My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 47: She would no longer be a fan of his! (2)

Chapter 47: She would no longer be a fan of his! (2)

After Su Ran had left, Lu BoYangs look had changed as well. 

Why did he feel that Su Ran truly didnt come with revenge in mind?

Lu BoYang stroked his chin and frowned. 

Mr. President? How come youve come?

A loud cry came over. Lu BoYang turned and saw Director Zhou who came running out from her office. 

To take care of some stuff, said Lu BoYang casually as he turned away from the direction that Su Ran had taken off. 

And what are you doing here on a weekend?

Ugh, Mr. President. As it turned out, our Tech Department was able to recover the data and we were able to get hold of the sender of those 10 songs.

As Miss Su isnt available to come over on a weekday, weve set the meeting on a weekend at the office, replied Director Zhou. 

Not only did she place all the responsibilities onto Su Ran, she had also made herself look good for working over the weekend. 

Having heard that, Lu BoYang frowned all of a sudden.

So, that woman really came to talk about a business transaction?

Over to one side, Director Zhou, who knew nothing of the back story, saw the frown on Lu BoYang and became worried. She quickly added, Emm, the songs from Miss Su are quite good, but she asked for a lot, so we havent been able to reach an agreement yet.

How much did she ask for?

Ugh, 200,000 yuan each.

And not including royalty, added Director Zhou after she thought about it for a little. Thats the price of a master level music writer.

Do I need a master music writer to sing on stage? asked Lu BoYang after he heard Director Zhous words. 

That being said, he truly doubted that Su Ran would be able to write any good music. 


So she was the one who wrote the music?

Ive chatted with Miss Su a little and am pretty sure that, yes, she was the one who wrote them.

Was it worth 200,000 yuan? asked Lu BoYang. He was much more serious when they were talking about work. 

Director Zhou wasnt sure what to say after shed been asked by her boss. 

From the work alone, yes, they were worth that. However, Miss Su was an unheard of song writer. Not to mention that she had other reasons. 

Seeing that Director Zhou had turned silent, Lu BoYang looked impatient. 

Do you have the music?

Yes, Mr. President. I have saved them all to a USB drive. Its right here.

Give it to me. He wanted to see what kind of improvement the woman had made in the past 10 years. 

After walking away with the USB drive, Lu BoYang went back to his office upstairs. He contemplated for a little while and finally made a call. 

Liu Sheng?

Third Young Master, what can I do for you?

Remember that Su Ran who had offended the Songs and was finally kicked out of the Sus?

The Young Miss of the Sus?

Yes, I want you to go and look into her. Find out what she has been doing over the years and what she been up to recently.

Even though he had confirmation from Director Zhou that Su Ran was, indeed, here for a business deal, Lu BoYang still didnt feel entirely comfortable. 

Xing-ers situation hasnt been great as of late and he didnt want her disturbed. 


When he ran into Su Ran today, he felt something else from her. He felt a sort of pressure exuded from her. 

Over on his end, a call came as soon as Lu BoYang had hung up the phone with Liu Sheng. 

His hand shook when he saw the name on the caller ID. He looked solemn but still answered the call immediately. 

Third Uncle, youre looking for me?

We need to take care of the matters over at City Xi. You have 10 minutes time to get back. The voice coming from the other end had no warmth at all. The voice was deep but couldnt be ignored. 

10 minutes?!

You have a problem with that?

Oh, oh oh, no, no problem. Lu BoYang chuckled awkwardly and said. 

Luckily, it was the weekend. Had anyone else in the office seen that intimidated look on their usually decisive president, theyd probably thought that their Boss Lu had been possessed. 

Lu BoYang made sure he took the USB drive with him on his way out. 

Su Ran had no idea what happened with Lu BoYang. 

Right about now, Su Ran had already gone home and further submitted her 10 original songs along with her new work in the last few days to a few other studios. 

Su Ran had picked these studios out from the web. 

She had originally wanted to sell her songs to Shengding because they were a big company with no shortage of funding and would pay with alacrity. 

But now, if shed have to deal with one of the main characters from the novel, she wasnt so willing to sell to them anymore. 

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