My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 132: Is He Still Alive?

Chapter 132: Is He Still Alive?

Both Jin-woo and Haru appeared in a magnificent hall with golden and white decorations with a high ceiling that was supported by smooth white pillars that had many distinct carvings.

Both of them looked in the front to see the familiar figure.

"Welcome to the headquarters of the Rulers," The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light greeted them.

Jin-woo looked at the leader of the rulers with vigilance while trying to figure out what his next move will be. to be honest Jin-woo still had his own reservation about working together with the Haru.

"Yo nice to meet you again," Haru waved his hand like he was meeting an old friend.

Jin-woo couldn't help but sigh at how easygoing Haru's attitude was when they were possibly in enemy territory.

"Haha, Sir Haru is surely an interesting person," The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light laughed as he shifted his gaze towards Jin-woo.

"And there is no way any of the rulers would attack the Current Shadow Monarch after knowing that you were chosen by our elder brother," He spoke with a voice laced with melancholy as if remembering something.

"Ok," Jin-woo nodded as he was somewhat persuaded by his tone, it might be because Ashborn and he were the same being now that he felt like he could trust these words.

"Thank you for believing me, then shall we get to the main topic," The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light spoke after he expressed his gratefulness.

"Yeah, so how are you guys going to handle the gates from now on?" Haru asked as he dived straight into the main topic.

"Hmm, that is what we are busy with at the moment. As all of the monarchs are now dead, we can capture all of the monsters and end this quickly." The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light said.

"But that was way the monster army will eventually run out, and after that, the humans will turn on each other," Jin-woo stated flatly.

"Yes that is what we are thinking about as well, sometimes we all wonder if it was really a good idea to give humans the blessing of mana. But I guess it has worked out properly in the end even though it was a plan we made in a hurry so we were ready for the possible problems." The brightest fragment of Brilliant light sighed as Jin-woo nodded.

"Who came up with the idea of giving Humans mana?" Haru suddenly asked.

"That isn't important right now," Jin-woo said as he shook his head.

"I am curious," Haru said making Jin-woo roll his eyes.

"The one who came up with the plan for this was The Fragment of Luminosity who is in charge of intelligence for us, she said that she had thought of this plan for a long but we know that she thought of it after reading some books Humans call 'Webnovels', she was very embarrassed after we told her that we knew where she got the idea." The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light said with a chuckle.

"Haha I knew this topic was going to be interesting but, Webnovels Hahaha" Haru burst into laughter as Jin-woo had a look of someone who didn't know what to say.

'is this for real? They made a big plan like that because of web novels?' Jin-woo shook his head.

"Ok now let's get back to the main topic and not waste more time," Jin-woo said as the two nodded.

"So did both of you come up will any plans on how to deal with this? Because we rulers do not have any plans on interfering with the humans unless they are on the verge of extinction." The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light spoke plainly.

'That is to be expected, they do not have any thoughts of stepping in unless things get too extreme.' Haru nodded as he listened to his words.

"How many planets that were destroyed by the monarchs can still host living beings?" Haru asked making both Jin-woo and The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light look at him with wide eyes.

'He surely doesn't….' Both of them looked at Haru in interest as if wanting him to continue.


"…Ok now that this is all sorted out, we will be taking our leave," Jin-woo said as they had finished making their plans for the future on how to keep humans busy so that they don't fight against each other.

"Yeah, but before that, can I ask you something?" Haru asked The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light who nodded.

"I want to go into that room," Haru said as he pointed at the room behind The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light. This made Jin-woo narrow his eyes as he thought about why Haru would ask about that.

'Come to think of it he has been looking at that room during the talk as well.' Jin-woo tapped his chin trying to figure out the reason behind this.

"Are you perhaps interested in the treasury?" The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light asked.

"Yeah it might be rude but I think there is something in there that will help me open this," Haru said as a small box with red and purple carvings appeared in his hands.

The Ruler's eyes widened after he saw the box.

"I guess you recognize this box, I got it after I defeated Antares, it was like this box was calling me and I feel the same feeling coming from that room," Haru said with a smile making Jin-woo look at the box with interest as well.

"From that red bastard huh," Jin-woo muttered as he still felt salty about not being able to fight him.

"I see, I understand the situation please come in," The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light said as he turned around and walked towards the door.

Haru and Jin-woo looked at each other and then walked towards the door as well.

'There is no doubt about it, it is the box that I saw in father's dairy.' The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light thought as he opened the door leading Haru and Jin-woo inside.

"Woah this place has so many weapons," Haru looked around to see all kinds of weapons decorating the walls and accessories that were placed in glass showcases along the walls.

"Why are you acting like a child who has come to a supermarket for the first time," Jin-woo said as his eyes were locked on the left side.

Haru followed his gaze and saw more than a hundred short swords on display.

'Oho, look at him,' Haru smirked.

"Why are you looking in that direction so intently then?" Haru said while jabbing at Jin-woo's sides.

"What? I was just looking around." Jin-woo answered.

"Looking around? my ass, your eyes are glued on the short swords over there from the moment you stepped in," Haru rolled his eyes as Jin-woo ignored him and continued to look at the short swords display.

Haru shook his head and looked straight and saw a pedestal.

There was a box with a purple and golden carving placed on it.

'This feeling is here again.' Haru thought as he felt like he was being pulled towards the box and before he knew it he had already picked up the box.


And he heard the same sound from the time he picked up the red box in his head.

"As I thought it was this you were looking for," The Brightest Fragment of brilliant light said.

"Did you know?" Haru asked because he was curious.

"I had read about this in the dairy of the Absolute being, I don't know what is inside it but after seeing the red box I have an idea." The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light said.

"Oh, what do you think it is?" Haru asked as he needed information at the moment.

"I think that this is a device used by The Absolute being when he came to this universe," The Brightest Fragment of brilliant light said.

"What? So it means that The Absolute being is not a resident of this universe but someone who came from the outside?" Jin-woo asked as he folded his hands.

"Yes the Absolute Being came from outside of this universe to populate this universe with living creatures, you can say that he was here on a mission." The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light answered.

'On a mission? A being of that level? So that means that there are entities more powerful than him out there,' Jin-woo's eyes widened as he realized that the earth was still in danger and he looked at Haru who had a look of surprise on his face as well.

'What? There was nothing like this in the novel, Man things are getting complicated for no good reason.' Haru sighed heavily but thought that novel and reality are two different things after all.

"So does that mean that The Absolute Being is still alive? Because if he really died then the people who sent him on a mission will surely look for him right?" Jin-woo asked the Ruler who had a solemn look on his face.

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