My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 936: I don't want peace, I want problems. Always.

Chapter 936: I don't want peace, I want problems. Always.

Setting that aside for now, he lightly touched Anna's horns, causing the woman to shudder slightly, with even more fluids flowing from her inner depths.

'I need to resolve this,' Victor thought. Anna's clear desire for him was quite evident, and as a man who didn't like to do things half-assedly, he couldn't let this linger any longer. After all, Anna was no longer a Noble Vampire whose desires could be contained.

She was a Dragon with powerful reality-distorting Powers. Although he had sealed that Power for now, Victor wasn't planning to let her limit her potential because of easily solvable problems.

'It's time for a talk with my Father,' Victor thought inwardly as he expanded his senses, looking in the direction of Violet, Scathach, Aphrodite, Eleonor, Ruby, and Velnorah, who were discussing the matter that led Anna to come here, proving that the woman in his arms was voluntarily participating more actively in Faction affairs.

Sending a projection of himself to the meeting, Victor asked, "What happened?"

"Darling...? What is this?" Ruby asked curiously as she looked at Victor, who appeared the same as always in his elegant black suit, but she could tell that this wasn't the Victor she knew.

A brief glance with her Dragon Eyes confirmed that her instincts were correct.

"A projection..." Knowing that his Wife always preferred a more elaborate explanation, he said, "I'm basically sending a small piece of my Soul here to talk with you."

"... That's a very advanced Technique," Velnorah remarked. "Only experienced Death Gods can do that. It's how they do their job, after all."

"Mm," Victor nodded and treated it as if it were nothing, which it really wasn't for him, considering that the Power to interfere with the Soul came naturally to him now due to his connection with the Divinity of Negativity.

"So, what happened?" Victor asked.

"Asgard has descended into Civil War," Eleonor said.

"... Again?" Victor raised an eyebrow. As one of the Beings with various memories of ancient Beings within him, he knew all too well how Asgard was constantly in civil strife due to Odin.

When Victor and the others mentioned Asgard, they were referring to the entire territory of the Norse Pantheon, which included the sub-dimensions of the realms of Asgard where Odin's enemies resided.

"Yes," Aphrodite sighed. "Although this time, it wasn't Odin who initiated the war, but Loki's daughter, Hela."

"Oh... She's certainly confident," Victor commented.

"She has every reason to be confident, as she's going to war with all her siblings who are Gods of The End," Violet explained.

Victor narrowed his eyes. "... All her siblings? Even Fenrir?"


Violet's response made Victor narrow his eyes even further. While he had no authority over Fenrir as his subordinate, he had expected his friend to at least inform him when going into battle. If not him, then The World Tree of Yggdrasil would contact him.

"I spoke with my sister just now, and she knows nothing, Darling. Fenrir left without warning, and by the time she noticed, she couldn't sense his presence anymore," Roxanne said. "She wasn't lying when she said that; I could feel it."

These words made him pensive as he tried to understand Fenrir's intentions.

"Now that I think about it, Loki had two children with the Divinity of The End... That's quite curious, isn't it?" Aphrodite voiced her thoughts aloud. She hadn't thought much about it before, but now that this topic had come up, she realized that Loki might have some irregularity within him. After all, all of his children were abnormal.

One child was a gigantic serpent capable of destroying a Pantheon, another was a wolf with the same purpose, and the third was a cunning Underworld Goddess, much like her father.

Velnorah's eyes gleamed, but before she could ask anything, Ruby spoke, "You can't, Velnorah. Not now, at least."

Velnorah pouted upon hearing Ruby's response. "I just wanted to experiment... I wouldn't kill him... Someone who can produce two Gods of The End definitely must have something inside himself."

"You can't. He's not our enemy," Ruby remained firm.

"Although Loki is as he is, he's smarter than most, and he won't antagonize us, knowing our strength," Aphrodite spoke.

"... Fine," Velnorah grumbled.

While Velnorah seemed dissatisfied, Victor appeared to have figured something out.

"I see... What a simple boy, but I can't help but respect him." After evaluating Fenrir's psychology, Victor concluded that he had accepted his sister's request because... well, she was his sister, and it was right to help family, even though he definitely wouldn't do the same for Loki.

"Has Nyx been sent?"

"Yes, that was the first thing I ordered," Scathach said as she evaluated the hologram in front of her, displaying Nyx's POV.

"Soon, we will know what's happening."


[Yes, my Master.]

Victor smiled when he heard War's response. If Vlad had Alexios, he had an Ancient Horseman of the Apocalypse.

[Join Nyx and assist her with whatever is needed... Use my Heralds if necessary. I don't care what it takes, just keep Nyx safe and find anything of interest to us.]

Problems? If possible, Victor didn't want them right now. After all, he had just come out of a ton of problems. But that didn't mean he would remain passive in any situation that would bring him trouble.

If it was for his Family, Victor would welcome problems, always.

[As you wish, My Master.]

"I will return as soon as I find something and inform you," Victor stated.

"Yes, Darling," the women replied in unison, except for Velnorah, who remained pensive.

Before leaving, Victor looked at Velnorah and spoke, "Vel."

"Yes...?" Her thought process was interrupted, and she blushed slightly upon hearing Victor's affectionate tone.

"Can you transform our Faction into a technological Faction that combines Technology and the Supernatural in less than 100 years?"

Velnorah displayed a small smile. "100 years is too long. With my current Powers, I can do it in 10."

"Very well... Although you were probably already heading in that direction," Victor chuckled a bit when he saw Ruby looking away.

'As expected of Darling... Even though he seems disinterested and always unaware, he's always observing,' Ruby thought.

"I will assist to expedite things," Victor snapped his fingers, and at that moment, Ruby, Velnorah, and Aline, who were in Hell, felt a connection with something.

"Is this... a Pocket Dimension?" Ruby asked.

"Not exactly, but similar... You are connected to one of the planets in my Inner World. I used that representation to create a small dimension where I will store the items."

Ruby and Velnorah slowly opened their eyes in shock as they saw various materials being created.

From basic Mortal materials like iron to rare Divine Metals, everything was being created there. By using his Energy as compensation, Victor had created these materials for his Wives.

Victor looked at Ruby seriously. "Along with Hephaestus, Scathach, and Dun Scaith, I want you, Velnorah, and Aline to accelerate the progress of everything. I am leaving you in charge of everything, Ruby."

"I believe you must know exactly what I want you to do."

"... Yes, I do," Ruby smiled, a smile that grew into a wicked grin. "I definitely do."

"Good. If you need more material, just let me know. I will create more."

"Yes, Darling."

Victor's projection disappeared, and he returned to his room.

"Fufufufu, this is getting exciting," Ruby looked at Velnorah and tossed something to her.

Velnorah opened her hands and caught a USB drive.

"Analyze the data on this. We will start everything based on these plans... Of course, with your Technology, I expect better versions than this."

After analyzing the data, Velnorah opened her eyes wide, seeing the project in her hands. Planetary destruction weapons, cloned soldiers working like ants under the command of a queen, highly advanced A.I with consciousness and loyalty to the Faction, designs for various infinitely renewable Energy sources, and even the idea of using an entire black hole were included here.

There were even armors similar to Velnorah's but much more versatile, able to become anything the wearer desired, weapons that could destroy Souls, causing permanent death.

At that moment, she looked at Ruby with newfound respect in her eyes. 'To be able to come up with such a large project in a place with such outdated technology... She's definitely a genius, a genius who may even surpass my mother.'

Little did she know that the ideas Ruby put on the USB drive came from watching many sci-fi anime, although this information wouldn't diminish her credit. After all, having ideas from anime and attempting to bring those ideas into reality was a challenging task.

"All this data... Do you want to further refine it?"

"Yes, I want everything to work with Runes, your Technology, and Hephaestus's art." Ruby's eyes sparkled with desire. "We will build a high-tech Faction that will make no one dare to provoke us."

"I want it so that when these Beings think of provoking us, their very existence trembles in fear of the retaliation that will be caused if they attack us."

"... I can respect that," Velnorah smiled.

"We should also prepare an expansion plan. If we can't control everything, we can at least have influence everywhere," Violet suggested.

"I agree with that, too. Influence is quite important," Aphrodite concurred with Violet.

"Although we will expand, we must bear in mind not to give this technology to the public," Eleonor pointed out something important.

"Of course, only things equivalent to a microwave for us will be made available to the public. The important things will only be available to our people."

"Ugh, if you apply that, we'll have to control the flow of products to prevent people from stealing," Aphrodite grumbled, already seeing the immense amount of work ahead.

Despite Victor being the King of Hell with cheap, almost limitless labor, what they needed for this important task was qualified and loyal manpower—Beings with zero tolerance who were also strong. They needed to spread these Beings all over the Dimensions.

Although they could achieve this with Demons... it simply wasn't reliable. Demons were very susceptible to corruption and may switch to the other side for lesser benefits.

Take a practical example. Despite all the advantages Victor gave to the Demons, there were still foolish Demons who just wanted easy Power and were willing to sell themselves to other Pantheons for it. These Demons were usually the younger ones who wanted everything 'easy'. The older generation and those who had witnessed Victor's horrors would never betray him out of fear and respect for their King.

These Demons usually vanished from the face of the earth thanks to the Shadow Demons squad. There was a reason why Victor invested so much in this species. Their work was the most helpful to his Faction.

Placing these Demons in this delicate position to oversee new technology was a significant risk because there would always be idiots in the world, no matter what Race they belonged to.

"Don't worry about that now," Velnorah said as she opened a hologram for everyone to see. "If this project is initiated, we will never again lack elite manpower."

"... Clones?" Eleonor raised an eyebrow.

"Not just any clones. Loyal clones programmed by a Super A.I that answers directly to Victor, Beings with semi-Souls that can be programmed to learn from each new piece of information we feed them. Think of them as flesh machines."

"Think of it this way: the clones fight a God, and in that battle, they lose terribly. But in the next update, they can completely overpower that God due to the information we've given them..."

'This is truly incredible, especially if we put strong Lineages in these clones to enhance their role,' Velnorah could clearly see the potential of these warriors.

'My mother wanted to do something similar in the past, but her goals were too high. She wanted the best Race in the universe, whereas Ruby only wants to use Victor's modified Noble Vampire Lineages...'

'In fact, this project doesn't have to be limited to Noble Vampires. We can create sub-Races, for example, Vampires with Werewolf-like characteristics or Vampires with Demon-like characteristics... The limit of these soldiers is only defined by the limitations of us, the creators.'

"... This..." Eleonor and Scathach narrowed their eyes slightly. As warriors, they didn't know how to feel about Beings like this, but they couldn't deny the efficiency that Velnorah was talking about.

"This isn't enough, Velnorah. Clones are just the beginning; look deeper into the Combat Power section," Ruby said, looking at the hologram that showed Nyx's POV. The Goddess of The Night was already approaching the Norse Pantheon.

She was taking her time because she needed to search in the void between Dimensions, which was a tedious task.

Doing as Ruby asked, Velnorah opened the soldiers' section and saw various Dragon sub-Species that could be controlled by them, as well as legitimate Dragons that weren't True Dragons like them.

Not only that, she also saw a project called "NECRO." When she opened this folder, she saw various ideas for creating a Necromancer, a Being that shone on the battlefield with the more corpses there were.

And it wasn't just any Necromancer but a Necromancer with Dragon-like Power capabilities. Clearly, all these ideas here were created with the input of Ruby and Victor together. Although most of them were created by Ruby, Victor was not left out, and his opinion as one of the most talented Beings in the Art of War was taken into great consideration. Because of that, there were Beings that could be created by them for every type of battlefield.

Due to their Lineage, there was even a project for them to create biological weapons in the form of a Being. Only one biological weapon like this could destroy an entire civilization, and the requirement to create such a Being already existed... The requirement for creating this weapon was Maria's powers.

The amount of unethical ideas on this USB drive made Velnorah's head ache with admiration and horror. All the ideas were built to be as efficient as possible... And she could respect something like that.

"... You're insane, Ruby," Velnorah said with admiration in her tone.

"Coming from an Overlord, that's a compliment to me," Ruby smiled faintly.

Suddenly, they all heard, "Fuck finally, why is this place so hard to find?"

"It seems Nyx has arrived," Ruby said, and soon all the girls' attention was on Nyx.



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