My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 731: Grandma Liu Said It's Better to Release Than to Block

Chapter 731: Grandma Liu Said It's Better to Release Than to Block

After giving a somewhat evasive explanation, Qin Feng excused himself on the grounds that he was tired from the journey.

In the main hall, the remaining few people looked at each other hesitantly.

Under Lan Ningshuang’s escort, Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan went to rest at the lakeside pavilion of the Qin residence.

Cang Feilan suddenly said: “Sister Jianli, even if my husband has no ill intent, it’s unavoidable that other women will have thoughts about him.”

“Previously, my husband didn’t have much energy to entertain other women. But now that you and I are pregnant, he is still a man after all.”

By the end of her words, Cang Feilan’s ears were slightly reddened.

Before getting pregnant, she and Sister Jianli took turns, so Qin Feng basically had no rest all year round and naturally had no surplus energy for other women.

However, for nearly a year since becoming pregnant, Qin Feng has been quite at ease!

Moreover, after being brought into the world of romantic novels by Lan Ningshuang, Cang Feilan understood much more about intimacy between men and women.

She realized deeply that once someone, male or female, experiences intimacy, they develop a taste for it. Especially her husband at his age – in the prime of virility. Over a year of celibacy must have given rise to other thoughts!

Adding that there were many beauties around her husband, who knows if someone will take advantage of it?

For example, Su Tianyue, or Princess Ya’an.

Liu Jianli’s red lips parted slightly: “I believe my husband is not that kind of person.”

Beside her, Lan Ningshuang also said: “I also believe in my Brother-in-law’s character, but…”

Pausing briefly, she spoke again: “Grandma Liu told me that for a man of Brother-in-law’s age, it’s very difficult to endure.”

“Over this past year, Brother-in-law must have suffered greatly from frustration. If this goes on for too long, I fear it may damage his health.”

Upon hearing this, Cang Feilan’s exquisite brows furrowed slightly: “Is this true?”

Lan Ningshuang nodded solemnly: “Grandma Liu knows a great deal. The things I taught you Sisters are all the things I learned from Grandma.”

“Moreover, the medicinal soup Brother-in-law drinks daily is also an ancestral secret recipe passed down in Grandma’s family. As for its effectiveness, I’m not certain, but Sister Jainli and Sister Feilan should be able to sense it.”

Never having experienced it herself, Lan Ningshuang did not dare comment on the soup’s effects. However, hearing this, Cang Feilan basically believed in Grandma Liu’s abilities, for she had indeed personally experienced the potency of that soup.

“Did Grandma Liu mention how to handle this situation?” Cang Feilan’s pale jade eyes flashed with a worried look.

Liu Jianli also turned to gaze at Lan Ningshuang.

Hearing the question, Lan Ningshuang answered truthfully: “The solution is quite simple, it’s better to release than to block.”

“Better to release than to block?” Cang Feilan repeated quietly, then her brows furrowed tightly. “You mean to suggest allowing my husband to take concubines, or to randomly seek female companionship in those pleasure quarters?”

“Not necessarily go that far. I actually have an alternative solution in mind.”

“What solution?” Cang Feilan asked curiously.

Lan Ningshuang’s face suddenly flushed crimson. She opened her mouth, but hesitated to speak.

After a moment, she mustered her courage, pursed her lips and said: “I am Sister Jianli’s personal sword attendant. Initially, when the Lord and Lady instructed me to follow the injured Sister into marriage with the Qin household, they intended for me to serve as a concubine maid.”

“However, after Brother-in-law cured Sister’s injuries, there was no longer a need for me to do so. “

“Now that you two are indisposed, if it becomes truly unbearable, then perhaps I could attend to my Brother-in-law’s needs…”

By the end, Lan Ningshuang lowered her head, her voice fading to a whisper.

Despite having read through countless romantic novels and being cultivated as a fledgling courtesan by Grandma Liu, saying such words in front of others still made her blush furiously in embarrassment.

Cang Feilan’s jade eyes widened in surprise as she turned to Liu Jianli: “Sister Jianli, your human race has such customs?”

Liu Jianli gave a slight nod. Indeed, on their first wedding night, it was originally meant for Ningshuang to take her place.

It was only because Brother-in-law was cultivating at the time that he did not consummate the marriage.

“But Ningshuang, this is unfair to you,” Liu Jianli said softly.

She and Lan Ningshuang had practiced swordsmanship together since childhood, their relationship more akin to sisters than mistress and servant.

If possible, she would naturally wish for Lan Ningshuang to pursue her own happiness, rather than be constrained by outdated customs.

Yet how could Liu Jianli have known that Lan Ningshuang’s suggestion was in fact her long-cherished desire!

“Sister, it’s alright. I…”

Before Lan Ningshuang could finish, Cang Feilan interrupted her: “Sister Jianli is right, there’s no need for you to sacrifice yourself. As for my husband’s situation, Sister and I will think of another solution.”

With both Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan saying this, Lan Ningshuang could not insist further, so she dejectedly lowered her head in disappointment.

Suddenly, Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan’s expressions changed slightly as they covered their bellies.

They could clearly sense that the babies in their wombs had just stirred!

At the same time, the sky above the Qin residence darkened abruptly, dense clouds gathering with writhing lightning snakes.

Seeing this, Lan Ningshuang became extremely anxious. “Sister Jianli, Sister Feilan, could you be going into labor?”

Neither responded, only beads of perspiration trickling down their foreheads as their faces turned pale.

It was the babies drawing energy from their bodies that caused this reaction!

Lan Ningshuang summoned Qin Feng to examine their condition.

But as swiftly as the anomaly appeared in the sky, it dissipated, and the night soon returned to clarity.

The two women’s complexions also gradually returned to normal.

“It’s fine, no need to call my husband. He just returned and needs to rest,” Liu Jianli said softly.

Beside her, Cang Feilan also nodded in agreement.

Lan Ningshuang exhaled in relief. “Are you certain you’re alright? The way you just looked scared me.”

Caressing her belly, Liu Jianli explained, “The baby just moved a little. Whenever this happens, our bodies react this way but it passes after a while. “

“Only I’m not sure why, but I feel my breathing is much easier than before.”

“I feel the same way, and my belly seems hungry again too. What about you, Sister Jianli?” Cang Feilan spoke up.

“Indeed, I feel like eating something as well.”

Hearing this, Lan Ningshuang immediately said, “Then you two wait here. I’ll go ask the kitchen to prepare some food and bring it right over.”

“Very well.”

On the other side, Qin Feng, who had been lying asleep on his bed, suddenly furrowed his brow as beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead.

He had been immersed in a beautiful dream where his two wives successfully gave birth to a baby boy and a baby girl.

The two infants were adorably plump and lovely.

Just as he was about to hold the children, an anomaly suddenly manifested.

The originally bright sky suddenly darkened, and day and night alternated in an instant.

Black clouds pressed down oppressively, making it hard to breathe, and thunder rumbled deafeningly loud.

And amidst this upheaval in the heavens over the Imperial City, an enormous dragon’s claw emerged from the sky, descending towards the Qin residence.

The overwhelming pressure felt like the sky was collapsing…

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