My Wife is My Life!

Chapter 350

Mom and Dad’s Daily Life (Part 4)

At eight months old, Zhouzhou still couldn’t walk, only crawl. He couldn’t speak, only mumbling a few vague words. Without the help of Ji Qingqing and Aunt Pei in deciphering, no one had any idea what he was muttering.

There was no one at home. Lu Lixing took the child back to the study and rocked him to stop crying. Zhouzhou obediently lay on Lu Lixing’s shoulders and sucked his thumb, crying softly from time to time. With dewy eyes, he cutely tilted his head to look at Lu Lixing obediently.

Actually, he’s still pretty good when not making a huge fuss.

Lu Lixing hugged Zhouzhou’s hand and patted him twice on the back.

There was a large rug in front of the desk in the study room, which was thick and soft. Lu Lixing put Zhouzhou on the rug and took a few toys for him to play with.

Zhouzhou sat on the rug and looked up at him. Lu Lixing also looked at him. The two faced off for a while until Lu Lixing finally crouched down to put the toy in front of him.

Zhouzhou didn’t understand what was going on. A few words babbled out of his mouth as he still tightly clung onto Lu Lixing’s pants.

Lu Lixing had no other choice but to sit down next to Zhouzhou. He rolled up his sleeves and pushed a red toy car on the carpet in front of him.

“You play with the toy here. Dad will work over there, okay?”

Zhouzhou followed where his hand pointed to. Seeing the red car, he was instantly attracted by the toy. He loosened his hold on Lu Lixing’s trousers, and crawled forward on the soft carpet on his hands and feet. He grabbed hold of the car with one hand, then turned his head to show it to Lu Lixing.

Lu Lixing held his hand and took the toy, then slid it forward to the edge of the carpet. Zhouzhou giggled and crawled toward it, copying his father’s actions as he pushed the car. Then, he happily chased it as it made a noise and moved forward.

Lu Lixing stood on one side and watched him for a while, then walked back to the desk, turned on the computer, and continued to work.

Even though his work was piled up like a mountain, it was a weekend and he had no work plans. If it wasn’t for the fact that he and the child were at home…

Lu Lixing’s gaze shifted from the computer screen toward the carpet as he watched the little guy happily crawling around on the carpet.

Regaining his focus, Lu Lixing continued to work.

Zhouzhou played by himself on the carpet for a while, but his hands and feet started to hurt, so he stopped playing. He threw the car aside and felt quite wronged, looking around to find something.

But, the desk was too high for him to see Lu Lixing, so he pouted aggrievedly as tears threatened to fall down. In a panic, he crawled forward a few steps and saw Lu Lixing’s shoes, making him even more upset. He crawled toward Lu Lixing, sniffling.

Lu Lixing was working peacefully when he suddenly noticed some movement at his feet. He looked down and saw Zhouzhou crawling towards him, tugging on his trouser legs, and stood up staggeringly.

Lu Lixing wanted to help but was held back when he saw Zhouzhou stand up by himself. Lu Lixing watched him stand slowly with his hand on his knees. Zhouzhou tilted his head and looked at him with his big black eyes as if blaming him for being an incompetent father.

Seeing that Lu Lixing didn’t pick him up, Zhouzhou grabbed his trousers with one hand, while his other chubby little hand stretched out toward Lu Lixing in mid-air. His legs swayed as he slowly stood up.

“Woo… hug…”

He could only stammer out two words, but Lu Lixing understood him and leaned down to pick him up before he fell.

Zhouzhou was happy, sitting on Lu Lixing’s lap with a grin, sticking out his tongue at the computer on the table. He stretched out his hands to poke it. Seeing that he was curious about his computer, Lu Lixing turned off the work interface first before letting him play with it.

Zhouzhou was also a child who quickly lost interest after facing novel things for a while, so he stopped playing with the computer and shifted his attention to the family portrait that was placed beside the table.

He pointed to the chubby little boy being held in the middle of the photo and looked back at Lu Lixing with curious eyes as if asking ‘Who’s the little boy in the middle?’

Lu Lixing brought the photo over and Zhouzhou’s short hand pointed at it again accurately, babbling.

“This is you.”


Zhouzhou stared at Lixing with wide eyes.

“The little fat man in the middle is you,” Lu Lixing said again.

Zhouzhou was thin when he was first born. The family thought he was malnourished and failed to develop well in his mother’s stomach.

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