My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 58: rapid improvement

Chapter 58: rapid improvement

Chapter 58 Rapid Improvement

Chamber competitions between cities are divided into individual competitions and team competitions.

Individual competition is easy to understand.

Team competition is 4V4.

The fight between four evolvers and four evolvers.


Team competition tests the coordination ability among members.

At the Dongning City Arena, host Sun Bin appeared.

As a well-known local host, Sun Bin can be said to be a frequent guest in previous arena competitions.

The ability to do this comes from Sun Bins own ability

Have an in-depth understanding of many evolutionary pathways, and are often able to explain battle situations immediately and make their own judgments.

Coupled with the fact that his words are humorous and not stereotyped, the status of the ring host is naturally unbreakable.

Beside Sun Bin, stood a young woman who was also the host of the ring competition.

In all previous arena competitions in Dongning City, there have always been two hosts, one male and one female.

This female host was obviously commentating on an arena match for the first time, and she looked slightly nervous.

Today is the start of the arena competition. I, Dongning City, will face opponents from other cities.

I believe that in this arena competition, Dongning Citys representative evolvers will be able to surpass the past.

Sun Bins tone was passionate. Regardless of whether he could surpass the past, he must first not lose his momentum.

Okay, let me introduce it next.

Our representative from Dongning City, first of all, is Zong Bai, who is also an acquaintance of everyone. He has the strength of the first and twelfth level, so Zong Bai must be very close to the second level now.

The second place is Cao Rong.

The third place is Lu Xiguang

Fourth place

When Sun Bin said this, he paused intentionally for a while before continuing: "This is the first time for the fourth representative to participate in the ring competition, but since he can stand here, he must be outstanding."


The host Sun Bin once again introduced the four representative evolvers of the opponent Bauhinia City.

Finally, the host began to summarize.

The opponent is very strong. Everyone knows about Bauhinia Citys past record, but I believe in the four players from Dongning City more.

Sun Bin said loudly: "Now, the arena competition begins."

Brother, come on. Lin Yi clenched her fists to cheer Lin Yuan up.

I see that everyone is in a bad mood. They say that Dongning City is destined to lose. Zijing City is too strong and has no chance of winning.

Mother Lu Qiong looked at the "barrage" that kept passing by, and couldn't help but said: "You also said that it was already difficult to win, and added a 'newcomer'. Is this mocking our family, Xiao Yuan?"

Zijing City is indeed very strong, especially the Giant captain.

Father Lin Shoucheng is an "old spectator" and objectively commented: "Judging from previous results, Dongning City's hope of winning is very small, even minimal."

After Lin Shoucheng finished speaking, he saw Lu Qiong's brows furrowed and quickly explained: "But this has nothing to do with Xiao Yuan."

"Even if Xiao Yuan doesn't play, we in Dongning City can't win with the configuration we have in previous arena competitions. These people nowadays just like to blame others. Our Xiao Yuan didn't do anything, so he was labeled as such. "

"Can't you say something nice about Xiao Yuan?" Lu Qiong glared at Lin Shoucheng, "I have great confidence in Xiao Yuan."

Lin Shoucheng immediately smiled and said: "Yes, I am also very confident in our Xiao Yuan. With Xiao Yuan here, Dongning City will definitely win."

Lin Shoucheng's face was full of flattery.

Center of the arena.

Lin Yuan, Zong Bai and other four people appeared on the side.

Mr. Lin, how should we fight now?

Zong Bai immediately asked in a low voice.

He knew very well that normally, they would have no chance of winning against the four people from Zijing City.

Lin Yuan is their only chance.

Therefore, Zong Bai and the other three people decided to fight around Lin Yuan without even thinking about it.

Lu Xiguang and Cao Rong also looked at Lin Yuan closely.

"how to spell?"

Lin Yuan thought for a while.

You go first.

Crush directly head-on.

Lin Yuan said.

Good favor?

Zong Bai agreed without hesitation.

Reacted immediately.

Shall we go first?

Zong Bai glanced at the four people in Zijing City opposite.

Especially the tall figure standing in the center, with a height of two meters.

Hallowed involuntarily.

If Lin Yuan can't go up, let them go up, let alone crush them head-on, I'm afraid they will be crushed.

Lv Xiguang and Cao Rong also looked puzzled.

Evolvers of the Giant evolutionary path are best at head-on confrontation.

The three of them come directly? Isn't this a short-term attack?

Just do as I say.

Lin Yuans tone was calm.


Zong Bai gritted his teeth and said.

This is a virtual world anyway, even if you die, your body outside will not be affected.

The worst thing he could do was lose this arena match. After learning that his opponent was Bauhinia City, Zong Bai didn't have much hope. Whoosh!



Zong Bai, Lu Xiguang, and Cao Rong rushed directly to the four evolvers in Bauhinia City.

at the same time.

The power of Taiyin and Sun in Lin Yuan's body formed Tai Chi. The Yin Fish and Yang Fish slowly rotated and turned into invisible force, shrouding it in all directions.

Tai Chi field.

This is an ability that Lin Yuan realized when he incorporated the Force into the Tao of Tai Chi.

Within the scope of the Tai Chi field, the opponent can be easily suppressed.

Lin Yuan can also use the power of the field to observe everything about his opponent at close range.

In fact, Lin Yuan realized the rudiment of the Tai Chi field as early as the Dragon and Tiger World, and it was not until he understood the evolutionary path of the Force that it was perfected.

the other side.

The four evolvers from Bauhinia City were also looking at Lin Yuan and others from a distance.

When they saw Zong Bai and the other three rushing towards them first, their expressions suddenly showed astonishment.

Looking for death.

The burly figure in the lead sneered. If Zong Bai and others relied on speed, he would still have a headache, but now they are rushing directly?

Crush them with me.

The burly figure's body suddenly expanded to a height of five meters, and he strode towards Zong Bai and the others.

Behind him, the other three evolvers from Bauhinia City also had smiles on their faces.

In their view, this should be the evolutionists of Dongning City giving up on themselves and committing suicide.

Lets see how the players from Dongning City deal with the four evolvers from Bauhinia City.

Oh my God, Zong Bai, Cao Rong, and the other two people actually took the lead and rushed directly towards their opponents?

What is this going to do?

Even the host Sun Bin was surprised when he saw this scene.

He has commented on countless arena matches, but he has never seen this style of play before.

Faced with the Giant Path Evolvers who are good at head-on collisions, there is indeed a way to crush them head-on.

But that is the choice of evolvers who are also good at head-on collision evolutionary pathways.

At present, whether it is Zong Bai, Lu Xiguang, or Cao Rong,

Neither of them is a head-on evolutionizer.

As for the newcomer Lin Yuan, he hid behind and did not take any action.

It seems that our players from Dongning City feel that we cannot win, and plan to end this game in the most heroic way.

The host Sun Bin shook his head slightly and thought it was okay.

At least you can show off your momentum, which is better than running away like crazy.

The spectacle of being crushed by the giant in the end.

No, no, what does this count?

The host Sun Bin looked at the field. He originally thought it was a one-sided situation.

But when the two sides came into direct contact, their eyes suddenly opened wide.

Zong Bai and the others, who were supposed to be torn apart by the 'giant' from Bauhinia City immediately, strangely did not suffer any injuries.

On the contrary, the four evolvers in Bauhinia City suddenly became a little helpless.

He was actually beaten by the former.

How can this be?

On the playing field.

Zong Bai, Cao Rong and the other three were stunned.

After a close fight, they noticed that the speed and strength of the four evolvers in Bauhinia City had plummeted.

Especially the giant opponent, who struck with all his strength, but was easily dodged by Zong Bai.

"what happened?"

Zong Bai could see that the four opponents looked equally shocked and even a little aggrieved.

Obviously he doesnt understand why he is like this.

Its Mr. Lin.

In a flash of lightning, this idea suddenly appeared in Zong Bais mind.

As an evolver, I dont say how smart my brain is, but Im certainly not stupid.

Combined with Lin Yuan to let them go directly, as well as the performance of the current four opponents.

First of all, rule out the possibility of them getting stronger.

Then it can only be because of Lin Yuan.

Mr. Lin took action to suppress them?

Is this a domain capability?

Zong Bai speculated in his mind.

The power of domain is some kind of control over scope and space.

Only a few special evolutionary paths involve this ability at the second and third levels.

Your understanding is incredible, observe the evolution path of giants at close range, and continue to improve the evolution path of martial arts

Your understanding is incredible, observe the evolutionary path of fire at close range, and continue to improve the evolutionary path of martial arts]

Your understanding is incredible, observe the evolutionary path of spiritual masters at close range, and continue to improve the evolutionary path of martial arts

Your understanding is incredible, observe the bloodline evolution path at close range, and continue to improve the martial arts evolution path

Through the Tai Chi field, it is equivalent to touching the four evolvers from Bauhinia City at close range.

This helps Lin Yuan carefully understand the advantages and disadvantages of the opponent's evolutionary path,

This is much more comprehensive than simply watching a video.

For example, Lin Yuan deliberately increased the force of the field and pressed it against the giant's chest.

This then leads to a series of other manifestations of this evolver,

These can provide Lin Yuan with a lot of inspiration under his incredible understanding.

Zong Bai and other three people continued to attack, causing many reactions from the four opponents, which also fell into Lin Yuan's perception.

For a time, Lin Yuan's perfection of the martial arts evolution path increased rapidly.

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