My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 356: Hello Chaos My Old Friend

Chapter 356: Hello Chaos My Old Friend

-…I am doing nothing of that sort

Hae-in – Sure, you also aren't thinking of using that Sharingan to trap this guy in a genjutsu, Itachi style, right?

-Alright stop, I give I give.

Hae-in - Huhu, you should be honest from the start, Anyway did you see the file I sent? Things are moving in the way you guys said. Gwang-hwamun is going to be a battlefield because of the arrival of all the major forces according to our scouts.

-Yeah, the time for the top groups of Seoul to fight came faster because a few things happened it seems.

Hae-in- Yes, and Zenobia will be delayed for a while.

-What happened?

Hae-in- Nothing too serious her group became bigger when she wasn't paying attention.

-She was most likely busy examining everything and didn't notice anything.

Zenobia was having quite a good time ever since the Scenario started as she was able to see something new every single day, and as an artisan, it made her want to examine everything, from weapons to skills to the dokkaebi's system.

And it wasn't that all of it was useless since the way Haru and Hae-in were communicating right now was made possible by an item made by Zenobia after she received information from Queresha about the Dong-hoon's skills.

Even though Zenobia and Queresha have made it possible for two phones to connect without the use of a cellphone tower, Zenobia made a device based on Dong-hoon's skill.

There were several reasons why she did that but the main one was….

Hae-in- She got a lot of Constellations wanting to sign contracts with her as well.

-Hmm, that's good for now, when she comes online tell her to ask for help if she runs into any trouble.

Hae-in- Will do, I'll go talk to Kanae for a sec, Bye.

'Well, let's update the shit list,' Haru stood up from the seat and went out looking at the new blue panels again.

[The time limit for the fourth scenario has been reduced greatly.]

[39 hours remaining until the end of the scenario.]

[All members of the group that fails to take over their target station within the next 39 hours will die.]

'It looks like Dok-ja overdid his task, Well, thanks to that I understand the system better,' Haru thought as he came out of the tent and saw that everyone was gathered.

"So, are we moving now?" Hee-won asked because from the looks of things right now, there was no other logical answer since everyone was gathered.

"Yes, a lot of things have changed, So we'll need to move out faster," Everyone nodded at Haru's words since they had seen how the time limit has decreased by 8 whole days all of a sudden.

"You say that but aren't we a bit too relaxed?" Hee-won said since there are only 39 hours left and their target station was under...

"How are we going to take the station from the Tyrant King?" Apostle no Three spoke with a little fear evident in his eyes.

"Have you faced him before Park Eun-ho?" Hee-won asked, the Apostles have already been integrated into the group quickly thanks to Queresha, and other members didn't hold a grudge against them since no one was harmed.

"I was tasked to contact The Tyrant king before but…." Eun-ho explained how the Tyrant king attacked his group making most of them prisoners.

"I was barely able to run away," Eun-Ho sighed as he remembered how much of a loss he incurred because of this.

'I see, so that is how the Tyrant King got prophets as his prisoners,' Dok-ja connected the dots in his head as to how the Tyrant king rose to power quicker than the original.

But that wasn't that big of a problem since the ripple Tyrant king had was equivalent to a drop of water falling into the lake, which wasn't much when compared to someone he knew personally.

"He rules over most of Northern Seoul, and He is someone who makes all good-looking people into his concubines while killing ugly people or uses them as slaves in case they are useful," Apostle number two Kim Min-ji shared information they had.

The apostles didn't have much information like the First Apostle, it was limited to the chapters they had read of TWSA nearly 10 years ago.

"What do we do now Haru? I am sure you do not want to become a concubine, well if you swing that way I respect your choice, I'll be a bit disappointed though," Hee-won shrugged as Haru could only shake his head.

"I don't think that is something we need to worry about right now," Dok-ja spoke and Hee-won nodded.

"Yes most of us don't need to worry about it like Dok-ja, even then I have no plan on becoming a concubine, Maybe we should just kill the Tyrant king or whatever he is," Hee-won actually looked at Dok-ja with pity much to his dismay, but seeing that she was exchanging jokes with him meant that at least she trusted him to a certain extent.

Dok-ja came to understand after watching Hee-won that the more carefree she is around someone, the more she trusts that person.

"I didn't call you here to talk about The Tyrant King though," Haru said making them look at him in surprise, their target station was in the hands of the Tyrant king, so what else are they going to talk about?

'It looks like Haru got his hands on the fake revelation, That is good,' Dok-ja could make that assumption since the information inside the fake revelation was lucrative enough to pull the Tyrant king in, and of course, Haru was smart enough to know that Tyrant king will surely come himself because of how the guy is described till now.

But, what Haru said next was enough to shock them all.

"The Tyrant King is no more,"

This left Dok-ja with another headache, because things just took a sharp turn for no reason.


An hour later, A group of seven left Chung-muro station.

"So, Someone you know has taken over Do-bong and they are alright with giving us Chang-shin station?" Hee-won asked as they were walking on the tracks, their destination being Gwang-hwamun station.

"To put it briefly yes," Haru nodded.

'I see, the reason the Tyrant king went silent was that he was defeated, come to think of it that can be the only explanation, Since there is no way he won't cause a ruckus,' Dok-ja was already putting Tyrant king out of his mind since there was someone new who he needed to watch out for.

A new king that was able to take down the Tyrant king, one that was actually stronger than his novel counterpart. This was another unknown variable thrown into the mix making things more chaotic, as if they weren't at this point.

On top of that, this person was someone Haru knew well enough that the person was ok with trading a station. Even though it doesn't sound that big of a deal but it is, since the station in question is their target station.

'It doesn't look like that person has any intention of taking advantage of his higher ground in the deal as well,' Dok-ja was sure that no one was stupid enough to give a group their target station for nothing.

This could very easily be used to bring the group under their control. But things didn't seem that way here.

'So that is where Alea came back from a little while ago,' Dok-ja remembered Alea leaving the station for a while, at the time he thought that Haru had sent her to scout Gwang-hwamun after getting the fake revelation. But things became clearer now that looks at it.

'Even then, there isn't going to be a change in my plans since what I am aiming for is totally different from everyone,' Dok-ja thought as the surroundings got noisier.

"I bet 1000 coins that the leader of that group is a woman, anyone else wants to bet with me?" Hee-won looked around at the remaining five people.

"Sounds interesting I am in, but I say there are two women," Alea said betting 1000 coins as well, she ignored Haru's side-eye and fanned the flames.

"Me too," Jin-ah also raised her hands as Dok-ja also participated since he could make some easy coins here.

[Many Constellations are interested in the proceedings and plan on joining in.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is betting coins on the friends being three women.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' bets that the entire group consists of women only.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'General Who Had Dinner With Hades' is saying that gender has no importance for a warrior.]

[400 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' wants it to be big muscular males with hairy bodies.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]



See ya next week...

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