My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 66: Divine weapon? Demon soldiers?

Chapter 66: Divine weapon? Demon soldiers?

Chapter 66 Divine Weapon? Demon soldiers?

Name: Liu Yuan (Lin Yuan)

Identity: Leader of the Gate of All Realms

Binding Talent: Heaven-defying Comprehension

Current status: Coming of consciousness

Remaining residence time: one hundred and fifty-four years

In the East Palace, Lin Yuan glanced at the panel of the Gate of All Realms.

Unknowingly, he has spent six years in this world.

In the past six years, Lin Yuan could say that he was extremely comfortable and had everything he wanted.

With Emperor Liu Shi's love for him, even if Lin Yuan asked for the stars in the sky.

Emperor Liu Shi would probably consider it.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan walked out of the East Palace.

Come to a wooden building deep in the palace.

This wooden building looks extremely ordinary.

But there are a large number of imperial troops patrolling nearby.

Lin Yuan did not stop and walked straight towards the entrance of the small building.

Ive met the prince.

I have met His Highness the Crown Prince.

When the patrolling imperial army saw Lin Yuan, they immediately saluted respectfully.

There is no other way, as the only heir of the current emperor.

Lin Yuan was canonized as a prince as early as the age of five.

This was extremely rare in all dynasties of the Yan Dynasty.

Even if he is the eldest son.

It is also possible to be canonized as a prince only after being crowned as an adult.

And even if he becomes a prince, he will still be guarded by the emperor.

The existence of the prince can certainly stabilize the situation of the court, but it also takes away the power of the emperor to a certain extent.

How could he be as doting as the current emperor Liu Shi, if Lin Yuan wasn't too young?

Emperor Liu Shi will probably let Lin Yuan supervise the country and get used to how to be an emperor.

Lin Yuan walked into the wooden building.

This is the forbidden land of the Dayan Dynasty.

Contains the most powerful secret techniques of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Taking out a book at random is enough to cause a **** storm outside.

A few years ago, Lin Yuan proposed to Emperor Liu Shi that he wanted to enter the wooden building to have a look.

Emperor Liu Shi agreed without even thinking about it.

Firstly, the wooden building is certainly a forbidden area.

But who is Lin Yuan? He is his son, the future emperor of the Dayan Dynasty.

What happened to Jinyi Jinmulou?

Secondly, Emperor Liu Shi felt that Lin Yuan was purely out of curiosity.

How old was Lin Yuancai at that time to be able to understand the many profound skills and secrets in the wooden building?

It is estimated that after playing for a while, you will no longer be interested in it.

Emperor Liu Shi probably never dreamed of it, and it only took less than two years.

Many secrets and techniques that have been recorded in the Great Yan Dynasty for thousands of years have been thoroughly understood by Lin Yuanwu, and he has even introduced new ones.

The cultivation system of this world

Lin Yuan found a place and sat down.

Look fell into brief thought.

The Great Yan Dynasty, or the entire thirty-six kingdoms of the Central Plains.

The cultivation systems are essentially the same.

Specifically, it is divided into seven stages

Meat refining, tendon refining, skin refining, bone refining, organ refining, marrow refining and finally blood refining.

The corresponding realms are: martial artist, martial apprentice, warrior, martial artist, innate martial artist, grand master and martial saint.

Simply put, they are flesh refining warriors, skin refining warriors, skin refining warriors, bone refining martial arts masters, organ refining innate martial arts masters, marrow refining great masters and blood refining martial saints.

According to Lin Yuan's judgment, the strongest 'blood refining' Martial Saint, whose whole body of energy and blood is integrated into one body, is equivalent to the second-order ultimate level in the main world.


Lin Yuan noticed something was wrong.

That is the cultivation system of the Thirty-Six Kingdoms of the Central Plains. Ultimately, it is just a method of polishing the physical body and strengthening the Qi and blood.

As for the soul and spirit, it is not involved at all.

You should know that even in the first world that Lin Yuan traveled to, when he reached the master level, he began to develop "spiritual powers".

There is no reason to compare with the second-level ultimate "blood refining" Martial Saint, who has not touched it at all.

Soldier envoy.

Lin Yuan whispered to himself.

This training system from martial student to martial saint.

It is just a cultivation system that ordinary people are exposed to.

In this world, there is another cultivation system.

It means to become a soldier.

Soldiers can activate divine soldiers.

The divine weapon is the most powerful being in this world.

There are thirty-six countries in the Central Plains, and each country has its own magic soldiers.

The power of divine weapons cannot be blocked by non-human beings. The warrior envoy activates the divine soldiers, even if it is just a breath.

They can easily crush ten or hundreds of blood-refining martial saints.

This is also when Emperor Liu Shi learned that Lin Yuan had the potential to become a holy king.

The reason why the baby's body is much more exciting than when he was born.

No matter how strong your bones and body are, you will be able to become a blood-refining martial saint in the future.

And what does the Blood Refining Martial Saint mean in front of the soldier?

As long as the Great Yan Dynasty has magic soldiers stationed in the city, no matter how many martial saints there are, it will not affect the overall situation.

Its just that not everyone can become a soldier.

If you want to become a soldier, you need to be recognized by the divine soldier.

And every soldier does not live long.

Few soldiers survive forty years.

This also led to the thirty-six countries of the Central Plains having to reserve pre-selected "soldier envoys" at all times.

Even so, "soldiers" occasionally occurred.

The current Dayan Dynasty is facing this kind of situation.

It's just that there are magic soldiers stationed there, plus the alliance signed by the thirty-six countries of the Central Plains.

There will be no problems in a short period of time.

The strength of the soldiers comes from the divine weapons.

With just a trace of breath, it can crush ten hundred martial saints. The power of the divine weapon is at least the third level, or even nearly the fourth level.

Lin Yuan made a guess in his mind.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that the so-called "soldiers" were nothing but puppets.

The truly powerful existence is naturally a magic weapon.

Lin Yuan stood up.

Go to a bookshelf deep in the wooden building.

Hand down a shabby ancient book from above.

It records bits and pieces of information about the Magic Weapon.

This is also one of the few channels of magic weapons that Lin Yuan knows about.

As for asking Emperor Liu Shi directly, other things are easier to talk about.

But once it comes to the magic weapon, Emperor Liu Shi will be very taboo about it.

It seems that he doesnt want his son to know about the magic weapon so early.

Lin Yuan slowly turned the pages of the ancient book.

Even if the above content has been engraved in my heart for a long time.

Still made Lin Yuan feel a little stirred in his heart.

There are thirty-six countries in the Central Plains, and all of them have magic soldiers stationed there.

It seems that the world is peaceful, but each divine weapon requires a huge amount of human sacrifices.

Once they are no longer satisfied, the thirty-six divine weapons will actively resurrect and look for sacrifices.

At that time, all lives will be devastated.

I dont know whether this is a magic weapon or...

The last content of the book seems to have been erased.

But Lin Yuan could easily figure out what was being erased based on the context.

I dont know whether this is a divine weapon or a magic weapon.

Lin Yuan closed the book and put it back on the bookshelf.

There are hundreds of thousands of classics collected in the wooden building, if not millions.

In addition, this book is hidden at the very back, so even if ordinary people come in, there is a high probability that they will not be able to see it.

Only Lin Yuan, with his incredible understanding, would have time to look for these books containing miscellaneous articles after he understood all the secret techniques in the wooden building.

Divine weapon.

Lin Yuan frowned.

As for the origin of the divine weapons, there is no specific record in the wooden building.

I only know that it seems to be related to the ancient period ten thousand years ago.

All divine weapons were born at that time.

As for how it was born and how it formed its current situation, it is still unknown.

Ten thousand years is too long.

The main world is not bad. Entering the interstellar era, everything can be passed down through the formation of data.

But in the world that Lin Yuan currently lives in, any war or man-made disaster may cause a "disconnect".

"this world"

Lin Yuan had a strange look on his face.

The human sacrifices required by the divine weapons should be as full of vitality and blood as possible.

The mainstream cultivation system in this world is purely a method of polishing the physical body and improving Qi and blood.

Looking at both aspects individually, there is nothing surprising.

But a combination

Lin Yuan immediately smelled other smells.

Everyone in this world should be kept captive by the so-called magic weapons.

The thirty-six countries of the Central Plains are thirty-six livestock farms. All the people are livestock, waiting to be devoured by the magic soldiers.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Lin Yuan is almost certain that the training system from martial artist to martial saint must have been affected by the magic weapon, otherwise it would not be so deformed.

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