My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 91: I didn't do anything and you took me away?

Chapter 91: I didn't do anything and you took me away?

Chapter 91 I didnt do anything and you took me away?

The Universal Human Alliance and the three intelligent goddesses encourage citizens to report.

Reports here include any aspect

Official injustice, discovery of other citizens' illegal crimes, corporate tax evasion, alien information, etc.

And it is not a free report. The goddess will determine the impact of the report afterwards and then reward it.

Rewards include cash, positions, cosmic treasures, starry sky objects and even merit points, etc.

As for the method of reporting, it is extremely simple. There is no need to go through any complicated procedures, just connect to the goddess of wisdom directly.

Theoretically, even first-level citizens have the power and ability to report to the planets governor.

Of course, the goddess supports reporting, but she does not support random reporting.

If subsequent investigation reveals that the report was false and completely fabricated.

That will lower citizens evaluation of the goddess.

If this citizen insists on making his report, he can let go of his privacy rights and have his memory browsed by a specialized fantasy evolver.

Lin Yuan reported to the goddess of wisdom that the beautiful woman was of a foreign race, which was the easiest way.

With his current status, there is absolutely no need for him to have any contact with alien races who cannot see the light of day.

Just leave it to the goddess of wisdom.

You can also receive reporting rewards.

Citizen Lin Yuan please speak.

Hearing that Lin Yuan was about to report, the goddess of wisdom's voice became a little more cautious.

I was out for a walk just now and bumped into a woman. I thought she might be of a different race.

Lin Yuan did not explain the real reason for suspicion or list any evidence.

This will involve ones own unnatural understanding.

Lets talk again.

With Lin Yuan's current citizen level, even if he talks nonsense, the goddess of wisdom will investigate it several times.

What's more, that beautiful woman is indeed a foreigner. How could she withstand such an investigation by the goddess of wisdom?

Is Citizen Lin Yuan referring to this person?

In front of Lin Yuan, an illusory screen appeared, which played the scene of Lin Yuan walking in the garden just now.

One of the tall and beautiful women passed by Lin Yuan.

The picture zoomed in and paused, focusing on the tall and beautiful woman.

Thats her.

Lin Yuan nodded.

The words just fell.

All the information about this beautiful woman, from birth to the present, all the information of hundreds of generations of ancestors has been retrieved.

Name: Yao Qingqing.

Age: ninety-two years old.

Strength: Stage 2 and Stage 7.

Planet of birth.

Through the huge computing power of the Goddess of Wisdom, the suspicious person named Yao Qingqing was discovered within a few minutes.

When this Yao Qingqing was twenty-eight years old, she was suspected of being swapped.

Since then, the trend of behavioral analysis has begun to diverge from those before the 1980s.

The chain of doubts has been closed, and evolvers have been dispatched to arrest Yao Qingqing.

Because Lin Yuan is a whistleblower and his citizen level has reached level four.

So the goddess of wisdom did not avoid Lin Yuan.

Flower God Clan

Just as the Goddess of Wisdom began to take action, relevant information about the 'Flower God Clan' flashed through Lin Yuan's mind.

The Flower God Tribe belongs to the Zerg Tribe and is a member of the Zerg Tribe Alliance.

Over two million years ago in the Xinghai Era, human civilization spread across all directions, and the surrounding alien races were forced to unite.

Among them, the Zerg Alliance is an alien alliance composed of races headed by the Zerg.

The strength of the Zerg is very strong, not weaker than that of the human race. This group is too united. With an order from the Brood, all the Zerg warriors are not afraid of life and death. Wherever the Zerg swarm passes, it will be a disaster for all life.

At the beginning of its expansion, human civilization also suffered several losses from the Zerg. However, it later adapted and gained more victories than losses.

A coffee shop outside Shuiyue Community.

Yao Qingqing was sitting in her seat and in a good mood.

Through the previous contact, she judged that Lin Yuan probably had little resistance to her.

Otherwise, I wouldnt stop and stare at her back.

Its a pity. You have to take your time otherwise

Yao Qingqing glanced at Shuiyue Community not far away. Just now she almost stopped and contacted Lin Yuan directly.

This mission should be a sure thing. After a few more encounters, we can officially get to know each other, and then we can firmly grasp this genius of the human race evolver.

Yao Qingqing thought to herself, her expression showing a trace of complacency.

She has experienced many missions, but it is rare that it is as easy as now.

Yao Qingqing speculated that it was mainly because Lin Yuan was too young and had not seen much of the world, so he could not control her.

Let a human genius fall silently, and I dont know what reward he will get.

Yao Qingqing thought happily.

Yao Qingqing was paying most of his attention to Shuiyue Community not far away.

So she didnt notice that the coffee shop she was in was already empty.

Even the staff disappeared.


Yao Qingqing was suddenly shocked.

Looked around without leaving any trace.

After finding out that no one was there, his expression immediately became ugly.


How was I discovered?

As a senior spy, Yao Qingqing never believes in coincidences.

When she came in, there were many people in the coffee shop, but now there was no one there. It was obvious that her whereabouts were exposed and discovered by human officials.

Thinking of this, Yao Qingqing calmed down and stood up to leave.

As for the current plan, Yao Qingqing hopes that the human officials will only doubt her, or miscalculate her strength, so they will not use much power.

On the surface, Yao Qingqing is in the second and seventh stages.

But in fact, Yao Qingqing is already a third-order and eleventh-stage evolver.

As long as human officials do not dispatch third-stage and twelfth-stage evolvers, or even fourth-stage evolvers.

She, Yao Qingqing, has hope of escaping.

However, Yao Qingqing didn't take a few steps.

At the door of the coffee shop, a man with a smile as bright as the sun walked in.


This man smiled at Yao Qingqing.

In an instant.

Yao Qingqing felt like the world was spinning.

Here, is this a fifth-level evolver, or a fifth-level soul illusion?

Yao Qingqing felt a little desperate.

Fifth-level evolvers are already considered the strongest life on the surface. On a planet with medium life like Canglan Star, the number of fifth-level evolvers is only three or four.

These three or four people hold important positions and cannot move easily.

Now there is such a fifth-level evolver coming to your door?

Furthermore, this fifth-level evolver belongs to the soul illusion category. In front of such an evolver, she, Yao Qingqing, does not even have the ability to commit suicide.

One look was enough to make her fall into a dream and unable to extricate herself. At the end of his consciousness sinking, Yao Qingqing kept thinking about everything that happened after he came to Canglan Star.

She came to Canglan Star in the name of a business trip, and nothing she did was out of line. Even when she entered Shuiyue Community, she asked the staff to take her in on the pretext of buying a house.

After meeting Lin Yuan by chance, he did not say a word to him.

At most, it can only secretly release the charm technique, but this charm technique is the innate secret skill of the Flower God Clan. At most, it can only make people feel good, without revealing the slightest trace.

How did you discover it?

Could it be that Lin Yuan noticed something strange about her? Even so, with this human genius reporting it, the goddess of wisdom wouldn't use fifth-level evolvers to arrest her?

While her thoughts were wandering, Yao Qingqing had already fallen into a deep sleep.


At the door of the coffee shop, the man with a smile as bright as sunshine snapped his fingers, and a group of people walked in from behind and carried Yao Qingqing out.

Its just a small fish. Why does the goddess of wisdom ask me to take action?

The fifth-level evolver was a little confused, "Is it possible that she has other values?"

The man thought for a while, but still didn't understand, so he simply turned around and left.

Shuiyue Community.

The balcony of residence No. 32.

Lin Yuan leaned on the balcony and looked out.

This mental wave.

Lin Yuan was shocked. Just now, he faintly felt an extremely profound mental fluctuation.

This mental fluctuation far exceeds the fourth level.

Dear citizen Lin Yuan, the arrest of the alien spy has been completed.

The solemn and cold voice of the goddess of wisdom came.


Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

He speculated that the mental fluctuation just now was probably because he was arresting Yao Qingqing.

Is this Yao Qingqing very strong? Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Just relying on the mental fluctuations he sensed remotely, Lin Yuan was certain that the captor's strength was at least level five.

At present, part of the strength is hidden, and the real strength is level three.

The goddess of wisdom replied.

A third-level alien race, using a fifth-level evolver?

Lin Yuan was speechless.

Are the powerful people in the Universe Human Alliance so wealthy now?

"Dear citizen Lin Yuan, your importance to mankind is worth doing this." The goddess of wisdom replied seriously.

To the goddess of wisdom, Lin Yuans fourth-level citizenship and the genius qualification of a fourth-level evolver under 100 years old

Its nothing.

What really made the Goddess of Wisdom take a high look was the martial arts evolution path created by Lin Yuan.

The path to martial arts evolution with a 60% chance of being promoted to the sixth level.

Encountering a foreign race gave Lin Yuan a sense of crisis.

Although according to the goddess of wisdom, as long as Lin Yuan does not expose his identity as the founder of the martial arts evolution path.

A fourth-level human genius under the age of 100 is not worth the price the alien race has paid for him.

At best, they are just like Yao Qingqing, secretly seducing and guiding.

But what if?

Lin Yuan is not willing to put his life on the side of a foreign race.

"move place."

Move now.

Although Shuiyue Community is a high-end community, it is only for ordinary citizens.

It is obviously inappropriate for Lin Yuan today.

After winning the individual championship in the group arena, Canglan Star officials will give the top ten evolvers a set of manor for free.

The manor is located in the top community at the highest point in the Central Continent, at the core of the Canglan planet's defense system.

It can be said that if you live in that place, even if a fifth-level alien comes to assassinate you, it will be of no use.

The opponent is locked by the planet's defense system the moment he takes action, and there is no need for reaction time at all.

Moreover, there are specific evolved people patrolling around the manor at all times, and outsiders cannot enter at all.

Parents home.

Lin Yuan, Lin Shoucheng and Lu Qiong stood outside the house.

Sister Lin Yi was also beside her, looking longingly at the house in front of her.

This house was the one given by the Huo family. Since Lin Yuan chose to move, he naturally moved with his parents.

In any case, the house in Midland is very spacious and can accommodate dozens of people.

After a moment, two men in uniforms came over, bowed to Lin Yuan, and then said respectfully: "Mr. Lin, we were ordered to come here to help you move."

Trouble. Lin Yuan nodded and smiled.

In fact, there are not many things to move, mainly some commemorative items left behind by my parents in the past few decades.

As for other furniture and appliances, the manor has already prepared them.

"What? Can't bear to leave?" Lin Yuan glanced at his sister Lin Yi and said casually.

"I'm a little reluctant to part with it." My sister Lin Yi nodded. Although she didn't live in this place for a long time, compared with the old house where she first lived, it was undoubtedly like heaven.

"Let's go, the new house will be better." After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and sat on the aircraft.

From Dongning City to the Central Continent, it spans almost half of the planet, so it is natural to use a means of transportation such as a spaceship.

Of course, with Lin Yuan's strength, he can fly there, but it's not necessary.

Half a day later.

The aircraft landed at the highest point in the mid-continent.

"This is your future residence, Mr. Lin, Manor No. 66." The man in uniform introduced while walking in front: "The entire manor covers an area of 100 acres, with a main building and six auxiliary buildings, and a special underground At the training ground, some fruit trees, flower beds, etc. can also be planted in other places.

Lin Yuan had seen the manor video in advance and was not surprised by it, but his parents and sister didn't even blink.

Especially for my younger sister Lin Yi, her previous reluctance to leave was gone, and she kept looking around with bright eyes.

Is this manor larger than an ordinary residential area?

Father Lin Shoucheng exclaimed in amazement. As the core of Blue Star, the Central Continent is worth every inch of land.

In the end, such a large manor was built here?

This is simply.

Lin Yuan was walking with his parents.

This manor is a status symbol, and you can't buy it even if you have money.

It is the Canglan Star government, specially reserved for wooing evolutionaries with unlimited potential like Lin Yuan.

Not to mention Lin Yuan, even if the other nine evolvers have third-level strength at a young age, there will be no problem in reaching the fourth level in the future, and there is no low hope for the fifth level.

You would be a fool not to win over someone.

After moving into the manor, Lin Yuan will definitely live in the main building. There is no doubt that no matter how humble Lin Yuan is, Lin Shoucheng and Lu Qiong will not accept it.

Sister Lin Yi saw Lin Yuan arguing with his parents, but she shamelessly said that you all should stop arguing. I will live in the main building.

In the end, he was slapped by Lu Qiong and ran to the side to sulk.

the next day.

Lin Yuan has just finished practicing.

The intelligent housekeeper robot walked in, dragging an alloy box half as tall as a man.

Its the prize for the arena competition.

Lin Yuan was shocked.

There are five prizes in the arena competition, four of which are real objects.

Hence, it cannot be distributed directly like the pagoda evolution method.

Instead, it will be delivered to your door with a delay of a few days.

Lin Yuan also updated his latest address after moving to the new manor.

The prize was finally delivered today.

Lin Yuan verified his identity and opened the alloy box in front of him.

The first thing that catches the eye is a palm-sized clock that is completely black.

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