My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 74: TO KILL HIM

Chapter 74: TO KILL HIM

After his meeting, Chance flew back to New York and came back to his home.

As soon as he reached his home, he checked the one-way phone for any missed calls from Samantha.

There were none.

He sighed sadly, 'Love, don't make me ruin another mission of yours, please call me'

Then he went to freshen up and after having a hot shower, he slouched on the bed and again looked at the one-way phone. 

It looked simply plain, there were no other features in this phone. It had only one feature and that is, it can only receive calls.

Two years back when he talked to Danger-Ace on it, Chance did not have the heart to throw away this useless phone as it was sent to him by his idol The Exterminator.

So he always kept this phone with him and he never expected, having this phone will be beneficial for him some day.

It was 11 pm in San Diego and Samantha wondered if it would be the right time to call him.

As she has no idea where he lives and what time it would be for him.

'Why the fuck am I worried about that asshole?' 

Taking a long breath, Samantha called the number she hoped she never would.

She used the number which can never be tracked and also used a voice module to sound like a man.

It was 2 am in New York.

Chance was going through some company documents and didn't sleep yet.

It is difficult for him to fall asleep as he is suffering from insomnia, so he uses his time productively to indulge in some office work.

Unexpectedly the one-way phone rang and for a moment he was startled as it has been two years since he heard the weird ringing of the useless phone he had.

Chance smiled in victory and used a voice modulator to change his voice.

"Finally, you called me" He cheerfully spoke as soon as he answered the phone.

Samantha rolled her eyes, "What help do you need?"

Chance expected she would directly come on point but he wanted to have some fun with her.

"We will discuss that later, first tell me how upset you were after I ruined your missions?"

Samantha tightly clutched her phone in anger, "You wanted me to call you so that you can provoke me?"

"No, I just wanted to know how angry were you?"

"I wanted to kill you" 

Chance had a big grin on his face.

"Danger-Ace, a few pieces of advice for you: Always wear your costume and mask before you reach your mission place"

Samantha's eyes widened in shock when she heard what he said, 'Fuck, I totally didn't think of the possibility of him reaching there before me. Shit, he saw me, he knows how I look' she panicked.

"You are super-hot Danger-Ace" Chance teased her.

"You fucker"

Chance laughed on the phone, "I never thought you are a woman. Now since I know this"

"Are you blackmailing me?" Samantha gritted her teeth in frustration, she loathed herself for being so careless and ignorant due to her excitement.

"Never, how can I blackmail the woman I fell in love with" Chance confessed his feelings while pretending like teasing her.

Samantha got even more annoyed when she heard his words, "You needed my help so I called you but it seems you are just fooling around, bye" 

"Sorry sorry, Ace please don't hang up on me" Chance really got scared she would cut the call and quickly apologized.

"Don't call me Ace, address me by my whole name" She warned him and drew the line between them.

"Danger-Ace, please don't hang up on me"

"Then don't talk nonsense and come on point"

"Can I give you another advice?" He begged her as he genuinely wanted to give her some tips so that she doesn't repeat those mistakes.


"When you chase someone, don't give up quickly. How can I leave my car and proof behind for you and run away? Of course, I was hiding, if you waited for some more time, you might have found some information on me. Also, since you know where I was, you should check the place, there you might find my hair or other DNA sample which could help you to find out who I am. Always be careful and don't be so negligent" He seriously advised.

"Are you serious?"

Samantha was shocked on how he was teaching her ways to catch him.

"You are still a rookie, I felt bad for you"

"You don't have to" She angrily replied back.

"Anyway, I need your help with something very important" Chance turned serious and Samantha could feel it from his voice, she too became more attentive.

"And that is?"

"I want information on an assassin who works in the same organization as yours" Chance's cold voice could be felt even with the voice modulation.

Samantha could feel chills pass through her as his cheerful voice suddenly turned cold and chilly.

"Why do you need this information?" Samantha tried to sound fearless.

"To KILL HIM" Samantha gulped in fear after hearing his words.

The talk about killing someone is very natural for them but hearing it coming from the grim Reaper, she got scared.

She tried to get a hold on herself and took a few seconds pause before speaking, "Why would I give you information on someone who works in my organization? Why will I betray one of my own?"

Chance smirked when he heard her question.

This was something he and David were trying to find an answer to. 

An incentive that they need to provide to her so that she would join hands with them.

This was the major hurdle they had but today when Chance went to Chicago on his mission, the man who works for him gave him an important piece of information which could be used to convince Samantha to join him.

Chance decided to use it to get her on his side.

"Because I have information on someone you have been desperately searching for" Chance coldly smiled.

Samantha furrowed her eyebrows, "Who?"


Samantha was shocked to her core when she heard this name, she and Bill have been searching for Excalibur for years and couldn't find him as he disappeared into thin air.

Hearing this name Samantha's heart was a mess and she was not sure what to feel about it.

She was going through a huge turmoil of emotions and sat down on the couch to get a hold on herself.

Chance had no idea why she was searching for Excalibur but his man today informed him that Danger-Ace had been trying to analyse the new missions assigned and the points she was looking for indicated she was searching for an assassin just like he was analysing her missions.

After digging deeper, his team of experts realized Danger-Ace has been trying to find for an assassin who disappeared few years back Excalibur.

This was all their analysis and they were not sure how right or wrong they were but nevertheless they shared the information they predicted with Chance as he told them to inform him of every piece of information, they come across which is related to Danger-Ace.

No matter how irrelevant, small or negligible this information seemed, didn't matter, they had to report it to him was what he said, which they did.

Chance had no idea if what he offered to Samantha was an incentive enough for her to betray someone from her own organization or not but his intuition told him, he was doing the right thing and he hit her at the correct spot.

Samantha didn't talk for a few minutes and Chance patiently waited for her response.

She drank a glass of water before asking him, "What makes you think I am desperately searching for Excalibur?"

"Just like how I analysed a few missions to reach you, I got to know you analysed a few missions to reach Excalibur" He didn't intend to hide this from her.

Samantha took a long breath, "How can I trust you? What if you are lying?"

"If you agree to help me then first, I'll provide you all the information I have on Excalibur and then you help me with my mission"

"What if I betray you?"

"Then I'll think the love of my life doesn't love me as much as I love her"

Hearing the words 'Love of my life' Samantha remembered Chance.

'Don't distract yourself' she quickly scolded herself as she is in the middle of a very serious discussion with the Grim Reaper and her mind got distracted.

"Don't talk nonsense" She indifferently scolded him and didn't take his words seriously.

"I know you won't betray me, let's just say I am taking a risk" Chance answered her question seriously.

"Why are you doing this? Isn't this too big a risk?" Samantha tried to understand his perspective, so she asked him directly.

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