My Wife is My Life!

Chapter 323


A crisp sound suddenly rang out in the room.

“What happened here? Young Master, don’t move, let me come help you!”

Lu Lixing bent over to clean up his hands, straightened up, and stared at the debris in front of him in a daze.

Aunt Pei cleaned up the mess in front of her, and then turned to look at Lixing worriedly. “Young Master, what’s the matter with you today? Did something upset you?”

Lu Lixing had not slept at all the night before, so his face looked particularly haggard. No wonder Aunt Pei suspected something was wrong.

After all, working all hours of the night was something Lu Lixing was used to. But, even though he was mentally exhausted the next day, his face was usually fine and he still appeared to be full of energy on the surface.

Lu Lixing rubbed his brows wearily. “I’m fine, just a little tired.”

Aunt Pei looked at him cautiously, wanting to say something but hesitating.

“Aunt Pei, if you have anything you want to say, please say it.”

“Then I’ll ask, between you and her… did something happen?”

Lu Lixing became silent.

“Young Master, I know I shouldn’t meddle in your affairs, but I think it’s normal for two people in a relationship to have little disagreements every now and then. It’s fine if you want to leave some space to cool off for a while, but the two of you can’t keep being cold to each other like this.”

“If you keep things like this, the relationship will quickly become stagnant. If you have a misunderstanding, make it clear, and apologize if you’ve made a mistake. You’re about to get married. How can there be any overnight hatred? One night of cool-off time is enough.”

Lu Lixing smiled and said, “Aunt Pei, don’t worry about it. I’ll make things clear with her.”

Make it clear… How can it be so easy to make things clear between the two of us?

Lu Lixing thought of her helpless expression when she confessed to him yesterday and her unabashed suspicion to himself when she called last night.

He couldn’t think of how to explain to her and how to make her trust herself again.

——“Haven’t you coaxed a woman?”

Lu Lixing was silent.

——“Women are very easy to coax as long as you understand what bothered them the most. I have a task here. Do you want to do it?”

“What task?”

——“Within two hours, choose a wedding dress for your wife on her behalf. You and her are getting married soon, so personally choosing a wedding dress for her as a surprise will make her have a hard time staying angry with you. If you also say a few sweet words to coax her, I guarantee that you and her will be back to being lovey-dovey again.”

“Wedding dress?” The phone’s ringtone interrupted his thoughts. The caller informed Lu Lixing about the three wedding dresses he had chosen, which arrived today.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Lixing got up and walked out vigorously.

“Aunt Pei, I have something to take care of outside. I might not come back for dinner tonight. Can you please let Grandpa know? He is currently taking his nap and I don’t want to disturb him.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for the old man to wake up first before telling him.”

Lu Lixing drove to the destination, but it was currently rush hour and all the roads were congested. After half an hour, he hadn’t reached his destination yet.

Finally, by the time he was starting to get impatient, the road ahead became less crowded. He looked at the time before slowly moving forward through the traffic.

Meanwhile, System Xiao A kept chattering beside him nonstop.

——”The task that was supposed to be completed within two hours, yet you spent almost an hour stuck in traffic. There’s only one hour left until the task ends. Host, could you please hurry up a bit?”


The road was finally unobstructed, but when Lu Lixing was about to pass the pedestrian line, the red light came on. He was delayed again for one minute.

Lu Lixing leaned back in the car seat and looked at the three wedding dresses on his phone.

Choose the most suitable wedding dress for Ji Qingqing.

He had long had an idea of which was the best one for her in his heart, but could a wedding dress really surprise her?

Lu Lixing couldn’t help but have some doubts in his heart.

——”All relationships require maintenance. When conflicts arise, they must be explained clearly. What happened between you and Ji Qingqing isn’t really a conflict. She also knows this in her heart. What’s lacking now is for one of you to take the first step to apologize. You are a man, take responsibility! Don’t be ashamed.”

Lu Lixing looked at the cars passing in front of him, still silent.

His mobile phone suddenly rang and the call display showed that it was Ji Qingqing calling.

Lu Lixing was slightly startled and then felt elated as he quickly answered the call. But just as he was about to speak, a sharp voice came through from the other end of the phone.

“Don’t come over! Don’t be impulsive. Even if you kill me, Shen Weiwei… she will not be able to act in this play! Please calm down!”

Lu Lixing’s hand holding the mobile phone clenched fiercely, his muscles tightened, and all his attention was focused on the call.

“How is it not possible?! As long as you are willing to give up this role, Weiwei can replace you… Yes! As long as you’re not here in the first place, Weiwei will definitely be successful!”


A shrill scream came.

Lu Lixing immediately put the phone on loudspeaker, “Qingqing, where are you?”

Ji Qingqing on the other end of the phone was taken aback for a moment. She didn’t expect that she had accidentally called Lu Lixing. But she didn’t care too much at the moment, and said in a low voice, “At the underground parking lot of Greentown Building.”

Lu Lixing turned the steering wheel and ran over the red light.

——”Host, you only have one hour left… No, less than an hour.”

Lu Lixing looked at the road ahead with a gloomy expression. His car’s speed had reached its limit. He swerved left and right, causing many drivers to honk their horns in response.

——”Ji Qingqing won’t be in danger. Even so, do you still want to go there? I have to remind you that if you rush over there, you won’t have time to perform the task again. And, this task isn’t something that Ji Qingqing can make up for with a few soft calls of ‘husband’ like before.”

Lu Lixing still didn’t say a word.

——“I’ll finally…”

“Shut up!” Lu Lixing scolded sharply. “I’m sure!”

If Xiao A had its physical form, looking at Lu Lixing’s expression, it would probably fall to its knees without hesitation.

“Can you call the police?”


One minute later.

——“The police have received the news, so I’d like to ask you to think about it again. Would you still like to complete the task?”

“Shut up!”

Xiao A closed its mouth quietly.

Lu Lixing held the steering wheel tightly in his hand, looking gloomily at the road ahead.

He had first-class drag racing skills. Even on the road where traffic was surging, he was at ease. In addition to looking at the road ahead, he was constantly monitoring the conversation on the phone.

But there has been no sound on the phone for a long time.

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