My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 693: Blurry Shadow’s True Identity

Chapter 693: Blurry Shadow’s True Identity

The eerie black markings instantly dissolved the moment they came in contact with the green thunderbolts.

However, Qin Feng and the others did not let their guard down, for as the markings dissipated, black smoke appeared, and a chilling laughter echoed continuously from within, sending chills down their spines.

Crimson eyes materialized within the black smoke, and a cold voice said, “I will find you.”

As the words faded, the black smoke dissipated with the wind.

At the same time, in the Imperial Study within the palace, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew through, scattering the scrolls and documents on the desk.

Eunuch Li, unsure of the reason, shouted in alarm, “Protect the Emperor! Protect the Emperor!”

The members of the Prison Department immediately appeared, shielding Emperor Ming in their midst.

However, the wind came and went just as quickly.

“No harm done.” Emperor Ming waved his hand, and the members of the Prison Department bowed and retreated.

Emperor Ming turned his gaze to the scroll painting in the inner chamber, and a chill flashed across the blade of the Xuanyuan Divine Killing Sword.

This divine sword was an heirloom passed down through generations of the Great Qian, possessing the incredible power to slay gods and demons. It would react to the presence of gods and demons, just as it had when the Candle Dragon manifested.

The stronger the reaction, the closer the gods and demons were to the sword.

But now that the disturbance had subsided, it meant that the danger had passed.

Emperor Ming pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking about the rifts between the Immortal Realm and the Netherworld Realm that had appeared in the four domains of the Great Qian, and felt utterly exhausted.

“Your Majesty, please take care of your health,” the concerned Eunuch Li said by his side.


Meanwhile, in Ninefold Prison…

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher averted his gaze and turned his attention back to the hazy, shadowy figure in front of him.

The figure chuckled, “I thought you would never come to see me.”

This shadowy figure was, of course, the leader of the Heavenly Burial Organization group who had been imprisoned in Ninefold Prison after the Candle Dragon was killed during the Battle of Zhenling Pass.

The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower spoke up, “With your strength, you could have easily escaped from captivity back then. Why did you willingly surrender?”

No one understood the power of the shadowy figure better than the Heavenly Tower National Teacher, so he knew that even Qin Feng back then would have had a hard time containing him within his domain.

The shadowy figure nonchalantly replied, “You and I have fought for a long time, with victories and defeats on both sides. To lure the gods and demons to descend was my ultimate goal. “

“The death of the Candle Dragon was beyond my expectations. Since my plan has failed, I’m content to stay here and enjoy the leisurely life.”

“Those words might fool others, but how could you fool me?” The Heavenly Tower National Teacher’s voice was icy cold as he brushed his sleeve.

With a flash of bright light illuminating the surrounding darkness, the true appearance of the shadowy figure gradually came into view.

Shen Li, the senior disciple who had accompanied the Heavenly Tower National Teacher here, opened his eyes wide.

It was unexpected, but not entirely surprising… 

The wrinkles on his face, the aura in his eyebrows and eyes, they were exactly the same as the Heavenly Tower National Teacher.

The only difference was that this teacher wore a white robe, while the other one wore a black robe.

Shen Li thought to himself, ‘There have long been rumors that the Teacher has mastered the supreme Immortal Technique to divide his existence into three.” 

“One lives in the Heavenly Tower and runs the Great Literature Academy, another travels around the world to protect it, while the whereabouts of the third is unknown to everyone.”

“But who could have guessed that the masked figure who has been fighting the Teacher for so many years is actually the Teacher’s last incarnation…”

The black-robed elder heard the words of the Heavenly Tower National Teacher and raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, “That’s right. Since we share the same origin, there’s no need for such evasive rhetoric.”

After a pause, he continued, “The three of us descended to this world, each looking for a pawn to cultivate and become the variable that can change the Heavenly Mandate.”

“Luo Yu was gifted with extraordinary talents, and I had high hopes for him. Unfortunately, fate and time were unkind, and his life was ruined by his own father.”

“As for you and the other old man, it seems that you both chose the same person.”

“Back in Jinyang City, when the Garuda King’s heart was destroyed, I took notice of him. He was blessed with a lucky fortune, but no more than that.”

“But the experiences that followed made him a thorn in my side, insignificant but irritating.”

“He brought about the establishment of the Sword Dao Alliance, changing the isolated ways of the warriors.” 

“He founded the Peaceful Academy, allowing the Literature Saint Of Dao Lineage to flourish throughout the land. He invented gunpowder, improved the art of controlling martial qi – the overall strength of the human race has grown steadily because of him…”

“During the battle at Zhenling Pass, when that boy appeared like that, I divined his fortune again.”

“The future of this world was still shrouded in endless darkness, but this boy was the variable, he was a glimmer of light. “

“He illuminates the path ahead, although only a little.”

“I saw countless tiny specks of light converging on him, and his light grew brighter and brighter, shining farther and farther.” 

“I’m curious to see how far this light can reach, or if it will eventually be consumed by the endless darkness.”

“So I decided to be an observer.”

“I wonder if you are satisfied with this reason?”

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher did not answer, but turned to leave with Shen Li.

The Ninefold Prison was once again shrouded in darkness.

The black-robed elder mused, “The three of us will end up choosing the same person, won’t we? Just as he has chosen.”

In the Land of the Dead, Lord Deng used his Puppet Technique to gather all the bodies for safety, and then burned them to ashes.

Recalling the moment when Yin Qi and Netherworld’s ghostly aura was dissolved, Deng Mo looked solemn.

After all, the Hundred Ghost Dao Lineage’s power source was the Yin Qi and Netherworld Qi. If these two forces were unable to exert their influence, even the strongest Hundred Ghost Practitioners would be rendered helpless…

“Do you know what that was?” Deng Mo asked solemnly.

Qin Feng shook his head, still shaking at the memory of the recent events. However, he had a growing suspicion – the sinister Black Qi’s obsession with Primordial Qi seemed to be reminiscent of the Candle Dragon’s behavior.

‘These black qi forces are most likely from some unknown gods and demons!’ 

Qin Feng turned to Zhan Qingfeng. “Where are the people who traveled with the merchant?”

Zhan Qingfeng quickly replied, “They should still be at the Demon Slaying Department being questioned by my colleagues.”

“Take me there, I have some things I want to find out as well.”

“Of course, Brother Qin, please follow me.”

Upon arriving at the Demon Slaying Department, Zhan Qingfeng quickly brought the few coachmen in front of Qin Feng.

The men were still trembling and their faces were pale. This was understandable, as ordinary people who saw someone’s head inexplicably explode right in front of them would naturally be gripped by fear and terror.

Since they were traveling with the head merchant, they were afraid that the same fate would befall them.

“Lord, we’ve already told you everything we know. Please, you must save us!” pleaded one of the men.

“Yes, my lords, I have elderly parents and young children. I cannot die here!” cried another.

“Hmm…” Zhan Qingfeng looked worried as he looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng reassured them, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen to you.”

Upon hearing this, the group exchanged glances, and their tense expressions relaxed slightly.

Qin Feng’s words were not without substance – he had already tested them with his Primordial Qi, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But therein lay the problem. They had all passed through the same place and eaten the same food, so why was it only the head merchant who met such a fate? And what had caused the demise of the coroners?

Qin Feng thought about this before asking, “Did anything unusual happen on the way back?”

The men fell silent, until one of them suddenly spoke up, “Could it be that Ancestral Shrine?”

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