My Wife is My Life!

Chapter 295

Lu Lixing’s straight lips curved into a happy smile. He was satisfied and happy. It felt as if the empty hole in his heart had been filled. Even as the sea breeze blew over, he still felt warm throughout.

He took out the ring from the seashell and wore it on Ji Qingqing’s middle finger. Then he lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand in a very gentlemanly manner.


The place lit up.

At Ji Qingqing’s side was the reef that emerged from the beach. The shoreline curved beautifully, reaching the reef that was at the end. A multitude of lights clustered together and layer upon layer, they stretched out from her feet, filling the entire length of the resort’s private beach.

The glow was from the countless little light bulbs. The multi-colored light bulbs were strung together by a wire. One, two, three, four, five, six, and so on. The light bulbs lined the beach and their colorful lights brightened up the entire dark and gloomy shore.

As Ji Qingqing gazed at the endless shoreline, her eyes turned slightly red and her nose started to feel a tingling sensation. She inhaled deeply and firmly bit down on her bottom lip to control herself.

I can’t cry. I definitely mustn’t cry!

She was so happy. How could she cry at such a romantic moment?

“Well, I don’t know what you like, but I hope I was able to at least brighten up your night.”

Lu Lixing stood up and hugged Ji Qingqing with one arm. Then he leaned in and kissed her.

When their two cool lips met, it was like oil being poured over flames— burning, blazing and restlessly raging on. In their passion, the kiss deepened. They were two souls desperately seeking each other’s warmth while, at the same time, eager to share their own. They were inseparable.

After a while, their passionate kiss finally ended.

Ji Qingqing gazed at him breathlessly. Her joy could be seen in the arch of her eyebrows. Just as she was about to speak, she heard clapping sounds.

The two of them turned in the direction of the clapping sounds. It was from Chen Shuyi and Lin Zhen. Unbeknownst to them they had reached the place and were standing beside a beach chair. Both of them were looking at the couple with smiles.

“Honey, see? You don’t need to worry about him at all. Now, he can even match up to my level.”

Ji Qingqing knew what Chen Shuyi was referring to and a blush quickly crept up her cheeks. She felt a little awkward in front of the other two people.

“Does the hotel have medicine for wounds?”

“Yes! The hotel staff specially brought them over. They’re over there!” Lin Zhen smiled and raised her chin toward the beach chair nearby.

The items were placed on the beach chair and there was a person standing over at that side.

Well… it wasn’t just one person. There were a number of people hiding behind the neat rows of coconut trees.

Ji Qingqing’s face turned even redder.

She anxiously urged Lu Lixing, “Quickly treat your wounds!”

After that, she took the seashell from his hands and hurried him to go.

Those people up ahead were most likely hotel staff that were waiting for them. They brought Lu Lixing away to treat his injuries.

Lin Zhen approached her and said, “You have my congratulations! I have never seen him be so meticulous while preparing something for anyone else before. Especially not for a woman.”

Ji Qingqing lowered her head and smiled. “I don’t know… everything is just too sudden.”

“Nah, Lu Lixing must’ve made preparations a while back. Though that ring of yours… Why does it look so familiar?”

Ji Qingqing raised the ring closer to Lin Zhen so that she could have a look. “Sister Lin Zhen, you recognize this ring?”

Lin Zhen briefly scrutinized the ring and she immediately understood what was going on.

“Of course, I do. If I remember correctly, your ring and mine were from the same auction.” While she said that, Lin Zhen suddenly realized something. “Since yesterday I’ve been trying to guess who bought the two rings. No wonder… one had been bought by Chen Shuyi while the other ended up with Lu Lixing.”

“Does this ring… have a rich history?”

“Well, the ring is said to have been passed down from ancient times to now. However, it’s impossible to verify whether that claim is real or not. Though, what’s important is that this ring…” She looked at Ji Qingqing and continued, “Is very expensive.”

“Expensive?” Ji Qingqing didn’t give it much thought. Lin Zhen’s ring already costs 26 million RMB; how expensive could hers even be?

“My ring costs 26 million RMB, but last night that ring of yours was sold at 21 million…”

Ji Qingqing blinked her eyes. She had already been overwhelmed by how expensive Lin Zhen’s ring was, so this time, she was fully prepared. After hearing the price of her ring, she was rather indifferent and calm.

Lin Zhen chuckled and continued, “USD.”

Ji Qingqing was confused. “How much did you just say?”

“Your ring is worth 21 million USD.”

“21 million… USD?”

Ji Qingqing thought for a while… that many dollars converted to RMB would be

Ji Qingqing: “….”

Ji Qingqing: ???

Ji Qingqing: !!!

She was snapped out of it by an employee’s voice that said, “Hey, Miss Ji, please be careful! I’ll finish picking up those wires in a bit. Have a safe trip!”

Inside the hotel’s small infirmary, a doctor was disinfecting and applying the medicine on Lu Lixing’s injured palm and arms.

——“Host, the mission requires you to personally give your fiance, Ji Qingqing, a romantic wedding proposal that would move her to tears! And the mission has three conditions: 1) Kiss 2) A romantic wedding proposal and 3) Move her to tears.”

——“You’ve fulfilled the first and second conditions. As for the third…”

“I’ll stop here, this is already good enough.” Lu Lixing remembered the smile on Ji Qingqing’s face. “She was so happy during the proposal, why does she have to cry?”

——“If you fail to complete the mission, you would be…” Little A stopped. “Mission complete. Life points +99. Current life points are worth 102 hours.”

Lu Lixing was puzzled by what happened when the infirmary door swung open and Ji Qingqing rushed inside hurriedly.

Her eyes were brimming with tears and her voice was wavering. “Hubby, how… how could you buy me such an expensive ring! I’m honestly touched beyond words! *sobbing* QAQ…”

——“Life point +1. Current life points are worth 103 hours.”

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