My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 927: Amara and Roxanne.

Chapter 927: Amara and Roxanne.

Victor's inner world.

"Roxanne, did you see what Victor said about Anna?"

"Yes, I saw it."

"What do you think?"

"Well…" Roxanne looked at that cosmic horror in the distance. "Do you think anyone can top that?"

Amara was silent. As beings that were deeply linked to Victor's soul, she knew very well how 'scary' that is, it is unlikely that anyone will overcome that, in very summarized terms that is a pure entity of chaos taking shape, something that was completely outside the scope of creation.

"As I thought." Roxanne nodded, Amara's silence was all the answer she needed.

"Anna may be talented and have a lot of potential because she is Victor's mother, but that potential is very limited to just one scope of possibility."

"If the situation. 'What If' Darling imagined happening, she will indeed become very powerful, but... I highly doubt anyone will surpass Victor in anything."

"From the moment he became a god, something changed in him... Something deep, something that makes Victor who he is... If it weren't for that, I would doubt that something like this would ever exist." Roxanne said, as a woman who is deeply connected to Victor, she was the most sensitive to his internal changes, much more than Amara herself who is just a newcomer.

"So even if the situation of Anna reaching full potential happens, I doubt it can affect Victor… After all, when she reaches that potential, Victor will be stronger, huh?" Amara spoke.

"Correct." Roxanne nodded, and then said, "Follow me."

Roxanne disappears, and appears from a deeper place in Victor's soul. Amara appears soon after, and asks: "Where are we?"

"In the place where Darling's 'extra' powers are."

"Extra powers...?" Amara gasped as she looked at the surroundings that were filled with different energies.

"Powers of beings he consumed but never used until this moment... This place appeared when he became a god."

"All this? Are you saying this is all a different power?"


"...Holy hell..." Amara was in complete disbelief.

She looked to one side, and felt the balls of energies floating: "The power of time of Kronos, the empty power of the son of Erebus, the darkness of Erebus, the power of adaptation, and the absorption of my former children... And much more."

"Not only that, you are just looking at the deities, here there are also the demonic powers he absorbed in the war... and." She floated towards a location with Amara following her, soon the two women saw the body of a gigantic demon.

"Diablo." Amara murmured.

"In Diablo's death in the past, Victor did not gain his most significant powers, but only his knowledge. In the past, I had found this strange, but I didn't think much about it, after all, this tended to happen..." Roxanne narrowed her eyes. "But I was wrong, it's not that Victor didn't gain his powers, his body wasn't prepared to absorb Diablo's power, because of that, he didn't gain any powers."

"...But that changed when he became a god." Roxanne points to Diablo's disappearing legs.

"Diablo's Nephilim essence is being absorbed by Victor, consequently, Darling is becoming a being that breaks the balance."

"... But why isn't the system alerting you to this?" Amara asked.

"Because it's being done naturally, I guess." Roxanne replied, not even she knew why the system wasn't going crazy with Victor's existence, he was clearly a being that broke the balance by being a god of chaos.

"My theory is that as Victor's process happened naturally, and he was accepted by the two most authoritative primordials, thus gaining permission to have their deities, the system is not pointing out him as a being that needs to be eradicated."

"Unlike Diablo who tried to force his rise in a very artificial way."

"...How ironic, the primordial demon that wanted to grow and become something bigger ended up just being food to boost someone else's growth."

"That's how nature is." Roxanne shrugged.

"Hmm?" Amara looked in the direction of a location, and asked. "Roxanne, what is that?"

Roxanne looked at the place where Amara is pointing, and narrowed her eyes, she floated in that direction, unlike the white space where hundreds of different powers were, what she saw was the perfect image of what the cosmos is, in that cosmos there were several small stars, but that wasn't what caught the two women's attention. And yes, two certain stars.

In the middle of that cosmos there were two huge suns, a super massive sun made completely of red energy, and a smaller sun made of white energy.

When looking at the supermassive red sun, Roxanne was naturally drawn to that star. Just like Amara was drawn to the minor sun.

"...That's the main deities Begin, and Negativity." Roxanne muttered.

"Isn't this unbalanced?" Amara frowned.

"Yes, this one."

"This is a problem? After all, balance is essential for everything." Amara asked.

"I don't know."

Originally, Victor is a being who was born on the Negative side of the scale, he was a progenitor vampire, a being of the night, then he received Roxanne who is a world tree of negativity, only recently, he acquired some positive aspect within yes.

"You do not know?" Amara looked at her sister in disbelief.

Roxanne narrows her eyes at Amara. "Just because I know a lot of things doesn't mean I know everything. In fact, shouldn't you as the so-called big sister know this?"

Amara felt an arrow pierce her chest when she heard what Roxanne said. "B-But, I never imagined being in this ridiculous situation... I don't even know how he unlinked me from my planet, and linked me to his soul, this situation is completely incomprehensible to me." Amara pouted sadly.


Roxanne slaps Amara on the head.


"Stop acting like a child, you're older than me." She snorted.

"... Technically, we are the same age now, after all, you matured before me..." Amara murmured.

"What did you say?" Roxanne narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing!" Amara quickly said.

Roxanne snorted again, and said, "Don't you have any thoughts to add?"

"... Well, our father always spoke about the importance of balance, because of this, the positive tree was sent first, so that the negative tree was sent next, in this way, slowly the two forces will balance and ensure that the planet grows healthy."

"Why is the positive tree sent first?" Roxanne asked.

"The characteristics of positive energy if used first better influence the growth of the planet..." Amara touches her chin thinking about the teachings embedded in being hers. "Because of this, positive trees are shipped first."

"...Well, the properties of my energy cause more harm to the surroundings than good." Roxanne didn't deny it, she saw that if someone wanted to create a planet, it would be more logical to send the energy that would feed the planet and then send the negative energy that has more destructive properties.

"Yes. I have never seen a case where the negative tree was sent first to create a planet." Amara spoke. "It was always the positive trees."

"... Following this line of reasoning, we can assume that this imbalance is not healthy... Therefore, should Darling eat more 'good' gods from now on? A balanced diet is always good." Roxanne spoke.

"Why are you talking as if the gods are snacks for Victor?"

"And isn't that what they are?" Roxanne asked confused.

"...Well..." Remembering the imposing appearance of Victor's dragon form, and the cosmic horror within him. "You are right."

While looking at that cosmos without getting closer, Roxanne and Amara realized that those smaller stars were the deities that the gods could sense from Victor if he so desired.

"Hmm, I have a theory. Come here with me!" Amara suddenly flew towards the blank space.

Seeing Amara heading towards a deity, Roxanne narrowed her eyes, then quickly followed her sister.

Stopping in front of a transparent sphere that looked like a soap bubble, Amara slowly tried to touch it.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Roxanne held Amara's hand.

"Just an experiment..."

"This is the deepest part of Darling's soul, I won't let you do an experiment here." Roxanne's eyes lit up as she tightened her grip on Amara's hand.

Even though her hand was hurting a lot, Amara didn't show it: "Trust me, I don't want to harm my own planet. If what I have in mind works, it will benefit both of us."

"...Explain what you want to do first."

"If my hypothesis is correct, that cosmos is the 'active' space of Darling's powers, so if we throw those dormant powers into that space, shouldn't he gain a new deity?"

"Divinity is not cabbage, Amara. You can't win one that easily."

"Well, that's true... But there's no harm in trying, right?"

"...Okay, but don't use the power of the void, it's very dangerous."

"...Power of the void?"

"What were you about to take."

"...Oh..." She swallowed and moved away from that transparent sphere.

Roxanne looks at some powers nearby, and chooses a golden orb.

Looking at the sphere in Roxanne's hand, Amara asked, "What is this?"

"Gabriel's essence, it's just pure light energy, it's not harmful to Darling, and even if something happens, it will only heal Darling's soul."

"Umu, good choice." Amara nodded.

The two women fly to the threshold of the two territories again, and upon arrival, Amara looks at her sister with an expectant look.

"Go on."

"...If this fails, I will blame it on you."

"Ugh, but you're also participating!"

"But it was your idea."

"Fine... Just do it!"

"Haah, okay." Roxanne throws the sphere into the cosmos side.

The sphere floats for a few seconds without anything happening until... Suddenly, it is pulled by force by a terrible gravitational center, and the next moment, the sphere crashes into the white sun.

Visibly, the white sun grows a few centimeters, the two wait a few more seconds, and nothing happens.

"...Well, he was fed-." Roxanne was going to say something, but she stopped when she heard her sister scream.

"Ohhhh, amazing!"

She looks at her sister, and sees her using the light of angels in her hands.

"Huh? How can you use this?"

"I don't know, I just feel like I can now, hehehe~"


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