image, but his other senses were insisting that there was no one here.

This was no longer just about concealing one's aura. It was concealing one’s presence altogether, to an even greater extent than his Hidden Divinity art.

At that moment, the girl pulled the trigger, and in an instant, flames burst from the gun barrel.


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