Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2051 The Chasm of Uncreation

Chapter 2051 The Chasm of Uncreation

Standing in the starry expanse of the Nine Heavens Realm, Yun Lintian cast a brief survey around him before asking, "Senior, what has transpired here?"

Lin Yitong offered him an ancient scroll. "Take a look at this."

Yun Lintian grasped the scroll, his brow furrowing at the surprisingly warm touch of the aged paper. The inscription predated even celestial script, a language woven from the very fabric of existence.

As Yun Lintian unfurled it, the air crackled with primordial energy. Images danced before his eyes – not landscapes or figures, but swirling chaos, a maelstrom of raw potential that defied understanding.

"The birth of reality," Lin Yitong said, her voice filled with awe. "This scroll, passed down through generations of Heavenly Palace Guardians, whispers of a time before time – the era of the Primal Chaos."

Confusion etched itself onto Yun Lintian's face. "Before the Primordial Gods?"

"Before everything," Lin Yitong confirmed. "The scroll speaks of the Creator, a being of unimaginable power who birthed existence from the void. This chaotic soup, the Primal Chaos, held the potential for everything – from the grandest celestial planes to the tiniest speck of dust."

"The Creator, in an act of unparalleled will, began to weave order from chaos," Lin Yitong explained. "The scroll depicts a celestial dance, a symphony of creation. Galaxies swirled into existence, celestial planes formed, and the first sparks of life ignited."

Yun Lintian's mind reeled. Once focused on protecting a single realm, he now grappled with the origin of everything. "But what does this have to do with the Nine Heavens Realm?"

"Watch carefully," Lin Yitong instructed.

Yun Lintian focused intently on the unfolding images. Amidst the void, a silhouette gradually solidified – the Creator.

Yun Lintian's eyes widened as the figure coalesced from the swirling chaos. Composed entirely of pure energy and light, the Creator pulsed with unimaginable power. Unlike anything he'd ever encountered, it possessed no corporeal form, radiating a presence that resonated with the very essence of existence.

As he watched, the Creator raised a hand, and the chaotic soup began to take shape. Galaxies swirled into existence, celestial planes materialized, and within them, the first sparks of life flickered. Yun Lintian felt a surge of awe and vertigo – this was the birth of reality, a spectacle far grander than anything he could ever have conceived.

Suddenly, the image convulsed. A tendril of darkness, thick and menacing, snaked through the newly formed tapestry of existence. It writhed and pulsed with raw, destructive energy, a stark contrast to the Creator's brilliant light.

"The Chasm of Uncreation," Lin Yitong murmured beside him, her voice heavy with dread. "A fragment of the Primal Chaos that refused to succumb to order."

The darkness grew bolder, coiling around the celestial planes, its influence corrupting and twisting their nascent forms. The Creator, its form shimmering with celestial light, met the Chasm head-on. A colossal battle ensued, a clash between creation and uncreation, order and chaos. The very fabric of reality trembled under the strain.

The image flickered and faded, leaving Yun Lintian reeling. "The battle... what happened?"

Lin Yitong sighed. "The scroll doesn't depict the outcome. But here we are, aren't we? It implies the Creator prevailed."

Yun Lintian frowned deeply. "I still don't see the connection to the Nine Heavens Realm."

Lin Yitong retrieved another ancient scroll, revealing a detailed star map.

Yun Lintian examined it, recognizing familiar realms like the Celestial Realm, the Heaven Realm, and the Divine Realm. But something caught his eye – the location of the Heaven Realm. It was situated directly next to the northern part of the Divine Realm.

With a rough calculation, Yun Lintian realized that the original Nine Heavens Realm must have seamlessly connected to the Divine Realm.

"This..." Yun Lintian was speechless with surprise.

"As you can see," Lin Yitong explained, "all realms in the Primal Chaos were originally interconnected, with the Divine Realm at the center."

"Over the past few days, I investigated something and discovered that all areas close to the original Divine Realm are remarkably well-preserved."

Yun Lintian furrowed his brow. "If I recall correctly, the Primordial War ravaged the Divine Realm. Logically, areas closest to it would be most affected. Yet, here, everything is intact, while the other parts of the Heaven Realm have disappeared."

He turned to Lin Yitong. "Senior, what are you suggesting?"

"Let me ask you this," Lin Yitong began, not offering an answer right away. "How powerful do you think the Primordial Gods were?"

Yun Lintian pondered briefly. "Based on the level of power you and the other True Gods have displayed, I imagine the Primordial Gods could obliterate an entire realm with a flick of their finger."

Lin Yitong raised an eyebrow. "What if I told you they couldn't even destroy half of the original Divine Realm?"

Yun Lintian was stunned. "That shouldn't be possible, right?" he stammered.

"Your abnormal strength has skewed your perception," Lin Yitong explained. "You consistently overestimate your enemies' power when, in reality, they weren't your true challenge."

"Let me put it this way," she continued. "At full power, I could only destroy the current Central Region of the Divine Realm. And, as you can see from the map, the original Divine Realm was several times larger. Even with two or three hundred True Gods, destroying the original Central Region would be a monumental task."

She met his gaze with a deep look. "Based on the records I've found, the individual power of the Primordial Gods might only be roughly equivalent to a hundred or two hundred True Gods. Therefore, I doubt the Primordial War caused the separation of all the realms in the Primal Chaos."

Yun Lintian's gaze darted back to the images, a thought seemingly striking him.

"The Chasm of Uncreation," Lin Yitong intoned in a deep voice, "this entity might hold the key to the separation of all realms and the Creator's disappearance."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "The Creator's disappearance, the true purpose behind the Primordial Gods' creation, and the enigmatic Chasm of Uncreation – these are the mysteries we must unravel."

"The final boss..." Yun Lintian muttered under his breath. All this time, he'd been grappling with the concept of a final boss, and here it seemed, he had his answer. The Chasm of Uncreation undoubtedly fits the bill. The problem, however, was how to combat such a force.

The weight on Yun Lintian's already burdened shoulders intensified. The situation felt akin to discovering an even loftier mountain to conquer while still struggling to ascend the one before him…

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