My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 145: Raum

Chapter 145: Raum

On the Matter of Blissful sleep, In a large room in a certain floating castle six individuals were meeting and they weren't so lucky to have a Blissful sleep.

They all sat down on their seats around the round table in a well-lit room. 2 men and 4 women, they were all dressed in a white military inform with a red sash.

"I am sorry to call all of you so suddenly even if you all have your duties," One of the women with white hair and light blue eyes spoke in a cold tone.

Everyone nodded without minding her tone as it wasn't on purpose but it was her way of speaking.

"Then we will begin the emergency meeting, Lance Bairon and Lance Olfred did you two find anything about the huge smoke cloud that appeared in the beast glades," The White Haired woman asked the two men on her left.

"No Lance Varay, we haven't been able to find anything about other than that the fire that caused it has a really high temperature, We can't even approach the area near 2 km around it, and even if we look at it from above all we saw was flames and smoke nothing else." The man with pale skin and platinum blonde hair, combed over to his left spoke first as he shook his head. His head is oval-shaped with a strong jawline. His name was Bairon Wykes.

Hearing Bairon, Varay looked at the second person she mentioned Lance Olfred who looked like an elderly man. As a dwarf, Olfred is short with a heavy muscle build and bronze skin. The difference between him and Bairon was that Olfred had Pointy ears.

"It is as Lance Bairon said we haven't been able to get close to the Fire, even I am scared that if I push it I might be burned to death," Olfred said in his gruff voice surprising everyone.

"Even the Old man who is so good with Magma feels like he will burn Mica can't believe it," Mica who spoke in a childish tone while referring to herself in the third person has a body that resembles a human child. She appears short and thin with pale skin and short, curly hair. And just like Olfred she has pointed ears as well.

Everyone on the table agreed with her statement while ignoring her child-like behavior because Olfred was known for his magma deviant magic so making even him feel the danger of being burned alive made others feel how dangerous the situation was.

"This has become more troublesome, The council had told us to investigate and bring whatever has caused this phenomenon here," Lance Varay said in her cold tone making everyone wonder why the council was so hell bent on bringing this 'Creature'.

But now that they had heard what Olfred thought of this matter they were able to somewhat understand.

"This 'creature' is dangerous, it was no wonder that it had caused such a commotion in the beast glades. Many beasts that lived in the depth of the forest have started to come out from the habitat in fear of the flames. This has turned the whole beast glades on its head." A beautiful woman with black hair that fell on her back with her long and pointy ears peeking out her black eyes blinked as she spoke in an alluring voice while looking at the map in her hand.

"That is correct Lance Aya, Do you have any things to report Lance Alea?" Varay nodded and looked at the last person in the room.

"Yes it has been really difficult to keep them under check for my squad, But I am managing it with my speed. I had to ask the adventurers guild to stop the entry of low-level adventures into the beast glades while issuing a quest to ask the help of the higher rank adventurers." The last person in the room spoke as she sighed; She was a beautiful woman with Light green hair that reached her shoulders and blue eyes.

"Mica is really interested in this matter, Mica wants in as well," Mica said in her childish tone.

"Mica behave yourself, don't you already have a mission?" Olfred disciplined Mica for acting like a child even though he knew it would have no effect on her.

"Old man is stingy," Mica pouted.

"Ok then I will resign the missions, Lance Aya you will have to take my mission, for now, I will go with Lance Bairon and Lance Olfred to see what is the cause of this, Lance Alea just continue doing as before same for Lance Mica," Varay spoke while Aya and Alea nodded.

"Mica wants to come to," Mica said excitedly as she stood up and raised her hand up.

"Mica.." Olfred sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Lance Mica you already have a mission But if you can finish it you can join in as well," Varay said as she looked at Mica.

"Mica can Join yay!" Mica was happy but the other four looked at Varay who just shrugged.

'Her mission is on the other side of the continent there is no way she finishing it in time,' Everyone knew it even Mica herself but she was so excited that she forgot.

"Now then let's solve this quickly," Varay said as she stood up and the others did so as well.

"Wait for Mica, Mica is superfast," Mica shouted excitedly as she ran out of the room at full speed to finish her mission and join Varay's group But everyone knew that won't make it in time because Varay's group was also leaving now.

They didn't know that the incident that had been giving them a headache was already gone and a bigger headache was coming towards them.

But Well, Who is going to tell them about this?



Here back in the forest The Bigger head- Haru woke up and yawned while stretching his body.

[Did you a have good sleep?] Kurumi who opened her eyes as soon as Haru woke up asked.

"Yep, I feel super refreshed at the moment," Haru answered with a smile.

[Fufun, this takes me back,] Kurumi giggled and haru nodded as they used to sleep together when he was a child, Of course, his mom was there as well. As for his father? Yeah let's not open old wounds, shall we?

Kurumi once again sat down on Haru's head as he walked out of the tent and saw a small mountain in front of him.


The crow who was resting on top of the small mountain cried out full of enthusiasm as he saw Haru whose lips were twitching.

[I see you have some uses,] Kurumi said with a laugh as she looked at Crow who gave her a salute like last night while he was on top of a mountain full of various shiny metal and gems along with some weapons and rings.

"Did you rob a dragon's lair or something?" Haru asked in an amused tone as he looked at the crow. Even if the collection of treasures was called small it was almost the size of his tent which could house 4 people.


The crow shook his head and Haru understood what he meant.

'He was searching for these the whole night,' Haru shook his head and looked at the Crow who had an expectant look.

Haru looked at the treasure and most of them had one thing in common.

'He likes shiny things, eh,' Haru smiled as he looked at the crow and opened his mouth.

"I've decided on your name, Raum. Do you like it?" Haru asked The Crow who nodded his head quickly and flew around Haru discharging golden powder that had warm feeling to them.


"Well, I am glad you like it," Haru spoke as Raum sat on his left shoulder and cried in happiness.

The reason Haru chose this name was because, Raum was the name of a demon who is The 40th in the line of demons in the lesser key of Solomon, Raum, also takes the form of a crow, And he can steal valuables from the most protected of places.

'That is a fitting name I guess, But this little beast will grow past they just destroying cities or nations, That Son-con just cant trust anyone can she.' Kurumi thought as she kept quiet on this matter. She had already understood the reason Akane sent this little fellow here.

"Hmm, A storage ring?" Haru said as he picked up one of the shiny rings and checked their contents.




if there are any mistakes or suggestions on how to make the story interesting comment them down.





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