My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 97: The Fifth Star Cave (please subscribe)

Chapter 97: The Fifth Star Cave (please subscribe)

Chapter 97 The Fifth Star Cave (please subscribe)

Swish, swish, swish.

Many evolvers have entered the transparent channel one after another.

Lin Yuan did not go in, but planned to watch for a while.

After all, opportunities are rare, and it is rare for so many evolvers to explode at the same time.

at this time.

The strong man nearly three meters tall walked to the transparent passage.

His limbs are extremely thick, and he carries a huge ax on his back. The whole person looks like a ferocious beast in human form.

Boom, boom, boom!

This strong man stepped on the ground, bursting out with terrifying power, and rushed towards the transparent passage.


Is such a powerful force really human?

Not those ferocious beasts in the starry sky?

Other evolvers were frightened and stepped back one after another.

With the power that the strong man unleashed, even if it was just the aftermath, it would probably be able to hurt an ordinary third-order evolver.


Lin Yuans eyes were solemn.

He felt countless power from the strong man who was nearly three meters tall.

Your understanding is incredible, and your understanding of the rules of force is gradually improving

The rule of force?

Lin Yuan was thinking in his mind.

Compared to the ubiquitous space rules, the rules of force are much more common, but the strong man has a deep understanding of the rules of force. This may be the reason why he is listed as one of the three red-striped evolvers.

I really want to get up close and personal with these evolvers.

Lin Yuan longed in his heart that for other evolvers, the red-striped evolvers were so high up that they could only look up to them.

In Lin Yuan's view, every red-striped evolver is a treasure waiting for him to discover.

There will be more opportunities in the future.

As long as I can successfully enter the Chikun lineage, am I still afraid that I wont have a chance to contact him?

Lin Yuan gathered his thoughts.


The man with a blood line between his eyebrows also passed through the transparent channel.


Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

He felt the fluctuation of the wind from the man with the bloodline between his eyebrows.

His speed through the passage was second only to the silver-haired woman, and much faster than the strong man who was nearly three meters tall.

A few hours later.

Lin Yuan has almost finished watching, although there are other evolvers coming from the first star cave in a steady stream.

But these evolvers did not bring much help to Lin Yuan.

better than nothing.

So Lin Yuan didnt want to waste time.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to get up.

Another evolver appears.

This evolver is a young man.

But it gave Lin Yuan an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Fang Qing?

Lin Yuan recognized the other party immediately.

The reason why this is so is because Lin Yuan often competes with the other party.

In order to better understand the evolutionary path of the Ancient God, Lin Yuan deeply felt Fang Qings physical changes more than once.

So even if Fang Qing changes his appearance and body shape.

Lin Yuan also recognized the other party at a glance.

It finally passed.

Fang Qing came to the Second Star Cave and breathed a sigh of relief.

The gravity test in the first star cave really made him suffer a lot. In the end, he did not hesitate to use the "Ancient God" secret method to barely complete the last section of the track.

This star hole tests speed?

Fang Qing also saw other evolvers passing through the transparent channel one after another and learning about the content of the test.


It takes ten seconds to reach the end of the 40,000-meter passage?

Fang Qings expression changed slightly.

This is more than ten times the speed of sound, which may not be difficult for a fourth-order evolver, but Fang Qing is only a third-order evolver now.


I want to ask the teacher.

Fang Qing directly disconnected from the virtual world.

In the world of Seven Star Cave, only testers can enter.

As for the others, they are blocked out.

The old man with the white beard is an intelligent life and belongs to an independent individual, so naturally he cannot enter.

If Fang Qing wants to contact the old man with white beard, he can only exit the world of Qixing Cave first.

When Lin Yuan saw Fang Qing disappear, he immediately knew that the other party must have gone to 'ask for help'.

It shouldnt be a big problem.

Lin Yuan thought for a while.

I think Fang Qing should be able to pass the second star hole.

Compared to the first star cave, the test of the second star cave can even be said to be simpler.

After all, if you want to pass the first star hole, you can only resist and finish the hundred-mile track.

There may be some tricks during this period, such as using other secret techniques to reduce the pressure of gravity.

But we still have to complete the hundred-mile track.

The test of the second star cave is to reach the end point 40,000 meters away within ten seconds.

This gives a lot of flexibility and gives many forbidden arts a place to use.

After all, it only takes ten seconds. No matter how dangerous the forbidden technique is, it is not a problem to sustain it for ten seconds.

At present, everyone is in a virtual world, and their bodies are simulated. No matter how high the price is, they can easily recover.

Fang Qing only needs to choose a forbidden technique that squeezes his potential. Even if it is the third level, he is expected to pass the second star hole.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yuan took a step forward.

Its Lord Jin Wen.

I have met Lord Jin Wen.

Sir Jin Wen, you go first.

Other evolvers who were watching at the entrance immediately said respectfully.

For ordinary silver-striped evolvers, there is no difference between red and gold stripes.

In any case, they are all existences that are far away from you, and you have to bow respectfully when you see them.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

Step forward in one step.

Enter the transparent channel.


Nearly instantaneously.

Lin Yuan then crossed the distance of several thousand meters.

The 40,000-meter-long transparent passage took Lin Yuan less than seven seconds.

Until Lin Yuan reaches the finish line.

The terrifying sonic boom sound was heard.

In front of the passage, dozens of evolvers swallowed their saliva.

This Lord Jinwen is too fast.

Not bad, I feel faster than other Jin Wen adults.

Its terrible, but this Jinwen is so strong, why didnt he come here to break into the second star cave until now?

Keep your voice down, Mr. Jin Wen is not yours to discuss.

Dozens of evolvers lowered their voices. They were still unsure of breaking through the second star cave, but Lin Yuan passed through it with great ease.

Such a contrast made these dozens of evolvers have complicated thoughts, and awe and loss surged out at the same time.

Once upon a time, they were also peerless geniuses on their respective planets.

The third star hole.

This is the background of outer space.

As soon as Lin Yuan appeared, he felt gravity disappear.

The whole person was almost floating.


Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly, and his body fell naturally.

Outer space?

Lin Yuan looked around.

It's just a simulation of the environment in outer space.

As for all kinds of radiation, there is none. This star hole is a test of your reflexes?

Lin Yuan looked at the stone tablet next to him, which contained the test content of this star cave.

Hide through the thousands of miles of meteorite belt ahead safely.

In the meteorite belt, there are countless meteorites floating around.

As long as it is touched by the meteorite, it will be eliminated.

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at the vast meteorite belt in the distance, like a long dragon.

This level is actually not difficult.

The most important thing is how to adapt to the outer space environment.

To be precise, it is to adapt to a gravity-free environment.

For third- and fourth-level evolvers, most of their time is spent on the planet.

Suddenly entering such a gravity-free environment, one's strength will definitely be affected.

In such a state, entering the meteorite belt and facing the overwhelming swarm of meteorites, if you react just a little slowly, you will be eliminated.

It should be noted that the elimination rules of this star cave are not to die from meteorites, but to be hit by meteorites.

However, for me, it couldnt be simpler

Lin Yuan had a smile on his face.

This level is simply a free pass for Lin Yuan who owns the Tai Chi field.

A weightless environment? Within the realm, Lin Yuan is a god, re-simulating that gravity is no more than a thought.

In addition, mastering the field of Tai Chi, Lin Yuan can have an early insight into the situation of countless meteorites in the meteorite belt, so as to make a judgment in advance whether to avoid or change the route.

In fact, as long as you master the field, you can easily pass the test of the third star cave.

Basically not difficult. .

Its just that not all evolvers can master the field.

Level 4 and 5 evolvers are only expected to master domains, but most evolvers at this level still do not have domains.

Half a day later.

Lin Yuan successfully passed the third star hole.

We arrived at the fourth star cave.

The last wave of meteorite layers, tsk tsk

The scene just now flashed through Lin Yuan's mind.

Endless meteorites are coming in great force.

If Lin Yuan had not mastered the field, other evolvers, even those with golden patterns, would have a high chance of being eliminated.

However, Lin Yuan also knew that the wave of meteorites happened completely randomly, even with a small probability. If he encountered it, it was just bad luck.

The fourth star hole

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The test of Qixing Cave is more than half over.


Lin Yuan looked around and found that he was in a palace.

The statues several meters high were neatly visited, while the evolvers sat under the statues, frowning and thinking hard.

These evolvers include the three red-striped evolvers.

All the evolvers walking in front of Lin Yuan were all stagnant in this star cave.

The test of this star hole is.

Lin Yuan looked at the stone slab next to him.

This Star Cave tests ones understanding.

The tester can choose a statue and only needs to understand the secrets contained in the statue to pass the test.

Test your understanding? Lin Yuan glanced at each statue.

It was found that these statues are exactly the same, and the secret skills contained on them should be the same.

It seems to be quite difficult.

Lin Yuan looked at the three red-striped evolvers again.

Silver-haired woman.

Men with blood lines between their eyebrows.

A strong man nearly three meters tall.

At this time, the three people were sitting in front of the statue, thinking hard.

Especially the strong man carrying the giant ax on his back, his fists tightening and loosening. Lin Yuan had a feeling that if it weren't for fear, this strong man might smash the statue.

The world of Seven Star Cave, a mysterious space.

Twelve figures focused their attention on the fourth star cave.

The difficulty of the seven tests in the Seven Star Cave varies from person to person, but the tests in the fourth and seventh star caves are the same.


I dont know who passed through the fourth star hole first.

"It should be Yin Ling. She was the first to enter the fourth star cave. She has also spent the longest time in enlightenment, and her own understanding is not bad."


Silver Spirit should be the first of the three red-striped geniuses to pass the test.

I cant be sure who the first one is, but the last one must be the brute force.

The twelve figures exchanged words without a word.

Brute force is the strong man who is nearly three meters tall.

He follows the path of the rule of force, and what he is best at is breaking through all kinds of magic with one force. As for things that require a lot of time to comprehend, it is a headache.

So the twelve figures agreed that Brute Force should be the one who last passed the test of the fourth star hole among the three red-striped geniuses.

Hahahaha, indeed.

Actually, I think the three-eyed clan is expected to pass the test first.

After all, the third eye of the Three-Eyed Tribe can see things that ordinary creatures cannot.

Twelve figures talking to each other.

Attention is focused on the three red-striped geniuses.

As for other people, even the golden-marked geniuses, it takes ten days and a half to pass the test of this star cave. How can they compare with the red-marked geniuses?

Its this statue.

Lin Yuan walked to a remote corner and selected a statue.

To ensure fairness, every statue in the palace is the same and contains the same secret technique.

Its you

Under a statue next to him, a figure sat cross-legged.

Hair is green and exudes a certain ethereal temperament.

It was the green-haired and golden-striped evolver that Lin Yuan met at the First Star Cave Hundred Miles Arena.

Just sit under the statue and gaze at it to begin to understand.

The green-haired woman blinked her eyes when she saw Lin Yuan and spoke as a reminder.

She had a good impression of Lin Yuan. At the Baili Arena, Lin Yuan did not attack her, which meant that she was not too difficult to get along with.


Lin Yuan nodded.

Sit under the statue of your choice.

Immediately he raised his head and stared at the statue in front of him.

After a moment.

Lin Yuan vaguely felt that the statue in front of him had changed.

It is no longer only a few meters high, but has turned into a mountain peak reaching to the sky and the earth.

Your understanding is incredible, you stare at the unknown statue and understand the secret of the "mountain"


Lin Yuan's thoughts returned, and countless spiritual lights poured into his mind, forming a special secret technique.

This secret technique can stabilize one's own energy and spirit, standing like a mountain in the world, unshakable.

This secret technique is some kind of secret technique that solidifies the foundation?

Lin Yuan thought quickly in his mind.

In the Human Alliance of the Universe, there are a vast number of evolutionary pathways.

The cultivation conditions for each evolutionary path are different, but without exception, the stronger your foundation, the easier it will be to practice the evolutionary path.


The secret technique of mountain is operating in Lin Yuans body.

Faintly, Lin Yuan's energy and blood sank, his spirit condensed, and he sat there like a small mountain peak.

He seemed to be aware of Lin Yuan's changes.

The statue in front of him suddenly began to glow.

A beam of light fell from the sky, and Lin Yuan disappeared immediately.

There was quite a lot of movement when Lin Yuan left.

Other evolvers who were comprehending the statue immediately opened their eyes and looked at where Lin Yuangang was sitting in astonishment.

Even from a distance, the silver-haired woman who had already comprehended most of it was looking up at this moment.

The world of Seven Star Cave, a certain layer of mysterious space.

Twelve figures are joking with each other, whether they are the three above or the nine below.

At this moment, they stopped talking at the same time, and moved their eyes away from the fourth star cave, looking at Lin Yuan who had already entered the fifth star cave.

Eight thousand words in two updates.

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