My Wife Waited in the Wheat Fields

Chapter 71:

Chapter 71:

The situation was unfolding in an unexpected direction, and Elric could no longer just sit idly by after discovering that the assets Elbus had casually mentioned were now a 6% stake in EW.

‘It’s a significant amount of money, considering what I’ve saved over the last ten years.’

Elric thought.

“…Then, our conversation is concluded. You may leave!”

“Yes! Call me anytime you need!”

Edward, still kneeling, shuffled backwards and exited the room.

Elric watched him go, thinking,

*I hope his knees hold up… well, that’s the least of my concerns right now.*

He sighed deeply and massaged his temples.

“You could have mentioned this earlier.”

Elbus just replied, “You didn’t ask.”

Elbus’s face, alight with amusement at the unfolding drama, said it all.

Elric, having neglected his finances while they were managed by Elbus, felt it was pointless to complain further.

Elric finally turned to Credon.

“Now, can we have a proper discussion?”

Credon nodded, and Elric’s focus sharpened.

What exactly was going on that the prince himself had come all this way to this remote location?

His curiosity peaked, and then Credon dropped a bombshell.

“The Empire is about to enter a civil war.”

This answer came in a form Elric had not anticipated.

Credon continued at length. Even though he outlined only the essential causes leading to the conclusion that “the Empire is splitting apart,” he spoke until the tea had completely cooled, and still he wasn’t finished.

Elric, feeling a headache coming on from the intensity of the information, did his best to summarize.

“So, internal factional competition within the Empire has intensified, and one of the factions includes key figures from the previous administration. The conflict is on the verge of leading to a civil war. Have I got that right?”

“You have understood perfectly,” Credon confirmed.

“What is the Emperor doing about this?”

It was a logical question.

These were not times of peace, but of war.

It was precisely now, when the balance of power in the west was about to tip.

It was unthinkable that they wouldn’t unify their strength, yet they were planning a civil war?

Could they have possibly been sensing an imminent victory in the war and be plotting for what comes next?

That made no sense.

Though the war seemed to be nearing its end, that really meant the real battle was just beginning.

Indeed, wasn’t this a time when the Seven Powers were truly beginning to fight on the battlefield?

The upcoming situation was like a lit fuse.

It was only getting more intense; the likelihood of it weakening and reverting to a standoff was extremely slim.

In such circumstances, what exactly was the Emperor, who should have been coordinating internally, doing?

To this obvious question, Credon answered:

“My father is only a puppet”

It was a statement that suggested much.

Elric’s gaze grew stern.

His mind was racing. He had information from a decade on the battlefield, experiences etched into his body, and an understanding of the causes and effects of the wars he’d observed.

From this, he could make an educated guess.

“…The situation, did he plan this?”

A former emperor and one of the seven powers of the continent, the madman who sparked this western war and the only man who could puppeteer the Emperor of Mahir.

Considering the current division within the empire, there could be no other culprit.

The answer came from Elbus.

“It seems so, given the circumstances. It’s been well over 10 years since His Majesty has shown himself publicly. Actually, since the start of the war, no one has really grasped the situation at all.”

“Why would he plan the empire’s division? If he started the war, there’s no reason to allow a civil war that would hinder victory.”

“Pruning, that’s what we think. He wouldn’t keep vassals around who don’t suit the palate of an empire unified through the west, would he?”

“That’s for after the victory, not at this moment…”

“Do you still not understand?”

Elbus grinned with a crooked smile.

Given his nature to laugh off everything, he was clearly very angry.

“He thinks he can win, even after splitting the empire in half.”

Elbus chuckled softly.

“Friend, try to recall another name for that madman.”

Elric could immediately respond.

There was an old story related to it.

“…Sword Emperor.”

Before the current seven powerhouses, there were five emperors.

In times when technology hadn’t advanced, these monsters were known solely for their personal might.

The Sword Emperor, Elhadark Mahir, was the one who had slaughtered all those monsters.

The only survivor was the Demon King Zeridia of Nazark.

It was quite a famous anecdote that he, once called the Great Demon, had renounced the title of emperor after his defeat by the Sword Emperor.

Starting a civil war and still expecting to win was a confidence so arrogant it bordered on hubris, but it wasn’t merely arrogance; he had proven himself many times over.

Even if he was a powerhouse of the previous generation, his brilliance had not faded.

The primary reason he was excluded from the ranking of the current seven powers was because of his past deeds.

The fact that no one had actually faced him in battle was merely a secondary reason.

“…Anyway, that’s why I sought you out.”

Credon spoke.

“We need your strength. To stop the civil war and, beyond that, to end the war.”

Elric’s brow furrowed.

“…You mean to stand against the previous emperor?”

“What my grandfather intends to do is tyranny. The future of an empire unified under his hand is clearly not bright.”

It was a rebellious nature.

Especially since it seemed he was kicking away an opportunity that would benefit him the most, if it came to that.

Indeed, that’s why it’s called ‘the dragon’s reverse scale.’

Credon Mahir had not changed at all from the image Elric remembered.

“Can you help us?”

Why couldn’t he answer that question immediately?

“Friend, I didn’t want to disturb your peace. But the situation is dire. The future is not bright. If he truly unifies the west, then next would be…”

It was likely to be the east.

Elric could understand Elbus’s position.

He could understand what they wanted.

“It’s not just you we’re asking for help. The nature of the battlefield may change. We will do our best to stop the emperor.”

Elric listened to the entire conversation with his mouth shut.

He still couldn’t give an answer.

As his hesitation deepened, Elbus grimaced with a bitter smile.

“…It’s sudden, so I won’t expect an answer right away. But I hope you’ll at least consider it.”

Elbus then spoke to Credon.

“Your Highness, our business here is done, let’s return.”

Credon seemed reluctant to leave right away but soon agreed.

It seemed he didn’t want to impose any further.

“…I’ll think about it.”

Elric felt a lump in his throat as he asked for a reprieve.

That was all he could do.


After the two had left, Edward was sitting there.

He was kneeling, his eyes still sparkling brightly.

“Master, did you enjoy the conversation?”

His demure bow, like a shy bride, somewhat alleviated the severity of the moments before.

Yet it wasn’t entirely welcome.

“Are you still here? What are you doing?”

“Where my master is, that is where I belong.”

The speed of this attitude change was baffling.

While his emotions surged, Elric looked down at him for a moment and then thought.

‘He might have information about the imperial civil war.’

Edward White, the Goldsmith, was an exceptional man in all respects except for physical strength.

The same was true for intelligence gathering.

Given that he operated a continental enterprise, the quantity and quality of information he possessed were incomparable even to a national intelligence agency.

‘As a master’s request.’

Could he obtain that information?

Elric soon gave up on that idea.

Carelessly speaking and leaking today’s conversation would be wrong to both men.

“…You should go now.”


“I don’t have the time to deal with you right now.”

His mind was too cluttered.

Too much had happened today already, and the information brought by Credon and Elbus was too heavy.

As Elric subtly showed his fatigue, Edward nodded frantically.

“Then rest easy!”

With a swish! Edward again demonstrated the strange skill of moving while kneeling and disappeared.

Normally, Elric might have chuckled and clicked his tongue, but he couldn’t do that today.

His hand was once again caressing the dulled dagger in his pocket.

Sitting on the sofa in the reception room, he closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.


It was another hour before Tyria arrived.

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