My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 232: 232 Status

Chapter 232: 232 Status

Haru sat down on the sofa in the living room with Jin-ah setting her head in his lap before taking out manga to read, Queresha went to the kitchen to get some snacks and tea for everyone while Alea and Zenobia sat down on the sofa opposite to Haru.

Queresha came into the room and placed the teacups in front of everyone with a tray full of snacks.

"So I wanted to ask you guys something," Haru spoke after taking a sip of his tea.

Alea and Zenobia looked at him waiting for him to continue Queresha was paying full attention to the situation, unlike Jin-ah who was lost in her Manga at the moment. But in her defense, Detective Conan does demand your attention.

"Would you two like to work under me?" Haru asked making Zenobia and Aledefensea a little shocked.

They looked at each other and then looked at Haru again.

"Working under you like as a knight?" Alea asked with a smile because she was happy at the proposal since she has been waiting for this even though she knew that the possibility of this happening was almost non-existent since she can't do much now.

Alea was sure that her time in this house would be limited and she would have to go back to Eleanor soon. But even if she had to go away from here doesn't mean she would give up on what she wanted to do. And now that opportunity was in front of her so she was really happy.

Zenobia on the other hand was still in her thoughts, Haru turned to Alea who didn't even need to think over her decision.

"That is correct, So you in?" Haru asked with a small smile because he would tell them about the rest after they accept the offer. This situation might seem pointless and stupid but Haru had to do it since Queresha asked him to do it this way rather than him telling Alea that she can use mana again if she became his subordinate.

"Yep, Please Take care of me Haru, Oh! Do I need to call you 'My Lord' now?" Alea said with a smirk as Haru's eyebrows twitched.

"No need for that," Haru denied it immediately.

"Come on, I think it would be great, right My Lord?" Alea spoke with a wider grin since she saw Haru panicking.

'Fufu~ How Cute,' Alea was smiling like a fool but she failed to notice a pair of red eyes looking at her very sharply. Well seeing Haru panicking wasn't something you could see often.

'Maybe I should suggest My Lord to not take her as a subordinate, But the offer has already been made so that would be bad for his reputation, It looks like I will have to do something about her,' Queresha thought while narrowing her eyes.

"Then you would be training under me," Queresha said with a straight face.

"Aren't you busy Resha?" Haru asked her since she rarely has time between her research about Aether and artifacts. Haru only sees her during meals or at night when they sleep.

"I can always make time if it a matter that relates to you My Lord," Queresha said with a small smile but Alea felt a chill go down her spine.

'I will have to straighten you out to take out any stupid habits that you may have,' Queresha thought while looking at Alea.

'Something isn't right here, and Jin-ah why are you praying while looking at me?' Alea had many questions going in her head but she couldn't ask them at the moment.

Getting one answer Haru turned to Zenobia who was still in her own thoughts. He didn't interrupt her since this decision would have a way bigger impact on her life than what it may look on the surface.

"I am honored that you invited me to join you, As incapable as I am I will do my best," Zenobia said while looking at him, She looked at Queresha who also had a little smile on her face. Both Queresha and Zenobia have talked about this matter before.

'Even though I want to wait longer so that I can improve enough to join him after becoming more powerful but….. This isn't so bad either,' Zenobia thought while looking at Haru.

"I am very happy that you both accepted it," Haru said with a smile.

"There is no way I am saying no to that My Lord, hehehe~," Alea seemed on cloud seven and Haru didn't know how to stop her.

'Maybe I should talk to her after this, or she would be in a lot of pain,' Zenobia sighed looking at Alea who was somehow still oblivious to Queresha's piercing eyes. Zenobia who understood the reason behind wanted to help Alea.

'Queresha said that from where she comes from, 'My Lord' is a way to call their husbands respectfully, but here on Dicathen this is one of the ways for a knight or a servant to call their Master,' Zenobia thought while looking at Haru who was clearly looking a bit embarrassed at the moment. As much as she thought Haru looked cute whenever he behaved like this but she refrained from using 'My Lord' and would just call him by his name since he preferred it that way.

Plus anyone who calls Haru 'My Lord' gets on Queresha's shit list, Zenobia herself has seen how Queresha takes everything related to Haru very seriously, very seriously yes important things need to be said twice.

"I know I won't lose anything if I follow you Haru and I want to continue working with everyone here," Zenobia said with a smile this made Queresha smile slightly as well, She had fun working with Zenobia as well and now that she has become a subordinate to Haru,

Things will be a lot more interesting heading forward.

"On that Note, I guess we should move to the main topic," Haru said as if all his embarrassment from before vanished.

Hearing him Zenobia and Alea looked at him paying attention since they could tell from Haru and Queresha's expressions that he was about to tell them something important. They were so focused that they didn't notice Jin-ah who was recording them with her phone.

All things aside what followed shook Alea and Zenobia's worldview.


NAME: Zenobia Septimia

LEVEL: 1 (0/100%)

AGE: 30


STRENGTH: D+ (1,600)

AGILITY: C (2,500)


VITALITY: B (4,000)

MANA: C+ (2,500)

CHARM: S- (6,600) [Can't be increased with points]





NAME: Alea Triscan

LEVEL: 1 (0/100%)

AGE: 33



AGILITY: D- (1,000)



MANA: F- (0)

CHARM: B+ (4,500) [Can't be increased with points]




Both Zenobia and Alea were looking at the blue screen that was filled with numbers and characters, Alea was so shocked that she had no words, She has been like that since the start of Haru's explanation.

Zenobia on the other hand was a lot calmer than Alea but she was really surprised by what Haru told them.

'I always thought that he wasn't from Dicathen considering how different he was, I speculated that he came from the Alacrya or from another continent that I didn't know of,

But to come from another world altogether, That is something I never took into consideration,' Zenobia thought as her mind was overloaded with a lot of information.

But the more she thought about Haru's words the more it made sense to her, She already understood that Haru wasn't from Dicathen when she met him the first time but she didn't pursue the matter as he saved her and it looked like he didn't want to talk about it, plus her deduction of Haru not being from Dicathen got stronger and stronger as she spent more time with him, she was curious about it and wanted to ask him but didn't know how to approach him about it.

'After seeing Queresha and the others I was even more convinced about them not being from this continent, But since they never had any ill intentions from how they lived I didn't want to spoil the mood, and if they had any bad intentions there was no one who could've stopped them.

And the biggest proof of them not being from this world is this house, The Magic Queresha uses is also way ahead of the times in Dicathen, if I have to make a guess then Queresha's magic system is nearly 1000 years ahead of Dicathen,' Zenobia thought while drinking a glass of water given to her by Queresha. She felt quite parched after hearing everything and it would definitely take a lot of time for her to sort this all out.

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