My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 218: The Council Of.....

Chapter 218: The Council Of.....

"No, You can teleport to outside the toilet and the bathroom, plus My Lord's room is also of limits," Queresha said making an 'X' with her arms.

"Damn it! my dream of a lazy life can never come true," Jin-ah fell to her knees and hit the floor with her fist crying bitterly.

'What type of lazy life are you imagining here?' Everyone thought but since it was Jin-ah it was surely going to be weird anyway so they left it as is and went to sleep for the day. Alea and Randel were already fast asleep at the moment.

Haru went to sleep in his usual position in the middle of the four and closed his eyes after getting a few good night kisses from everyone while Kanae tried to fake sleep.

But she opened her eyes wide after Haru gave her a little peck on her lips and pinched his waist in embarrassment.


The Next Morning,

The continent of Dicathen had a peaceful air around it, but the violent storms brewed underneath it, The council of Dicathen was one of these places.

As soon as news of what happened to Alea was known the council was thrown upside down, The Eraliths were disheartened while the Greysunders made a scene about how they had now lost an important asset.

The Glayders remained neutral but they were a little shaken by the loss the only saving grace was that Alea was still alive but….

"What does it matter? It is not like she can do much in her current state," Dawsid Greysunders the king of the Dwarves spoke while looking at Eraliths who frowned at his comment even though Merial wanted to refute his words Alduin stopped her since it would only cause a bigger argument.

"That is correct other than the information she can offer on the person who attacked her, there isn't much she can do maybe be an instructor for the young ones in an academy?" Glaudera Greysunders the queen of the dwarves spoke and Dawsid nodded in agreement.

Merial felt really bad at hearing such a thing about Alea who had worked so hard only to be treated like this when she couldn't help them anymore, Even Alduin felt angry this time.

The Glayders stayed silent and didn't interject in the conversation since it had nothing to do with them, Seeing the tense atmosphere Virion coughed to get everyone's attention.

"I have already gotten in the information from Alea in a written form," Virion spoke and passed a sheet of paper for everyone, they all took it and read the contents of it.

After a few minutes they finished reading it and the Greysunders were the first to speak.

"Is this it?" Dawsid asked with a frown as he placed the paper down. There was normal information about who the attacker was but there wasn't much about what he was doing or for how long he has been snooping around.

"What do you mean by that?" Alduin asked he was clearly annoyed at the former's remark.

"It is what I mean, We lost a Lance in exchange for this? This is bullshit," Dawsid spoke with a little force in his tone.

"Dawsid your words mean that we exchanged the life of our subordinate for this information," Alduin spoke with an angry tone.

"Yes Dawsid the way you frame your words do sound that way," Blaine spoke for the first time and he wasn't in Dawsid's favor which made him frown.

"But am I wrong? Isn't that what happened even if it wasn't intentional, And what does this mean that the attacker is dead? What type of bullshit is this?" Dawsid asked as he stood up pushing his chair back roughly.

"Is it as written the attacker is dead and it has been confirmed," Merial spoke plainly.

"Who confirmed it?" Dawsid asked and Merial looked at Virion.

"It was confirmed by the person who saved Lance Alea's life," Virion said while looking at Dawsid.

"Who is that? And what do you mean by Lance Alea? she isn't even a mage anymore, Don't mock the Lances that way," Glaudera spoke while looking at the Eraliths.

"Glaudera, Alea will be the Lance of the Eraliths even after we find a replacement for her, she needs that amount of respect for her work," Merial spoke while narrowing her eyes, she was really angry at how the Greysunders were behaving.

"Leave that aside for now, who is the person who saved Alea?" Dawsid asked changing the subject.

"It was the S-rank Adventurer Haru Tsugikuni, he stumbled upon the scene and helped Alea who was nearly dead while killing the attacker," Virion said plainly he asked Haru before that if it was alright to mention his name, and Haru wasn't really bothered by it.

The Glayders and the Greysunders were a bit surprised by the involvement of Haru in this case.

The Glayders knew about Haru since their kids learned under him while the Greysunders knew about him for a different reason.

'Is this the reason we were asked to get information on this guy? It looks like he is a troublesome one, But no matter what he is still an ant in front of that 'Man',' Dawsid thought and opened his mouth.

"And how do you know that it is the truth? For all we know he can be a spy, otherwise, how can he be there at such perfect timing and there is also no dead body of the attacker, Plus the report said that Lance Alea had lost her mana core with a spear impaling her chest, her left hand along with her legs and eyes were missing as well, How did he heal her? You should know how impossible that is right?" Dawsid's words made everyone falter for a bit because what he said made sense at least to a few of them.

'Has this guy gone crazy? That guy/Brat is a spy? He is out of his mind,' Blaine and Virion thought since Blaine experienced the power himself while Virion believed in his own ability to read a person plus Zenobia and Cynthia's words helped him as well, and Recently Arthur and Tessia have also only talked good things about Haru.

But Virion and Blaine couldn't deny that they were curious as to how Haru healed Alea who was so badly wounded.

Merial looked a bit reluctant to accept those words since she had met Haru in person and knew him a bit, While Priscilla Glayder Blaine's wife nodded as she had her doubts about how Haru was able to heal Alea in her situation which would be impossible if one thinks about it according to the norms on Dicathen.

'Although I have heard about him from Curtis and Kath I still feel a bit uneasy about him,' Priscilla thought.

"I can see that you guys are also curious about the situation, So why don't we ask him to come here and clarify this for us?" Dawsid said with a wide grin as everyone had fallen for his trap.

The Eraliths and Glayders looked at each other before turning to Virion.

"I don't think there is any need for that, He isn't necessary for him to share his methods with us anyway," Virion started drawing a clear line.

The Glayders and the Eraliths nodded in agreement, There was no need for Haru to share it with them.

"Come on, Just think of the benefits, can you all imagine how many lives can be saved if we know how he did it? From what you said the only problem with Alea was that her Mana core wasn't there but other than that she was back to how she was, do you all understand what that means? And I think as a Citizen of Dicathen he would be more than happy to contribute this much right?" Dawsid asked looking at Blaine almost as if signaling him.

"I don't think that is correct," Merial refuted this but Alduin didn't agree with her but stayed silent.

"I think we should take a vote if we should call this Adventurer to the council," Dawsid spoke as he sat down on his chair and the others agreed even when Merial felt annoyed at the way Dawsid spoke.

'Sigh* Why is this Greedy dog making things difficult? if only that Brat gives me some great-grandchildren quickly,' Virion frowned while looking at the smug expression of Dawsid as the votes landed in his favor with Glayders supporting him.

"Well, that this is settled should we send a Lance to get him here now?" Dawsid spoke making the Eraliths and Glayders look at him with blank faces.

'Does this guy know nothing?' they all thought since they have met Haru in person (Excluding Priscilla), They know how eccentric he is and here Dawsid was acting like if they sent someone to summon him, Haru would come running it wouldn't be weird if he cuts off the connection with the council or worse he comes here and scares the living shit out of them.

'I would even bet my fortune that he would come here and smack the shit out of Dawsid,' Virion chuckled at the thought, Even though he was bad at gambling he knew he won't lose this one.

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