My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 200: Seriously?

Chapter 200: Seriously?

[A/N: Never thought this Fanfic would actually reach 200 chapters considering how all over the place it was, Anyway thanks for reading this idiotic excuse of a fic that has had its ups and downs, Thank you for sticking with it,]

[E/N: I myself didn't think this fic will go past the Solo leveling arc, But here we are in the second world with the planning for the third going on, Quite a surprise ain't it,]

"Seeing how you jumped forward to reduce the power of the punch I can see you have good awareness, But what did I tell you about coming at me together?" Kanae said while looking at Bairon who was getting up as blood kept dripping from his mouth. He looked like a mess from just one punch that wasn't even fully powered when it hit him.

If he didn't move forward to reduce the gaining impact of the punch he would be knocked out for sure.

'Just what is this woman?' Bairon thought as he arrived near Olfred again and wiped the blood leaking from his mouth.

"So how are we going to do this?" Olfred asked as he dismantled the magma knights and armor made of magma appear on his body. It was a spell of his to create full body armor out of hardened Lava it increases his offense and defense significantly. Just from that Punch, Olfred made his strongest defensive card.

"I don't care, I just want to defeat her [Thunderclap Impulse]" Bairon said with denser golden lightning crackling around him. It is a spell where the user sends lightning into their nerves enhancing their perception and Reflexes.

Olfred nodded as well after seeing Bairon being flung with that one punch he wasn't going to pull any punches, he needs to win this to take Randel back.

Olfred knew it, this is the only chance, because taking Randel under Haru's nose was impossible seeing how he sent the three of them back with just his words and pressure. His strength was still unknown but he was monstrous for sure.

'They are going all out,' Alea thought with surprise it looks like both Olfred and Bairon were serious about the fight with Kanae. The other kids had shining eyes even if they felt scared while taking the Mana pressure unleashed by two lances head-on.

'But they should be serious, That woman isn't normal,' Alea thought because she could still see Kanae wasn't using her full power even now Kanae hadn't used mana that was her raw speed. Her perception was the best on this continent but even then.

'I just can't figure these two out,' Alea sighed glancing at Haru and then looking back at Kanae, she wasn't able to tell how strong these two were since kanae was holding back a lot and trying to locate haru was already the toughest part.


Both Bairon and Olfred launched forward arriving near Kanae cracking the ground.

Bairon thrust his spear forward towards Kanae's chest which she deflected from her right palm and stopped a punch coming from Olfred by her left forearm then pushed him back.


Bairon turned on the spot and brought down his spear from above trying to slash Kanae who deflected it to the right with her backhand easily, Then moved her head to dodge the right hand of Olfred's and met the left one with her palm.


The moment her palm struck the armor on Olfred's arm was broken like glass surprising him greatly.

"Great, I can see you are serious about fighting me now," Kanae said while moving her head to the left dodging the spear that was coming for her face. She also blocked a kick from Olfred breaking the armor around his leg.

"Some of your attacks even have the intention to kill," Kanae spoke in a calm manner blocking or redirecting the attacks that were aimed at her vitals like her head and heart.

"Of course, we would attack like that," Bairon shouted with a frown because all of his attacks were blocked easily by Kanae.

"We can't lose this," Olfred said seriously while attacking but he was easily stopped as well.

Kanae stayed silent for a bit while and then as Olfred punched towards her head she ducked down and sent a straight punch from her left to his gut.

'It looks like she will get a little serious,' Haru thought as he saw Kanae who got into a stance.


"Bwargh," Olfred spat out blood as his armor broken into tiny pieces. He felt his insides twist from the impact as the air was knocked out of his lungs but before Olfred shot out Kanae raised her right hand up and brought down a chop on his shoulder smashing him into the ground.


Olfred bounced off the ground like a ball, The quick attack left the others speechless because they weren't even able to react to them, Aside from Haru everyone else only saw blurs.

Kanae then moved her left hand and a fireball struck the almost passed-out Olfred. He was launched about 200 meters away from them as Bairon looked at this with a wide open mouth. He was the closest to the scene but he wasn't even able to see what happened.


Kanae had started to learn Fire magic under Queresha because she had an affinity for it, In the world of Solo Levelling Hunters couldn't learn skills aside from the ones they were given during their awakening, There was a way to use Rune stones to get new skills but now thanks to the system she was able to learn magic without relying on the Runestone.


While everyone was dumbfounded Kanae kept on sending fireballs that were about the size of a football at Olfred blasting him.

"H-Hey that is going too far," Bairon said as he ran towards Kanae who kept on sending fireballs at Olfred. He was livid his killing Intent shot out sending shivers down everyone's spine except Haru and Kanae who weren't even bothered by it.


But he was frozen because of Kanae's killing intent, He was shaking in fear at the red eyes that were looking at him.

And it wasn't only Bairon who was scared, her next words scared everyone in the room.

"What is wrong about this? If you turn your bloodlust on someone, That bloodlust is guaranteed to come right back at you," Kanae said with a wide smile scaring Bairon to no end.


"Argh," Bairon who was about to attack Kanae with his spear got a knee to his gut and nearly passed out his body became limp for a moment.

'Why is this happening again? WHY?' Bairon was getting angrier by the second, this is the second time he had felt so helpless and his opponent didn't even take him seriously.

'No I won't accept this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Bairon looked up and a huge amount of lightning crackled around him he felt like passing out but he held himself.

"[Thunderlord's Wrath]" Bairon shouted as thick bolts of golden lightning surrounded him and Kanae before bombarding her with hundreds of bolts.


"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Bairon shouted as he poured all of his mana into the attack, the attack was overwhelming to those who were watching. Alea was shocked to see Bairon pull out a move like this.

'So this is what a lance is capable of, But is Miss Kanae going to be alright,' Arthur gulped in awe but he glanced at Haru who didn't look bothered at all. Arthur really respected Kanae and it wasn't only him but the other kids as well.

Kanae was here for only an hour and she already became like a big sister to them, she gave really good advice for training and duels while being patient even if they didn't understand her or if they asked questions over and over.

Arthur himself saw how rough Kanae's palms were unlike the hands of a woman, she had calluses on her palms even more than him, which showed how hard she trained, And this was also the reason why Arthur was more shocked by her performance.

Kanae was a swordswoman through and through, But her hand-to-hand combat was leagues above anyone he had ever seen.

If she never told them about using swords everyone would believe that she is a master martial artist.


After a few minutes, the lightning scattered and the dust settled.

What came into view was something Bairon and the others didn't even think was possible.

"At least you have admirable willpower, But what did I say before?" Kanae spoke as the lighting crackled without even affecting her a bit, She wasn't hurt in the slightest.

Before Bairon could say anything Kanae kicked his chin launching him up and gave him a right on his face sending him near Olfred who was passed out.


The combo took place quickly for the kids to catch but Alea was holding her jaw while trembling a bit.

"I definitely heard something break," Alea said while shaking her head the others were the same. That punch and kick were too brutal.

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