My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 138: This is what Chaos looks like?

Chapter 138: This is what Chaos looks like?

"Ok, then I will be going now, Have a nice day," Haru said as he went towards the car waiting for him at the entrance leaving the dumfounded reporters, guards and Hunters behind as he boarded the car.


The car went full speed straight towards its destination the airport.

10 minutes have passed since Haru dropped the bomb and the place was still shrouded in silence.

"Hey did I just hear that correctly?" A male reporter asked.

"No we must be hearing things," His cameraman answered as he gulped in nervousness he had never wished about being under the illusion spell more than ever.

Like this everyone started to check their equipment and it was there.

[I will be retiring as a Hunter.]

The words rang out in the silent place loud and clear. What followed was absolute chaos all over the world and on the internet.


Three days have passed since Haru dropped the bomb.

-Hey did you see that?

-Argh I must be under a spell, there is no way this is the truth.

-Is this the Infinite Tsukiyomi?

-Yeah there is no way Haru-sama would say that, and there is no way Boruto is cannon.

-I don't know why you are saying something that doesn't make sense.

-Who is it show yourself?

-This trickery won't work on me, I have been able to preserve my masculinity even after seeing Haru-sama in a maid outfit, you cannot deceive me.

-I don't see the connection between those things,

-Where is the GM?

-Damn it find the Author,

-Sorry Fourth wall-chan this is important

-Why not just take things as they are? There is no way we can change Hunter Tsugikuni's mind about a decision he has already made.







As you can see the reaction of the common populace was like this, they didn't want to accept that Haru was retiring as a hunter and wanted some answers this was also true for the reporters and the hunters.

Everyone tried to find the Haru but they couldn't so they turned to the ones around him like Kanae and Hae-in they even tried to contact the guild to hopefully get some news about him the people even turned to Ji-woo's family in hope of getting in touch with Haru.

But it all failed, they weren't able to find a thing. If you are wondering why Jin-woo wasn't contacted well, Jin-woo is notorious for being unreachable and he only shows up when he really needs to other than that he is always Missing.

And among the countless curses and pleadings, many speculations were going around and one of these was gaining more people behind it.

-Who else thinks that the reason Hunter Tsugikuni is retiring is because of those western European countries.

-Yeah, I mean it is kind of fishy don't you think? That Haru-sama who hasn't even been a Hunter for a year and is also at the top of his career even thinks about ending it.

-Yeah it is definitely because of how they treated him by calling him a lair for keeping information about Miss Calistria after he risked his life to fight against that Huge dragon.

-Yeah now that you say it, Haru-sama is a really kind person(Are you sure about that?) so I think he has taken this to heart.

-I mean for all we know there should be a reason why Queresha-sama wasn't involved in the raid no? From the way she fought to defend Seoul, I don't see a reason for Haru-sama to leave her out of this.

-I think there definitely is a deeper story behind this that we don't know of.

-Even then I don't think what the European countries have done is correct.

-Of course, it isn't ok, they actually tried to say that Hunter Tsugikuni used his authority to pull the wool over the people's eyes.

-Ah damn my blood is boiling in anger.

-Yeah how can they do that right after the danger was evaded

-They have no shame at all

-Mongrels will always be Mongrels

-let's get them

-Yeah it is because of them that Hunter Tsugikuni is retiring from being a hunter

And like this, the small snowball rolled and turned into an avalanche that crashed on top of the European countries that were trying to go against Haru but back peddled.

And the waves of angry people marched toward the countries that went against Haru with the determination to destroy them. * in a nutshell The internet dwellers raided the public websites of the countries and crashed them, with many people protesting on the streets.

But no matter how much speculation gained people backing it, at the end of the day it was only a guess, everyone was dying to know the reason why things have gotten to this point.

-I guess we have no other choice

-Yeah let's call upon thee

-Yeah only Thee can solve this mystery

-May you descend and quench our thirst for knowledge

-Why do I feel I have become part of a cult or something?

-We call upon your noble soul

-We call upon the Sauce Hero?

-Ah fuck it I can't do this anymore everyone raid the Korean hunters association.

-On it


-Could've just said it normally Jeez

-What a drag

And like that the Korean Hunter Association was mobbed by people both online and offline which became quite the pain for Go gun-hee.

"This kid always brings so much trouble," Gun-hee sighed as he looked out of the window of his office to see the large number of people gathered outside the building.

"I had a hard time even getting into the building," Jin-Chul said with a tired look.

"So this is the reason you were late today, haha," Gun-hee laughed.

"Ugh yeah," Jin-Chul grimaced(Has only ever been late for work twice in his career including today, Both cases include The common element: Haru).

"Anyway did you make the preparations?" Gun-hee asked as he placed the papers in his hand on the desk.

"Yeah it has been finished," Jin-Chul nodded.

"Good now is the opportune time to deal the most damage as Haru said," Gun-hee stood up and put on his grey coat.

"He really makes things more troublesome," Jin-Chul sighed.

"Well, but this is also an opportunity for us, so let's make the most of it," Gun-hee said as he walked out of the room followed by Jin-Chul as they walked towards the press conference room in the building where a few hundred reporters from around the world were waiting for him to answer their questions.

Gun-hee entered the room and walked toward the stage as he saw the nervous look on everyone's faces.

'This kid has everyone around the world nervous, I guess this is what losing his power means,' Gun-hee had a small smile on his face as he stood in front of the rostrum.

"Then let's begin the Press conference," Gun-hee's heavy voice rang through the hall signifying the start of the conference.


It has been two days since the press conference took place at the Korean Hunter association and to describe the atmosphere around the internet can be summed up in one word 'Bittersweet'. Both men and women around the world had this bittersweet feeling in their hearts.

The reason Men felt that way was because they won't be able to see their favorite Hunter in action.

And the reason Women were feeling like this was….

-I can't believe Hunter Tsugikuni is getting married.

-Me too.

-This is so heartbreaking, but I am praying so that they can live happily. Sob*

-Why can't you just face the reality? Of course, he is Marrying someone But to think it was for this that we are losing the symbol of the Hunters.

-SO you are going to sit there and tell me that you aren't jealous that Hunter Cha and Hunter Tawata are marrying the same person, And that person is none other than Tsugikuni Haru.

-Damn it bastard why did you have to poke me where it hurts, Huh?

-So many emotions are whirling inside of me at the moment

-I mean you aren't alone on that, anyway it is what it is. 'Hunter Tsugikuni is retiring from being a hunter cause he wants to focus on his family and be away from the Hunter-related business' this was the official statement delivered by Association president Go

-I mean it is a bit extreme if it is just marriage then there is no need to retire right?

-Yeah, there isn't any need to retire

-Are you an idiot?

-Yeah I think these fools are too dumb.

-Tf that is uncalled for, anyway what do you know? Come on share with us.

-Ok you pea brains Let me enlighten you.

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