My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 207: 207 I. AM. ELEGANT.

Chapter 207: 207 I. AM. ELEGANT.

A/N:What happened to webnovel?

I saw that you cant read from the website anymore, so I need to ask one thing.

Do any of you read the fic after translating it?

And I guess it will be a lot of hassle since you can only read fics and novels from the mobile app.

P.S: Though I think the wont be many of readers of this fic who would have a problem, since I assume they are all english speakers and there arent many readers ro being with so it wont matter.

Bye, see you in the next chapter.....


They were in the middle of a thick forest with tall trees that covered the sky letting some sunlight pass by and they saw Haru standing there with an arm's length stick in his right hand.

He was swinging it around with one hand with a red flower petal in his mouth.

"What are you doing Professor?" Claire got interested in what Haru was doing and went closer to him.

"I was practicing swordsmanship," Haru said plainly.

"PUHAHAHAHAHA, You are practicing Swordsmanship with a stick? Professor, do you think that just because you are good-looking everything you do will look cool?" Randel laughed while others looked at him while sighing.

"That's correct, because I. AM. ELEGANT." Haru said with a smile making Randel's eyes twitch.

'This bastard is using 'Pretty Boy Aura' Unfair,' Randel shouted in his mind as Kathyln and Claire were looking at Haru with shining eyes. Haru's handsomeness can make him look good even if he doing the weirdest things like eating a hotdog horizontally. [E/N:...Why?]

While the boys were taking notes about how to be 'ELEGANT' Like Haru, Tessia was looking between Haru and Arthur.

'Is Arthur going to be like Professor when he grows up?' Tessia gasped as she thought about how different women tried to get chummy with an adult Arthur.

'I'll Kill Them,' Tessia's eyes turned cold, it looks like she will need to implement, The secret technique she learned from Jin-ah.

They had met a few times now since Haru's Harem has some kind of timetable to visit him in the academy. There Tessia who was angry because of how some girls tried to hit on Arthur met Jin-ah.

'Looks like it is time to enter phase two of 'H.W.T(Harem Warding Technique)'' Tessia thought and looked at Arthur who was focused on Haru.

[E/N: Though this technique didn't work for Jin-ah Herself,]

"What are you really doing Professor?" Arthur asked curiously.

Haru turned to look towards the dungeon entrance which was inside a small hill that was about 30 meters tall.

"Well, as I said before Swordsmanship," Haru said as he raised his right hand up and swung it down towards the small hill.


The ground split in two in front of Haru and the hill was split open with the ground shaking violently throwing the kids off their feet. And the slash didn't even stop after cutting the hill but went on for a good 200 meters upturning the forest and making a chasm.

"Tch, The stick broke again," Haru clicked his tongue looking at the stick in his hand break which reduced the power of the slash, he didn't strengthen it with mana or Haki to have more delicate control over his sword skills.

But it was much harder than he thought; he spat out the flower petal and looked back at everyone, they were on the ground with wide open mouths.

"What are you guys so shocked about?" Haru tilted his head while looking at others who were too stunned by what he had done to even react.

Even Randel who usually countered Haru's antics didn't know what to say, The slash just now was pure strength based without any mana to strengthen his body or the stick, It was a feat that was unheard of by them.

'Was it this that was shaking the whole dungeon below?' Everyone thought while they thought of the violent shakes they felt while they were clearing the dungeon.

And here this guy did it so casually while asking them why they were surprised.

"Well whatever I'll fix this, 'cause destroying nature is bad and isn't ELEGANT at all," Haru said while casually repairing the damage he had done.

The kids now just sighed and stood up, If they could get a gold coin for every time they were surprised by Haru till now they would be filthy rich.

Tessia watched Haru use Wood release with full attention, Everyone knew that Haru was able to use "Plant magic" Which was exclusive to Elves on Dicathen.

The first time they saw this their reaction was something like this,

"Wait How is that possible That Professor can use it better than me?" Tessia being shocked.

"Professor, are you perhaps an Elf?" Arthur started speculating.

"Shocked," Kathyln said with her usual face.

Claire was fangirling, "My God what did I just see?"

"Wait, Is this the reason he has a Harem, Damn it if only I could be an Elf," Elijah was on his bullshit.

"Yes, this is the reason behind his prettiness, Too bad for you my Sister hates the Elves," Randel was grinning as he couldn't wait to tell his sister all about this.

"I don't know how Professor having multiple wives and being handsome has anything to do with the use of Plant magic, And Randel, Sigh* let's not talk about it," Curtis was the Straight man in the situation but he gave on Randel before trying to tell him how everything with him reaches his sister.

Ok now back to the present, Haru looked at them after he finished fixing the area.

"Sigh* Professor Haru can you not do that, My squad members are scared," An unexpected voice came from the side bringing everyone's attention to it.

"Lance Alea!" Claire shouted as she went over to Alea who waved at her with an amiable smile.

"Yeah this was the last time, plus aren't your squad members too easy to scare?" Haru said with a bored expression.

The kids didn't know what to say while Alea had a wry smile, she herself was shocked the most by what Haru did.

But she had come to know Haru a little since she had met him a few times in the past few days, She especially hit it off with Jin-ah who was present when she came to guard Merial because she came to check up on Tessia's condition, But Alea knew the main reason was to talk with Haru and she herself was quite happy to meet him again since she was able to know more about his personality.

[E/N: What is with these Ntr Flags?]

"Anyone would be scared if they saw what you did," Randel rolled his eyes.

"Oh! is that so," Haru said plainly.

"Hey! What's with that half-hearted reply?" Randel said heatedly.

"Anyway the ten-minute break is over so let's start the daily training," Haru said with his pressure covering everyone as they were all already in the ready position of a push-up without even knowing.

They all grumbled how they weren't given proper rest but still went with the training since it wasn't worth arguing with Haru and having their training doubled, They learned this the hard way when Randel tried to motivate himself to train while talking bad about Haru with Elijah.

Yeah, the training doubled and became compulsory for the day, because they weren't allowed to leave if they didn't complete it. Their only saving grace was Hae-in who made Haru give them some breaks in between.

Seriously they thought that she only missed the halo and wings to become an angel when they saw her the first time, But after that, they confirmed that she didn't need a halo to be one.

The boys said that she had one and they saw it themselves, It was clear that training hit them too hard.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Haru asked while making a table and a couple of chairs out of the wood release.

"Are you sure you aren't an Elf? And yes I would love a cup, since my squad is resting I still have time before we move," Alea asked with narrowed eyes, she wasn't able to wrap her head around how Haru used the plant magic so effortlessly but she displayed her willingness to have tea since would be able to have delicious snacks with it.

"Haha, I don't know how I was able to use it as well," Haru said the same answer he gave to Merial who was quite interested in this as well.

"Mou, You are too mysterious," Alea pouted as she sat down to take a cup of tea from Haru who started to place some snacks on the table.

"Well that's not true, I can use it so I use it, By the way, what are you doing in Beast Glades with a Squad?" Haru asked curiously.

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