My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 52: Red Kun Star Territory

Chapter 52: Red Kun Star Territory

Chapter 52 Chikun Star Territory

The three evolutionary pathways each have their own merits and focus.

The evolution path of the golem is an evolutionary method created by studying a kind of alien body in the starry sky called the golem.

When you practice to the extreme, you can transform yourself into a demon.

Of course, its a weakened version of the golem.

The Golem tribe is a powerful alien race that can physically cross the starry sky.

Although the golem clan has a small number of people, every adult golem is enough to challenge a sixth-level human evolver.

The golem transformed through the golem evolution method, even if it is only a weakened version, can still compete with fourth- and fifth-level evolvers.

Become a golem. Forget it

Lin Yuan thought carefully for a while and shook his head.

It is undeniable that the evolutionary path of the golem is unique in its physical transformation.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuan included this evolutionary path into one of the final three options.

However, at the end of practicing the Golem Evolution Method, you need to change your physical form, which Lin Yuan cannot accept for the time being.

It's not that Lin Yuan dislikes the ugly golems, but once he practices this kind of evolution method, he can only go to the dark side.

Even if Lin Yuan, with his incredible understanding, figured out how to walk again, it would definitely be extremely troublesome.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan looked towards the Force Force evolution method.

The Force Evolution Path is a fifth-level evolutionary method that focuses on understanding the ubiquitous Force in the universe and starry sky.

The Force is a very special kind of energy. Unlike extreme energies such as a single lunar or sun, the Force can accommodate everything.

This is somewhat similar to the Tao of Tai Chi formed after the fusion of the lunar yin and the sun.

As for the final way of evolution, it is an evolution method that focuses more on the spiritual soul.

Specialized in soul attacks, it can be regarded as an upgraded version of the spiritual masters evolution path.

The way to evolve through the Force.

Lin Yuan made a decision in his heart.

There are similarities between the Force Evolution Path and the Tai Chi Way in the Martial Arts Evolution Path. Choosing this one will be more helpful to Lin Yuan.

With the deduction of 40 million civilization coins, Lin Yuan suddenly received the complete evolution path of the Force.

Different from purchasing items.

Virtual things such as evolutionary pathways can be obtained instantly.

Tsk, tsk, its really expensive.

Lin Yuan was quite emotional.

But it wasnt his money that was spent anyway, it was the central banks loan line. Lin Yuan didnt feel bad at all.


Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly.

The icon belonging to the Force Evolution Path suddenly became blurry.

The first thing that catches the eye is the warning words in red font.

This evolutionary path must not be leaked to the outside world, otherwise you will be tried by the Supreme Court

In the Universal Human Alliance, any evolutionary path is protected by law.

It is prohibited to teach privately.

There are two ways for ordinary citizens to obtain evolutionary pathways.

One is like Lin Yuan, who directly spends civilization coins to purchase.

Its just that when normal citizens purchase evolutionary paths, they buy them little by little.

For example, the Force evolution path belongs to the fifth-level evolutionary path. Citizens who purchase this evolutionary path will choose to purchase the first-level part first.

Wait until the first-level cultivation is complete before purchasing the second-level part.

In this way, the burden will be much less.

The complete evolution path of the Force is worth 40 million, but if it is only the first-level content, it may be purchased for hundreds of thousands.

The second way, if you really have no money, you can sign a contract with other forces.

The forces will fund you and give you the opportunity to become an evolver.

If you eventually become an evolver, you must serve this force for fifty or one hundred years.

If you don't become an evolver in the end, you will probably have to serve this force for most of your life.

The forces here can be official or unofficial.

Lin Yuan was included in the compulsory recruitment quota before, and he also considered signing contracts with other forces to become an evolver first.

They are just reserve soldiers who are favored by the military region. Very few unofficial forces dare to rob them.

I dont know how much the Martial Arts Evolution Path is selling for now.

Lin Yuan suddenly thought of it.

After uploading the martial arts evolution path, Lin Yuan priced the first-order part of the martial arts evolution path at 10,000 civilization coins.

There is no way, when Lin Yuangang uploaded, the martial arts evolution path was only a quasi-second-order evolution path.

Even if the theoretical potential of the third level is added, it is still not as good as the Force evolution path.

The price is 10,000 civilization coins, which is within a reasonable range.

As for the second-level content of the martial arts evolution path, since it involves the Tao of Tai Chi, Lin Yuan directly set a high price of 500,000 yuan.

A few days ago, Lin Yuan learned that there were more than a thousand citizens currently practicing martial arts evolution.

If these more than 1,000 people only purchased the first-level content, then a total of more than 10 million would have been sold.

Excluding the 70% allocated by the official government, there are still more than 3 million left.

After deducting relevant taxes and fees, Lin Yuan received almost two million.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a few rich people will directly buy the complete martial arts evolution path.

Well know in a few months.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

As for the income sharing of the evolution path, the virtual world is settled once a year.

Collect your thoughts.

Lin Yuan officially watched the evolution of the Force.

Before the main body of the evolutionary method, this is the source of this evolutionary approach.

Universal Human Alliance, Moon Spirit Star. Yueling Star is an advanced life planet in the Chikun Star Territory.

Canglan Star also belongs to the Red Kun Star Region, but it is a medium-life planet.

The Chikun Starfield has eight major galaxies, each of which contains hundreds of billions of stars and more than 120,000 living planets.

The force of the universe is a very special kind of energy, it is gentle and broad

Lin Yuan read carefully.

at the same time.

Your understanding is against the heavens, browse the evolutionary path of the Force, and understand the nature of the Force

In a trance.

Lin Yuan seemed to be in the starry sky of the universe.

Here, there are countless kinds of energy, including the power of the sun, the power of the lunar sky, and the force of the original force.

Lin Yuan could feel the closeness of the Force to him, and he even tried to control this gentle power.

I dont know how long it has been.

Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes.

What am I?

Lin Yuan lowered his head and looked at his hands.

Only seeing the surface of the skin, I dont know when an extra layer of stains appeared.

Have I completed the Force Tempering?

Lin Yuan immediately woke up.

Force Tempered Body is one of the signs of mastery of the Force in the evolutionary path of the Force.

Invoke the starry sky and the ubiquitous force in the universe to temper the body.

How long has it been?

Lin Yuan glanced at the time.

Eight hours.

Lin Yuan was shocked.

I have been addicted to cultivation for such a long time.

If other evolvers who practice the force evolution method know that Lin Yuan only spent eight hours.

Having achieved great mastery of the Force and completed Force Tempering, I am afraid that I even want to die.

The most difficult step in the Force evolution method is to perceive the existence of the Force.

On this aspect alone, it would take ordinary evolvers at least several years to experience it.

As for fast forwarding to the completion of the Force, Force Tempering? There are no decades without even thinking about it.

Unless you have a special physique and are innately close to the force of the universe, it will probably be this time.

Lin Yuan only took eight hours, which is simply weird.

Force tempering has not caused the rejection of the lunar sun in the body. It seems that this evolutionary path is very suitable for me to understand.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, feeling that he made no mistake in his choice.

In the starry sky of the universe, various energies are intertwined with each other.

Without the guidance of the evolutionary path of the Force, even with Lin Yuan's incredible understanding.

It takes a terrifying amount of time to lock down an energy that suits you among so many energies.

Not to mention the force of the universe, it is a power that is very suitable for Lin Yuan.

Take the Tao of Tai Chi as the foundation and the force of the universe as the trunk.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged and could vaguely see the direction of the third level.

In the world of Dragon and Tiger, Lin Yuan achieved enlightenment through Tai Chi, reaching the limit of the second level, and even stepped into the third level with one foot.

But its not the third level after all.

Just now, after constantly understanding the nature of the force, Lin Yuan is not far away from entering the third level.

The time is eight hours in the past.

Just when Lin Yuan continued to be immersed in understanding the way of the force.

A female robot came to the underground training ground, pulled a dining cart, and stood in front of Lin Yuan.

Master, its time to eat.

The female robot spoke.

In the interstellar age, most families will be equipped with a housekeeper robot at home.

This female robot is Lin Yuanmais housekeeper robot, which is responsible for doing housework, cooking, acting as a bodyguard, etc.

When Lin Yuan lived with his parents, his mother Lu Qiong disliked the soulless food made by robots.

Generally, I cook by myself.

Lin Yuan didn't feel this way. With his current body's strong digestion ability, there would be no problem eating it raw.

Open the dining table.

The butler robot brought out seven or eight bowls of food.

They are basically all kinds of meat. They are all flesh and blood rich in energy cultivated from the genes of certain starry sky beasts.

Ordinary citizens would definitely be depleted if they only needed two or three mouthfuls of this kind of meat, but Lin Yuan was different. With his powerful body, it only took an hour or two to digest the meat.

More than ten minutes later.

Lin Yuan ate all the food.

In fact, given Lin Yuan's current conditions, he can maintain the nutrients his body needs by taking nutrient solutions.

But the eating habits he has developed over the years make Lin Yuan still like to eat all kinds of visible food.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to continue immersed in cultivation.

Suddenly a video call popped into view.

Who is looking for me?

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Glancing at the caller ID.

is President Liao.

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