My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 95: The First Star Cave (please subscribe)

Chapter 95: The First Star Cave (please subscribe)

Chapter 95 The First Star Cave (please subscribe)

Teacher finally opened the world of Qixing Cave.

When was the last time the teacher opened the world of Seven Star Cave?

I remember it was three hundred years ago.

Twelve figures chatted with each other, all looking very leisurely.

Normally, their senior brothers have their own things to do, so it is difficult for them to gather together like this.

In this test, many good candidates emerged, otherwise the teacher would not have opened the world of Seven Star Cave.

It is said that there is a three-eyed human being, first senior brother, second senior brother and third senior brother. If you are not interested, I will reserve this three-eyed human being in advance.

Hehehe, the Three-Eyed Clan has a special status in the Human Alliance. Recruiting a Three-Eyed Clan disciple is equivalent to making friends with other high-level Three-Eyed Clan. Im going to fight for it too.

Twelve figures spoke one after another.

Three-eyed people are rare in number, but their talents are extremely powerful.

At present, in human civilization, the number of the Three-Eyed Tribe does not exceed 100,000.

And scattered throughout the territory.


Even if there is no direct blood connection.

There is also a strange feeling of closeness between the Three-Eyed Tribe and the Three-Eyed Tribe.

Its like meeting a fellow countryman in another place.

With the qualifications of the Three-Eyed Tribe, it is easy to give birth to high-level evolvers.

Taking in a disciple of the Three-Eyed Clan is equivalent to having a relationship with these high-level evolvers.

Everything we do in the future will be discussed.

Of course, even if there is no such relationship.

The Twelve Figures are also happy to take him under their wing.

After all, the qualifications are there.

A three-eyed clan member, trained carefully.

It is not difficult to step into the sixth level.

Im not interested in the three-eyed clan, but that silver spirit belongs to me.

At this time, the first figure above slowly spoke.

Yin Ling is the silver-haired woman. Star Lord Chikun commented that she has good space talent. She is one of the three red stripes and is ranked first among the more than one million evolvers this time.

Since the senior brother has spoken, I will return to the senior brother.

This Silver Spirit has quite a talent for space, and only senior brother can cultivate it.

"Not bad."

The remaining eleven figures finished speaking.

Then he started to comment on other evolvers.

Among the millions of evolvers, only three red-marked ones and a few golden-marked ones are worth fighting for.

As for the remaining evolvers, lets break into the seventh star cave first.

Is this the first star cave?

Lin Yuan began to observe his surroundings.

According to Fang Qing's information, the content of the test in the First Star Cave is likely to be physical.

Of course, it is not absolute, but it is either the body or the soul, or spiritual consciousness, understanding, etc.

Swish, swish, swish.

While Lin Yuan was observing.

Other evolvers also teleported from White Jade Square.

Many evolutionists looked around nervously.

The scene nearby is not complicated, similar to a wasteland, with a black track dozens of miles wide in the middle.

Wait until all the evolvers have arrived.

That majestic figure appeared again.

The test of the first star hole is very simple, just go to the end of this black track.

The towering figure raised his hand and pointed at the black track, "Within one month, as long as you reach the end, you can enter the second star cave."

After saying that, the majestic figure disappeared.

The venue suddenly fell into a huge noise.

Its not that the test is too difficult.

But its too simple.

The black track is dozens of miles wide and up to a hundred miles long.

It is equal to one month to cover a distance of one hundred miles.

Even ordinary citizens can cover a distance of a hundred miles in a day or two at most.

Whats more, the lowest players on the field are all third-level evolvers.

Arrived at the end?

Lin Yuan did not act rashly, but stood still and observed.

He believed that the test would not be that simple. In previous seven-star hole tests, the elimination rate for the first-star hole was frighteningly high.

Let others try it first.

Lin Yuan is not in a hurry, he can stay in each star cave for a month.

Even if he delays here for a month, as long as he enters the second star cave at the last moment, it will have no impact.

There should be some people who cant hold their breath.

Lin Yuan glanced around.

Just for a while, several silver pattern evolvers were ready to make a move.

Among the more than one million evolvers, the most numerous are the silver-patterned evolvers. The red-patterned evolvers and gold-patterned evolvers combined only number over a hundred.

It is precisely because of this that the Silver Pattern Evolvers are the most stimulated by this Seven-Star Cave test.

Just imagine, every Silver Pattern Evolver is one of the top ten existences on their respective planets. They are aloof and recruited by many forces.

Only when I arrived in the world of Seven Star Cave, I discovered that there were more than a million existences like myself.

The gap between the front and rear has caused a change in the mentality of a small number of silver pattern evolvers.

A certain family would like to see whats so special about this Seven-Star Cave test.

A burly man with a savage look strode out.

This burly man exuded a third-level aura. The moment he stood up, he was stared at by more than a million evolved people.

Damn, Im so stressed.

Cold sweat breaks out on the burly man's forehead. You must know that these more than a million looks are coming from third-order and even fourth-order evolvers.


Under everyone's gaze.

This burly man stepped on the black track.


The burly man's complexion changed slightly.

Take another step forward.

Take two steps.

Take five steps.

Probably after walking more than 100 meters.

The burly man stopped.

Its gravity.

As long as you enter the black track range, you will be in the gravity area.

The further you go, the greater the gravity. At this distance, the gravity I face is about five to seven times that of a normal planet.

The burly man spoke directly.

He was not lying, because other evolvers would know it after just a little try.

Gravity area?

This test is of the flesh?

Hey, what a coincidence, what Im best at is the physical body.

Countless evolvers were talking in low voices. They looked at the hundred-mile black track with different eyes.

In just a hundred meters, the gravity reaches five to seven times. In the area approaching the end, doesnt the gravity reach thousands of times?

A golden-patterned evolver looked thoughtful.

Hundred-mile black track, the closer to the finish line, the greater the gravity.

The gravity of the end area is at least three thousand times. This alone can eliminate 70% to 80% of the evolvers.

Another golden-patterned evolver glanced at the eager silver-patterned evolvers around him, thinking silently in his heart.

For third-level evolvers, tens or hundreds of times of gravity is not a difficulty.

Its just that once the number exceeds a thousand times, it becomes different.

The scope of gravity is the internal organs, down to the cellular level.

If only the surface of the body is strong, or the skin is tough, it will be basically useless in the face of gravity.

It turns out to be a test of gravity

Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

This is indeed a good way to test the physical body.

Compared to a simple test of strength and endurance, the test of gravity is from the outside in, which prevents many physical evolutionists from going to extremes.

"However, the farthest evolver is less than a thousand meters away. I'm not in a hurry now and will check the gravity behind it." While Lin Yuan was thinking, thousands of evolvers had already taken the initiative to enter the black track.

Dozens of them have already reached the 700-800-meter mark.

Through communication, the gravity in an area of 700 to 800 meters has reached dozens of times.

Half an hour later.

Ninety percent of evolvers are on the black track.

Lin Yuan saw this and found nothing unexpected. He determined that the black track had only gravity, so he walked up the same track.

Ten meters.

Hundred meters.


thousand meters.


Lin Yuan walked ten thousand meters.

Approximately equivalent to one-fifth of the length of a hundred-mile track.

That is the twenty-mile area.

I finally feel something.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Although the training system of the Divine Weapon World is deformed, it is really good at polishing the physical body, from skin refining to blood refining, from organ refining to bone refining.

It can be said that the body has been forged inside and out.

So the gravity area in the black track did not put any pressure on Lin Yuan.

It was only after passing the first 10,000 meters that Lin Yuan became a little more serious.

The gravity in the first 10,000 meters area has exceeded a thousand times.

Thousand times of gravity is enough to crush ordinary citizens into powder in an instant.

Ordinary first- and second-order evolvers cannot survive for more than a few seconds in such a gravity environment.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, it's nothing. Until now, he has relied solely on his physical body to resist and has not used any means.

For example, expand the field of Tai Chi.

Or secret techniques to increase physical strength in a short period of time, etc.

Twenty thousand meters on the black track.

I was one of the first few evolvers to walk on the track, and I completed less than half the length of the black track in a few hours.

This speed should be in the top tens, right?

Trista took a deep breath and stopped to take a rest.

As a fourth-order evolver under 100 years old, Trista's strength is undisputedly number one on their planet.

Whether it is this tournament or previous tournaments, it is very rare for fourth-order evolvers to appear.

A medium-life planet like Canglan Star has not appeared at all for hundreds of thousands of years.

Trista was quite confident originally. He came from a certain big family and knew about the test of Lord Chikun and the test of Seven Star Cave.

But in the end, when he was pulled into the world of Seven Star Cave, Trista was actually given a silver pattern?

The same silver streak as those third-order evolvers?

This was unacceptable to Trista. He didn't dare to expect the highest red pattern, but at least a gold pattern?

As far as Trista knows, in this Seven-Star Cave test, all the evolvers are in the third-level and fourth-level range.

In other words, those gold and red patterns are all fourth-level evolvers like him, Trista.

They are both at the fourth level, so why do they have gold and red patterns, while he, Trista, has silver patterns.

"The starting point does not mean anything. I, Trista, will definitely pass through the seven star holes and join the Chikun lineage."

Trista calmed down, took out her right foot with difficulty, and planned to continue moving forward.

at this time.

Trista heard soft footsteps.

Is someone chasing you?

Trista looked back.

I saw a young man walking towards this side with brisk steps and unhurriedly.

If Trista hadn't determined that the surrounding gravity was more than two thousand times greater, she would have almost thought that the young man was walking in his garden.

Why is it so easy for him?

Trista was in disbelief.

To be fair, he, Trista, already felt strenuous. Although two thousand times gravity was not his limit, it was far from being so easy.

Its gold pattern.

Trista observed a flash of gold on the young man's profile.

Is this the Golden Pattern Tester identified by the Star Lord?

Trista thought quickly in her mind.

Putting aside other aspects, this young man's performance means that he can physically crush Trista.

Its so scary, the speed hasnt changed from beginning to end.

Trista breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Trista was observing Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan also turned to look at Trista.

I have met Lord Jin Wen.

Trista immediately turned around, ignoring the terrifying pressure around him, and bowed respectfully towards Lin Yuan.

no way.

The test of the first star hole is to reach the black track.

In other words, the evolver only needs to walk through the black track.

There is no restriction on taking action against each other.

Nowadays, most of Trista's strength is used to resist gravity.

With Lin Yuan showing a relaxed attitude, his strength may not be affected at all.

In this case, if he, Trista, dares to show disrespect and makes Lin Yuan unhappy, he can easily eliminate himself.

This is the strength of the golden pattern tester.

Trista sighed, and most of the unwillingness in her heart dissipated.

Quite polite.

Lin Yuan just glanced at Trista and continued to move forward.

Along the way, Lin Yuan continued to surpass one evolver after another. When other evolvers saw him, they were basically surprised and frightened, fearing that Lin Yuan would take the opportunity to attack them.

time flies.


Lin Yuan then entered the 40,000-meter area.

Four-fifths of the entire black track has been completed.

The gravity in this area has reached four thousand times.

Can still bear it.

Lin Yuan's speed remains unchanged. Until now, he has not used the Tai Chi field, but simply relies on his body to resist gravity.

Because Fang Qing once said that everything in the Seven Star Cave test will fall in the eyes of the twelve disciples of the Red Kun Star Lord.

Since the first star cave tested the physical body, Lin Yuan used his physical body to resist.

This will not only improve your own evaluation, but at least it will not decrease it.

In the 40,000-meter area, no one can be seen.


There is a person in front of you.

Lin Yuan walked for a while and vaguely saw a figure walking in the mist in front of him.

At this moment, the figure was obviously a little uncomfortable. He took a step and stopped, as if he was adapting.


Lin Yuan stepped forward and glanced at the other person.

This is a woman with green hair, and her whole person exudes a certain ethereal aura.

In addition, he is also a gold pattern tester.


The green-haired woman saw Lin Yuan looking at her, and her expression was obviously nervous.

The gravity of more than 4,000 times did not allow her to use all her cards, but Lin Yuan was obviously in better condition than her. If he made a sudden attack, it would probably be very troublesome.

In other places, if you can't fight, you can still run.

But in the black track, under the pressure of thousands of times of gravity, the speed is reduced to the extreme.


Lin Yuan nodded.

Continue to maintain speed and walk towards the finish line.

Seeing this scene, the green-haired woman was obviously relieved.

A few hours later.

Lin Yuan successfully completed the hundred-mile track and came to the second star cave.


Lin Yuan looked around.

Two updates and 8,000 words completed.

Please give me a monthly pass~~

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