My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 80: Developed A Fear Towards Men

Chapter 80: Developed A Fear Towards Men

Chance was glad she didn't shout at him or close the door on his face. He even assumed she won't open the door at all.

'This woman never fails to surprise me' He entered her home and looked around Samantha's house.

It was a cute, small house. Her home looked smaller than his, it had basic furniture and was not very extravagant, it was a simple, decent home.

'So, Samantha is a simple person, unlike me' He thought as he leads a very extravagant lifestyle.

Chance placed the tray on the small dining table which was at the end of her living room.

"I hope we can have dinner together?" Chance politely requested her.

Samantha nodded her head and pointed at the chair next to him.

He was surprised at her sudden cooperation and got excited wondering what was going on in her mind.

Samantha sat on the chair opposite to him. It was a small dining table with only four chairs around it.

It was big enough for two people.

Samantha served the food for them; she could see how perfectly it was cooked. 

'Wow, he is a good cook' she thought but quickly she scolded herself, 'Samantha, please focus, this discussion is very important, don't let yourself get distracted.' She gave herself a pep talk.

The two ate the food and it was amazing, Samantha never thought she would meet someone whose cooking is as good as hers.

"The food tastes really good" She couldn't stop herself from praising him.

"Glad you like it also thank you so much for letting me in, I didn't expect you would have dinner with me"

"What the hell do you think of me?" She coldly asked him and for a second Chance was really scared of her and silently ate his dinner.

Samantha's lips were painted by a light smile seeing him scared.

While eating a few bites, Samantha decided what to say next and after a few minutes when they were done with their dinner, she spoke.

"Chance, sorry for how I reacted earlier"

He was surprised as he didn't expect her to talk about what happened between them so soon.

He himself was pondering how to discuss this topic and was happily surprised as she herself addressed the elephant in the room.

"Don't apologize Sam, it was my fault, I"

"No Chance, if you don't mind there is something I would like to tell you and I will appreciate if you don't interrupt me in between"

"Sure" Chance wondered what she will say.

"Chance, I was six years old when my parents went to attend my father's office party, leaving me at home with a babysitter. That day while returning back from the party, they met with an accident and they were taken to the hospital, but on the way, mom died and in the operation room dad died." 

Samantha flinched as she could never erase this memory from her mind, the moment she saw her bodies lying lifelessly on the stretchers, she felt she lost a part of her which she knew would never be back.

Chance could see the pain she was going through, he walked and sat on the chair next to her and held her hand.

He gently rubbed the back of her hand and stroked her wet hair.

He wanted to tightly hug her but he didn't want to scare her and just tried to be there for her and didn't speak one word.

Samantha continued as she already decided to tell Chance a few things about her life, "My parents eloped from their homes and got married, my maternal grandparents were dead and my paternal grandparents were separated and had their own lives, so they refused to take care of me. The cops therefore admitted me in an orphan relief program."

Chance felt his heart ache knowing how difficult Samantha's childhood was. 

In that moment he swore he will protect her with his life.

"Life there was not easy but luckily I stayed there only for a week. But in that week, I saw something that traumatized me for life. A man who works there as a caretaker, used to inappropriately touch girls, they were older girls and they used to cry a lot but no one ever dared to speak up. At that time, I only saw it and couldn't understand what was happening but I definitely knew what he was doing was wrong as he used to come at night and after he left, one of the girls used to cry. This happened for six nights and I saw six different girls cry"

Samantha drank a glass of water as there were drops of water near her eyes when she recollected that past incident.

It was for six days that she saw all of this happen but it took her months to get over it. 

But still that time left a deep impact on her which stays till date.

"The seventh day, the police officer who was handling my parents' case and the one who admitted me in this orphan came to meet me. But surprisingly he came with his wife." Samantha had a faint smile on her face when she recollected this incident.

"At that time, I had no idea what was happening and when the cop and his wife came to meet me, I didn't utter one word. My parents' sudden demise and the atmosphere of that place, they all really disturbed me and I didn't feel like talking."

Although what she said was sad, there was a still a faint smile painted on Samantha's lips which confused Chance but he didn't stop holding her hand and continued stroking her hair.

"The cop and his wife came to meet me. That woman was really very nice to me. She brought a lot of chocolates for all the children in the orphanage and offered me an extra few. She asked me how I was doing and other generic stuff but I didn't reply to her. When the cop, her husband sat next to me, I quickly stood up from there and tightly held her hand in fear."

Samantha chuckled, "I subconsciously developed a fear towards men, I was scared being near any man and felt more secured around the cop's wife" 

Chance nodded his head as he understood her state of mind.

"The cop and his wife were confused to see my state and asked me what happened, when the cop left me here, my condition wasn't this bad that's why they sensed something was wrong with me. When the cop tried to talk to me, I turned away and didn't even look at his face. So, his wife tried to talk to me."

Samantha's voice choked and Chance pour some water for her.

"She took me to one side and very lovingly she asked me what happened. She is the most amazing woman I ever met in my life. After pursuing me for three hours patiently, I told her what I saw happening at this orphanage at night. I described what I saw and what I remember. Even I had no idea what I was saying but she was completely shocked after what I said. She tightly hugged me and stroked my back. She carried me in her arms and went to her husband, she told him something and he was enraged, he made some calls and the guy who was assaulting all those girls was arrested in the next few hours."

"Wow" Chance couldn't help but exclaim as he was surprised such quick action was taken based on a small girl's words.

"Yeah, I again had no clue what was happening but it was awesome. I was sitting at one corner and was watching all of this; the cop's wife was consoling a few girls and I was being taken care of by women caretakers there. That assaulter kept crying and shouting while being arrested but suddenly, he pushed the officer who was taking him away and ran towards me. I was startled and I still couldn't forget the hatred he had in his eyes for me."

Samantha shivered recollecting that man's face and Chance circled his arm around her shoulder to make her feel more comfortable.

Samantha didn't hate Chance's actions but rather she felt secured.

"I was scared and tightly shut my eyes expecting some pain but even after a few seconds I didn't feel anything. I slowly opened my eyes only to see the cop who came with his wife, was holding the assaulter's throat and kicked him. The other officers quickly arrested the guy and took him away. The cop who just protected me, asked me if I was fine and I nodded my head. Unlike before, I was not scared of him anymore and smiled at him."

"In the next few hours, the cop and his wife discussed something with the officials of the orphanage, where I was staying at and later, they came to me. The wife asked me if I would like to go to their home and live with them."

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