My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 54: My fighting strength is only one thousand, and he has at least ten thousand.

Chapter 54: My fighting strength is only one thousand, and he has at least ten thousand.

Chapter 54 My fighting strength is only one thousand, and he has at least ten thousand

Evolutionary Association, twenty-third floor.

The radiating lens fell to the ground.

Zong Bai and Lu Xiguang couldn't help but change their expressions.

They know Cao Rong's character well, and he is not afraid of anything.

Since it was agreed just now that he would explore Lin Yuans background, there was no way he could retreat midway.


Zong Bai and Lu Xiguang looked at each other.

As an evolver, he has a developed brain and can quickly generate several guesses in his mind.

Combat power glasses are the latest scientific research results of Black Star. Although they are not yet perfect, there is a possibility of malfunction and explosion.

But if it was just that, Cao Rong would definitely not act so tremblingly.

It is very possible that Cao Rong saw something with his glasses before they exploded.

Its best not to offend this person.

In the flash of lightning, many thoughts came to Zong Bai's mind, and he immediately took a step forward with a kind smile on his face: "Mr. Lin, the three of us are here and have been waiting for you for a long time."

Its me whos late.

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with a strange color.

His eyes swept over the lenses scattered on the ground without leaving any trace.

Just now, he vaguely noticed a faint sense of 'peeping'.

It should come from these fragments of glasses.

But this sense of 'peeping' is very shallow.

At most, he can only slightly perceive part of Lin Yuan's strength.

As for the real trump card, it is hidden inside the body.

It is difficult to be observed unless you use all your strength.

Here, please, President Liao has specially prepared delicacies from other planets, which are of some help to evolvers like us.

Zong Bai said with enthusiasm.

Lv Xiguang also smiled.

I dont know what Cao Rong saw?

Lv Xiguang's eyes occasionally glanced over the lost Cao Rong.

If Lin Yuan were not present, he would probably be eager to ask now.

On the table.

Lin Yuan took a sip of the wine in front of him.

Good wine.

Lin Yuan opened his mouth to praise.

The good wine in his mouth naturally does not only refer to the taste of the wine.

Instead, the good wine enters the throat and begins to slowly improve the body. It is estimated that an ordinary citizen can extend his life by three to five years after taking this sip of good wine.

Even if Lin Yuan's physical body has reached a certain level of strength, he can still feel the Qi and blood in his body boiling slightly.

"This fine wine is called Tianzhi wine, but it is a treasure of Brother Zong. If it weren't for you, Mr. Lin, we wouldn't have such a good taste."

Lu Xibai couldn't help but said from the side.

Tianzhi wine is a luxury product even for first- and second-order evolvers.

The price of a bottle of Tianzhi wine on the market ranges from 5 million to 10 million. Lin Yuan's glass of Tianzhi wine is worth 500,000.

The salary of an ordinary citizen for decades of work is just this sip of wine.

Of course, the reason why Tianzhi wine is so expensive is because it is really delicious.

The second reason is due to the slight improvement of the physical body.

Zong Bais pot of Tianzhi wine was also smuggled out of his home.

Stored it at the Evolutionary Association, I want to savor it slowly.

Had I not seen that Lin Yuan was not simple this time, and Cao Rong's behavior just now, it might have caused misunderstandings.

Zong Bai was reluctant to take out the Tianzhi wine.


Several people chatted with each other for a while.

Lin Yuan also probably knew something about Zong Bai and the other three.

The evolutionary path Zong Bai took is called the Psychic Warlock evolutionary path.

Control your mind and kill people from a distance.

The evolutionary path of Psychic Warlock is a relatively widely spread evolutionary path in human civilization.

Essentially, it is to continuously develop ones own mind power and then affect reality.

After practicing this evolutionary path to the fourth and fifth levels, a slight movement of the mind can cause volcanic eruptions, movement of tectonic plates and other natural disasters.

As for Lu Xiguang, he is a bloodline evolver, and all his abilities come from his own bloodline.

Lv Xiguang's bloodline quality has reached the second level.

Its just that even for bloodline evolvers, whose cultivation difficulty is lower than that of other evolutionaries, it is not easy to step from the first level to the second level.

In addition, Lu Xiguang's blood concentration is not very high.

Has been trapped in Stage 1 and 12 for more than ten years.

Communicating with Zongbai, Lu Xiguang and others was very helpful to Lin Yuan.

A few people were chatting face to face, Lin Yuan's eyes swept over each other, and his incredible understanding gave some feedback from time to time, which gave Lin Yuan some insights.

Especially Zong Bais telekinesis warlock evolution path. The so-called telekinesis is essentially the power of the soul and spiritual power.

Some of these insights can be added to the path of martial arts evolution.

after an hour.

Lin Yuan, Zong Bai and others exchanged their citizen numbers in the virtual world and said goodbye.

Twenty-third floor, in the room.

Zong Bai and others returned here after seeing off Lin Yuan.

"It's really not simple." Zong Bai frowned and thought for a while, then said.

The not simple in his words naturally refers to Lin Yuan.

If it was said that at the beginning, he was cautious because he was not sure about Lin Yuan's strength and Cao Rong's performance.

After having some exchanges with Lin Yuan, I naturally had other ideas in my mind.

Putting aside everything else, Zong Bai clearly noticed that Lin Yuan had an unusual understanding of the nature of the evolutionary path.

When asking about his path to the evolution of a telekinesis warlock, every question Lin Yuan asked was something that Zong Bai had never been able to understand before, and he even managed to solve it by asking higher-level evolvers.

But in a few words, Lin Yuan almost understood it.

You must know that what Lin Yuan practiced was not the evolutionary path of a telekinesis warlock.

Before he studied, he had already understood that he had learned about it, and even occasionally made Zong Bai benefit a lot.

Cao Rong, whats wrong with you?

What happened just now?

Lu Xiguang nodded in agreement and looked at Cao Rong next to him.

At this time, Cao Rong seemed unusually silent.

Mr. Lins combat prowess.

Hearing this, Cao Rong had a look of fear on his face.

It is indeed a fighting force. Zong Bai and Lu Xiguang are sure of it.

They had previously speculated that Cao Rong was affected by seeing Lin Yuan's combat prowess through his combat prowess glasses and behaved as he did later.

How much combat power does Mr. Lin have?

Lv Xiguang asked immediately.

My fighting strength is only one thousand, and Mr. Lins fighting strength is at least 10,000.

Cao Rong's voice was trembling, "No, it's more than 10,000."

The combat power glasses exploded due to overload after observing 10,000 combat power.

So Cao Rong felt that Lin Yuan's combat power was definitely more than 10,000.

A combat strength of more than 10,000

Zong Bai and Lu Xiguang took a deep breath immediately.

This is the combat power that only a true second-order evolver can possess.

A combat power that even most second-order evolvers cannot reach.

President Liao said that the people invited this time are about the same strength as us. Lu Xiguang murmured to himself.

They have one thousand, Lin Yuan has ten thousand, no, it is more than ten thousand.

This is called similar?

You cant go wrong with combat glasses.

Cao Rong added next to him.

If the combat glasses were to explode before seeing Lin Yuan.

There may also be a problem with the glasses themselves. As a new technological product, the possibility of malfunction cannot be ruled out.

However, after the combat power glasses captured Lin Yuan's approximate combat power information, they exploded due to exceeding the limit. This only shows that the configuration of the glasses is not good, but there is no problem with the captured information.

What are you thinking about?

Seeing the silence between the two of them, Zong Bai suddenly laughed.

Isnt this a good thing as Mr. Lin gets stronger?

Zongbai asked rhetorically.

Facing the upcoming arena competition, the stronger you are, the closer your ranking will be. Even if you don't make it into the top three thousand in the end, you can still get personal compensation from President Liao.

It is indeed a good thing.

Lv Xiguang and Cao Rong glanced at each other, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

They immediately realized that to them, Lin Yuan was a big leg, and if they hugged him, they might be able to improve their ranking in the arena competition by dozens of places.

Evolutionary Association, 30th floor.

Lin Yuan did not return to Shuiyue Community after leaving the 23rd floor.

Instead, he came to the 30th floor and planned to meet President Liao.

Coming here in person this time, in addition to getting familiar with the three teammates for the upcoming arena match.

Lin Yuan has another purpose.

"How about it?"

Zong Bai and the others are not in trouble, right?

President Liao asked slightly worriedly.

He naturally knows the characters of Zong Bai, Cao Rong and others.

It is clear that it will not be easy for Lin Yuan to integrate into the group.

It's just that he can't control this matter. As the president of the association, he has the power to let Lin Yuan join, but it is impossible for Zong Bai and the others to have no objection.


That pot of Tianzhi wine is good.

Lin Yuan said casually.

He had a good impression of this fine wine.

If it were not too expensive, I would have bought a few boxes.


When did Zong Bai become so generous?

President Liao looked shocked.

He has also been coveting the pot of Tianzhi wine for a long time, but Zong Bai has never invited him to drink it.

In the end, when we got to Lin Yuan, we only met once and he brought it out?

President Liao, when I come here this time, I have something else I want to ask you for help with.

Lin Yuan asked directly without beating around the bush.

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