My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 704: The Realm of Illusion

Chapter 704: The Realm of Illusion

“When you came to Suiyang City and saw the peaceful and prosperous state of the common people, it was all just an illusion.”

Upon hearing this, Zhan Qingfeng and the others were greatly surprised: “Elder, you must be joking. We just arrived in Suiyang City yesterday, and saw the bustling crowds and cheerful laughter of the people, could it all have been an illusion?”

Qin Feng’s brows furrowed as well. He had obviously used his Dual Pupil ability to observe the city’s residents and hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.

Seeing Qin Feng’s confusion, the elder calmly explained, “The Dao Principles are the supreme laws in your world. Even if someone could understand them, it would only be a superficial understanding.”

“For the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm, when the Dao Principles are refined to the ultimate, one can comprehend the innate powers, just like the Ghost Mirage Formation you experienced last night.”

“Even though it was a dream, it could still affect the real world and leave you defenseless.”

“And this Ghost Mirage Formation is just one of the powers derived from the principles of the Illusory Dream Dao.”

Qin Feng seemed to understand and said incredulously, “Elder, are you saying that the moment we entered Suiyang City, we had already entered an illusion?”

“You are quite perceptive.”

Hearing the elder’s words, everyone took a deep breath.

If this was an illusion, it was far too real. An entity capable of such techniques, how could they possibly deal with it?

The elder filled his own cup with wine, and then spoke again, “This power is called the Illusory Realm, where reality and falsehood are intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.”

“The moment you entered Suiyang City, you had already fallen into its domain, and you were powerless to resist.”

Pawns in the hands of others… Qin Feng remembered when he had met the Lord of the Marsh and how his father had entered the opponents domain. He possessed great power but was unable to use it.

“Boy, your eyes are different from ordinary people, try using your full power to take another look at this city,” the elder suggested.

Use all your strength… Senior is signaling me to use Primordial Qi and use Dual Pupil Ability to observe Suiyang City again? 

“Okay.” Qin Feng understood, and then the Righteous Qi gathered on his feet and floated in the air. 

The Primordial Qi in the depths of his pupils was activated, and Qin Feng looked down at the entire city, and then his eyes widened in shock.

The prosperous scene he had witnessed yesterday had vanished without a trace!

There was a mess everywhere, as if no one had cleaned it up for a long time. 

People were coming and going in the streets, but most of them looked sickly and emaciated, like walking corpses.

The most eerie thing was that they all wore forced smiles that were completely at odds with their pitiful appearance and it was truly disturbing!

Where was the peaceful and prosperous scene? Where were the ever-helpful residents?

All of these people were just lost in illusions and daydreams, and living mindlessly.

At that moment, all the townspeople froze in their tracks and began to look around frantically, their expressions crazed as they kept shouting, “The Primordial Qi, where is the Primordial Qi?”

Seeing this, Qin Feng didn’t dare to look any further and quickly hid his power.

The commoners stiffened and resumed their zombie-like wandering.

At the same time, the entire Suiyang City seemed to ripple like the surface of a lake, and the prosperous scene from yesterday reappeared.

Qin Feng descended to the ground with a grave expression on his face, and then narrated what he had just witnessed.

Upon hearing this, everyone was filled with fear – if they had also entered the Ancestral Shrine yesterday, would they have ended up like these people?

Ya’an looked worried and said, “Falling into someone else’s domain means that life and death are no longer under your control. Now that we are in his domain, do we even have a chance to win?”

“After all, he is the sovereign here, isn’t he?”

At this point, Bai Wushuang said, “Since the whole of Suiyang City is their domain, why don’t we retreat from the city first and then think about our next move?”

“If that doesn’t work, we can ask for reinforcements. Lord Nan Tianlong, has already reached the Transcendence Realm, so he should be able to deal with the one in the Ancestral Shrine.”

As she spoke, she secretly put out her hand to steal some food when the elder wasn’t looking.


The crisp sound rang out, and Bai Wushuang quickly pulled her hand back, looking at the elder with a slightly hurt expression.

Zhan Qingfeng quickly said, “Miss Wushuang is right, we don’t need to fight to the death on their home turf. Let’s leave Suiyang City first and then make our plans!”

The other colleagues in the Demon Slaying Department also agreed.

Their strengths were mostly at the sixth rank or fifth stage, which would be considered reasonable under normal circumstances.

However, in the current situation, they were basically just cannon fodder.

Of course, Qin Feng didn’t want those few to sacrifice their lives for nothing, so after some thought, he nodded and said, “That’s a good idea. For safety’s sake, we can even split up – some can go to the Southern Domain Demon Slaying Department for help, while others can return to the Imperial City to report this matter.”

Zhan Qingfeng immediately raised his hand and volunteered, “I’m willing to take the trouble and hurry back to the Imperial City to report!”

The rest of his colleagues looked at him with disdain.

At this moment, the elder suddenly spoke, “This place has already become his domain, do you think you can just come and go as you please?”

Zhan Qingfeng swallowed hard, “Elder, please don’t scare me. If we can enter this city but not leave, how was Mr. Jia able to return to the imperial city?”

“If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have been ordered to come here in the first place.”

The elder looked at Qin Feng and hinted at something, “Originally, I didn’t understand why it would allow people to leave, but now I think I’ve figured out its intention.”

Qin Feng immediately understood as his heart raced, “The Night Wandering Ghost deliberately sent Mr Jia back to the Imperial City to lure me to come to Suiyang City in order to obtain the Primordial Qi in my eyes?”

“Could the earlier deaths of the coroners also have been bait to lure me?”

“But how could the Night Wandering Ghost know that my medical skills are unparalleled and that Lord Deng would send people to investigate the truth behind Mr Jia’s death?”

What was truly frightening was that Lord Deng had actually sent him to Suiyang City to find out the truth!

If this was all the arrangement of the Night Wandering Ghost, wouldn’t his divination and calculation abilities be even more amazing than that of the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn’t help but feel cold sweat falling down his forehead. 

Swallowing hard, he asked, “Elder, you said that the illusory dream is one of the Dao principles commanded by the Night Wandering Ghost. What other Dao principles does it possess?”

The others also pricked up their ears and listened intently.

“For the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm, every existence possesses many Dao principles, but these Dao principles are the foundation of their very existence, so they would not reveal them easily.”

“As far as I know, in addition to the illusory Dream Dao, the Night Wandering Ghost also has a Dao principle that can exponentially increase his power at night.”

“In addition, those who enter the Immortal Realm and leave their names on the Destiny Monument will understand a Dao principle called the creation of the incarnation.” 

“And the creation of incarnation is immortality, the gods and demons are immortal.”

“The stronger an immortal deity is, the more incarnation he possesses. It is said that in the Western Pure Land of the Immortal Realm, the most powerful Buddha has tens of thousands of incarnations, and he is truly immortal.”

The group exchanged glances, and everyone’s eyes widened in shock.

For their world, the Dao Principles were already akin to divine abilities.

The Night Wandering Ghost’s illusory dream Dao had already made them feel hopeless, 

and now to learn about his other Dao Principles, especially the terrifying incarnation…

This battle was basically a guaranteed defeat.

Realizing this, the group felt as if they had stepped into an icy abyss.

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