My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 226: The Event

Chapter 226: The Event

"Let's go we need to report the situation as well," Claire said with a sigh and they made their way through the now Red Academy.

After 5 minutes of walking, they came in front of The Tri-Union Hall which was reconstructed, They saw many people going in and out of it carrying injured students. There were people from the magician guild and soldiers who were likely deployed to help with the situation.

"There he is," Randel shouted bringing everyone's attention to Haru who was standing on the left side of the Hall talking to a few professors.

'It looks like the situation outside is under control, But seriously what happened here?' Arthur sighed in relief after looking at the unconscious people piled up just a few meters away from Haru. They were all wearing the same clothes as the ones that attacked them.

"Hey, is it just me or does the Professor looks really pissed?" Curtis spoke in a hushed tone and the others also noticed the angry look in Haru's eyes. This wasn't something they had seen since Haru has always been playful and calm.

"I think that it is because of what happened, Look at how many students got injured, this has to be the most damage Xyrus Academy has ever seen plus as the overseer of the D.C I think it is quite natural that Professor will feel responsible, Plus there is also the issue of Kai betraying everyone," Kathyln analyzed and others nodded thinking that it is plausible. Claire, Theodore, Doradrea, and Feyrith felt immense admiration toward Haru since he was so serious in his duties and how he felt responsible for Kai's actions. He was supposed to be home but even then he rushed back, he might be feeling responsible since things wouldn't get like this if he stayed.

'Why do I have doubts here?' Randel was the only one who felt that this was all bullshit.

"Are you sure that you aren't exaggerating?" Randel asked Kathyln but only got a blank look from everyone.

'Why are looking at me like I am the weird one?' Randel's eyes twitched.

"Professor," Claire ignored Randel's biased views and went up to Haru.

"Hmm, Are any of you injured?" Haru asked Claire.

"Feyrith and Doradrea have minor injuries, There isn't anything serious aside from a little tiredness," Claire gave a report about the team's status.

"Ok then, send both of them to the Tri-Union Hall, there are healers who will patch them up, and tell me what happened on your side," Haru asked sending the other Professors away.

Claire nodded and explained what happened on her side.

"Ok, well I guess this wraps up the problem," Haru nodded plainly while looking at Lucas.

'Professor looks really angry,' Claire gulped looking at Haru.

"Hey isn't that Ravenpoop and Kai?" Elijah shouted pointing at the pile of humans.

"Yes, it looks like he got caught," Curtis mumbled he was still a bit shocked at kai's betrayal but there was nothing he could do to change it.

"There are also other students and professors of the academy," Tessia spoke and looked at Haru followed by others.

Feeling everyone's gaze Haru looked at the pile and spoke.

"They colluded with the group that attacked the academy just like Lucas, And some of the professors and students even tried to put their 'hands' on the students of other races," Haru spoke with a sigh and the group understood his meaning the girls were repulsed after hearing this, They wanted to crush these peoples balls completely Arthur and Theodore were fully ready to use Downfall at the moment but were stopped by Elijah, Curtis, and Randel since it would only lead to trouble if they do this.

"Woah! looks like you kids are also safe just like Professor Haru said," The heavy atmosphere was broken by a cheerful tone and everyone saw Professor Glory walking towards them after she exited the Tri-Union Hall.

But she was injured with her arm in a sling, bandages on her face and leg even her clothes were in tatters. It was clear that she had fought fiercely with the assailants.

"What do you mean by that Professor Glory?" Kathyln asked with a confused look, And it wasn't only her all of the Group looked at her for answers.

"I was talking about how Professor Haru said 'They can take care of themselves, no need to worry,' after the head of the assailants told him that you guys were attacked," Professor Glory said with a smirk while nudging Haru with her elbow.

"OH!" Tessia, Claire, Curtis, and Kathyln had shining eyes since Haru trusted them so much. Arthur just smiled a little with Randel and Elijah squirming around.

"I have much more to learn, But I'll accept the praise, hehehehe," Randel was full of pride.

"We aren't that great hehehehehe~," Elijah was really happy.

"That is to be expected since you are learning from me, If you were injured by that level of mutts I would've kicked you out of the class," Haru said plainly freezing everyone on the spot. They all looked at him and they can see that he isn't joking.

"And since you guys are a little exhausted after fighting those guys, I think I need to double your physical training from now on," Haru spoke with a smile making Randel and Elijah's hearts drop into their stomachs.

"We will do it," Tessia, Claire, Curtis, Kathyln, and Arthur agreed since Haru trusted them they need to make sure he wasn't disappointed in their prowess, Plus it was for their benefit as well so everyone was happy about getting more training, Randel and Elijah could only cry tears of blood since their training increased again.

"What a lively bunch, Anyway Professor Haru when are you taking me on a date?" Professor Glory said with a grin.


The group stopped talking and looked at Haru with shock.

'What just happened here?' Everyone looked at each other in confusion Haru himself wasn't any better. This came out of nowhere.

'This Pretty Professor bagged another woman and he...Still says that he doesn't know how to do this,' Elijah and Randel were gritting their teeth in jealousy, if it was someone else other than Haru they would beat that person up. If it was someone else that is…..

"Come on Professor Glory you shouldn't joke like that, You know I already know I am a married man," Haru spoke while waving his hands.

"Doesn't that make things easy? Hahaha, You shouldn't behave like that after stealing a lady's heart, You need to take responsibility," Professor Glory laughed loudly smacking Haru back as he deadpanned trying to find the lady mentioned in the statement.

'Well, I know my chances are slim but trying doesn't hurt, does it? I've had two close brushes with death in about 10 days, I think it is about time I settle down,' Professor Glory thought, it might be because she almost died that she did this, No she would surely be dead if Haru didn't come in time to save her this time. And his over-the-top handsomeness only made the scene even more heart-capturing, professor Glory wouldn't be surprised if every female in the academy confesses to him. some were even stealing glances at him right now.

The boys stayed silent while secretly glancing at Haru and the girls went towards Professor Glory to talk about 'the event'.

Even the boys were listening in with full attention because they heard how Haru crushed every single attacker and Beast into the ground like nothing when he appeared after breaking the barrier around the academy.


And suddenly two figures landed in front of Haru looking around the place.

The surroundings fell silent since it was none other than Lance Varay and Lance Bairon who came here.

"Took you long enough, You guys might as well have come after having your morning breakfast," Haru spoke with a blank look making Bairon frown but he didn't say anything because he knew they were late, But they came as soon as the order was issued.

"Are those the ones that are responsible for this attack?" Varay asked looking at the unconscious humans piled up near Haru seemingly unfazed by his remark. She was very interested in the strength of Haru but the current matter took precedence over her curiosity.

Hearing Varay's words Bairon who was looking around looked at the pile and his eyes widened.

"What?! Who did this to him?" Bairon ran to the pile in anger and picked up a gravely injured Lucas, Lucas was barely breathing with his limbs mangled.

"He is one of the main perpetrators of the attack, The reason why he is in that condition is that he killed people and was trying to kill Curtis, Kathyln, and Tessia over there," Haru said plainly making Bairon look at him with incomprehensible anger on his face. Varay looked towards the Prince and the two princesses seeing them nod in confirmation.

Bairon also saw this and quickly took out healing stones from his ring, he used them on Lucas so that he doesn't die.

"Everyone that attacked the academy is there along with the insiders, So I'll leave them to you," Haru said pointing at the pile and at Lucas making Varay nod, She understood his point clearly and she didn't have any intention of interfering nor will she allow someone else to do it, Unless it was an order from the council.

"Then I will be going I need to do something, You all can go and rest for the time being since the Lances are here," Haru said as he turned towards the D.C. members.

Everyone nodded and Haru vanished from the place.

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