My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 165: What Should We Do Next?

Chapter 165: What Should We Do Next?

The man on the throne is a handsome man with smooth skin and a sharp jaw, he has vibrantly scarlet eyes and massive horns sprouting from the sides of his black hair, like an elk's antlers, except shiny and black, each coming to a spear-sharp point, his horns have several gold and silver rings wrapped around the many prongs, and bejeweled chains also trace the lines of the horns.

But no one dared to look up all four walked beside the kneeling man and kneeled as well.

"We pay our respects to the High-Sovereign," All five said at the same time.

The man on the throne looked at the five kneeling in front of him and opened his mouth.

"Viessa any news on the task I gave you," The man asked in a cold voice.

"No, High-sovereign. Jagrette is dead, her soul gem was broken just after 5 seconds she went to complete the task, I am thinking of sending someone else to complete the task." A cold and emotionless voice sounded out in the silent hall. The woman named Viessa had pale skin with dark eyes, with long purple hair that fell on her shoulder and back. She was wearing a teal-colored dress with a rune stitched on the front she was also wearing high-heeled leather boots. Her beautiful face was static with no emotions or expression on it and her dark eyes made it hard for one to read her thoughts.

Her words shocked the others a little but they didn't say anything.

"No need to do that, they will only make more casualties, she must've run into someone she shouldn't have," Argona said plainly with a flat tone.

"I will put that task on hold for now, we can get Zenobia from there when those guys from Epheotus are away," Argona's words shocked the scythes, for their High-Sovereign to call a lesser beings name showed how much importance this person held for his plan.

Viessa showed a rare frown on her face as she realized how important this task was and yet she failed. If she had known that person was so important she would've gone there herself.

"Ok, now for the next part Cadell did you find anything about the beast I talked about before," Argona asked the man who was kneeling in front of him before the other 4 came in.

"No high-sovereign, I couldn't find anything about the beasts' whereabouts but I did check the place where high-sovereign told me to look. I even saw a few lesser snooping around." Cadell answered respectfully.

"Do tell me what did you find?" Argona asked.

"The lesser might have only thought that as a fire from an ordinary fire mana beast, But when I stood there on the scorched ground. I felt like my mind was attacked, if I hadn't teleported away from there I would've been dead. And I have even sustained burn marks on my feet even without them coming into direct contact with the scorched ground." Cadell's words made the others around gasp in horror.

He felt he would die if he stayed longer? He was injured just by standing on the scorched ground without even coming into contact with it?

What type of bullshit was this?

"Did you find anything else?" Argona asked as he was fascinated by this turn of events.

"I did see the beasts from around there and even some lesser beings go into those scorched ground but they weren't affected, and when I tried to go near them to capture them, I felt the same sensation that I felt when standing on the scorched grounds. I wasn't even able to get near them." Cadell said as he lowered his head further.

Argona was in deep thought right now, he had many scenarios going through his mind about this series of outcomes that happened to Cadell.

'Does that beast who came from outside of the world have an effect against decaying Mana arts? Other than that I don't see any difference between Cadell and the lessers,' Argona was deep lost in possibilities.

"Scythe Cadell do you expect us to believe that? You a user of Soulfire felt scared of fire? Hahaha, this is hilarious." A colossal man said as he laughed on his own, he was seven feet tall and had a physique of a titan, he had a long beard and horns jutting out of his shaved head while curving to point forward similar to a bull, with his blood red eyes.

Even with this Cadell didn't say anything, it was clear that he wasn't joking.

'So does that mean, maybe Jagrette ran into this beast?' Viessa thought while still maintaining an ice-cold face on the outside.

"So Cadell were you really could not find anything about this beast?" Argona asked as he looked over.

"No high-sovereign, I am sorry to disappoint you," Cadell said.

"No need to think too deeply about this, as you said before you have burn marks on your feet right?" Argona asked as Cadell nodded.

"Then go to the lab and submit a sample of your flesh and skin, after that you will be back to your normal duties," Argona said as Cadell nodded.

"Then Viessa and Dragoth, you two will be responsible for looking over the training of the soldiers and the construction of the ships," Argona said as he looked at Viessa and the seven feet tall guy.

"As your orders High-Sovereign," Both Viessa and Dragoth said.

"Seris and Melzri both of you will be going to that island and search for the Beast after you finish your current tasks and if you can't find anything about the beast in a month bring back Zenobia here, put in your best effort, and if you meet someone from the Asuras come back as quickly as possible, I don't want to lose my soldiers. Is that clear?" Argona said as he looked at the women.

'I am pretty sure that the one who killed the retainer Is the beast, but Zenobia is someone that is eyed by the Asuras as well. So being prepared wouldn't hurt much,' Argona thought as he looked at both Seris and Melzri.

"Yes, High-Sovereign," Seris said, she had obsidian horns that glowed like precious stones, contrasting with her pearl-colored hair that followed back past her narrow shoulders, the woman looked like she was no older than 13 years of age with a thin frame and dark eyes.

"Yes, High-sovereign," the second woman named Melzri she had silvery-gray skin, pure white hair plaited into a tight braid that flowed down to her back, with dark eyes and lips that matched the two sets of gleaming onyx horns that erupted from her head and curled sharply back, one pair exactly beneath the other.

"All of you go and finish your tasks, I expect you all to succeed in the work I gave to you," Argona said as the scythes bowed and then stood up to leave the hall.

In the now silent hall, Argona rested his back on his throne.

"I won't let that beast and Zenobia fall into their hands, they are valuable pawns," Argona muttered as he stood up from his throne and went into the corridor behind his throne.

It wasn't only Alacrya that was in an upheaval thanks to Haru.

The people of Dicathen have been rowdy for the past week as well, no matter if they are commoners or nobles. They were all talking about one thing.

The sole S-rank Adventurer of this continent, in other words, our MC. The news of a new S-rank Adventurer appearing sent a huge wave all over the continent. But even if there hasn't been An S-rank Adventurer in the guild for a long time this alone won't cause so many commoners' attention to this issue.

The main reason was that the Adventurer guild of the Xyrus branch had released a statement that, Even Lady Zenobia approves of the new S-Rank Adventurer.

This was the main reason why so many eyes were focused on the new S-rank. To get Zenobia's acknowledgment was an achievement that only a few people have gotten.

And all of them were Lances, this showed the weight of her words. But positive and negative attention comes hand in hand.

The nobles from all over Sapin were complaining to the king about how the guild was making up false rumors to boast. But the main for this was that the new S-rank adventurer was a commoner. They couldn't take it that someone who wasn't a noble became an S-Rank adventurer.

But a letter from Zenobia herself reached the king and was read in the capital city of Sapin, Etistin in presence of the nobles.

This all reached a new high when the 15 S-rank beast cores were sent for auctions in Xyrus city by Helstea house.




if there are any mistakes or suggestions on how to make the story interesting comment them down.





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