My Plunderer System

Chapter 121 119 - Righteous Fury

As soon as the ambush on the refugee camp started, Milo took off running. He had to get back to Corinna, Krista and her mom before any of the Fellowship members got to them. He sent a message to Alucard using the Beast Whisperer ability and instructed him to protect them as he sprinted back to their tent.

As he ran, he saw Fellowship members slaughtering refugees all over. Abilities were used to kill other humans, this was something he figured he'd witness at some point but he was hoping it wouldn't be for a long time. While on his way a Fellowship member stepped into his path. The man was wearing the usual white robes the fellowship wore except this one had blood splattered on it. In his hands two shortswords could be seen also stained with the blood of innocents, and on his face a disgusting smile could be seen.

Milo had on all his equipment still and drew Ghoul's Bane. The man charged in slashing wildly. Based on his attack, Milo figured the man was a low ranking member of the Fellowship, he obviously hadn't trained with the weapons and seemed more crazed than anything. When the man pushed in, Milo swung his sword, he slashed the tendon of the man's leg which slowed him down. He roared in anger as he swung his daggers wildly once again.

Milo dodged the crazed attacks before disarming the man. With the man now disarmed, Milo chose to knock him out, slamming the hilt of Ghoul's Bane into his nose. He wanted to keep his hands clean of human blood for now, if possible.

With the man now out cold, Milo pushed on, fighting more Fellowship members on the way to where Krista, Corinna and Krista's mother were located. The attack started on the north side of the camp, and luckily Milo's loved ones were stationed in a tent on the south side.

Running through the crowd to get there, Milo had to dodge countless abilities. Elemental abilities could be seen being used, causing fire, water and wind to strike both the fellowship as well as refugees. The association was doing their best to hold off the Fellowship cultists but were hesitant to kill them, causing them to be fighting a losing battle, as the soldiers of the Fellowship had no qualms with killing another person.

Eventually Milo had gotten to his desired destination. While fighting off the lower ranked Fellowship members who had gotten in his way, he had only sustained a few scratches, other than that he could be considered in good condition. Once he was outside the tent, he heard a scream come from Krista, he burst inside and watched Alucard bite down on the neck of a fellowship member who had found his way into the tent. Alucard had been hiding in the top of the tent waiting in case someone came in and it just so happened that Milo came in at the same time.

Soon the Fellowship member fell to the ground dead as Alucard ripped out his throat using his sharp fangs. "Yuck," Milo heard Alucard say in his mind, "he tasted disgusting." Milo got a notice that he had gained a sizable amount of experience for the kill, and Alucard had even leveled up one more time. He immediately put the points into Alucard's strength stat as he knew that his help would be crucial if they were going to escape to camp safely.

Once the man was dead, Krista ran up and hugged Milo with tears in her eyes. Milo hugged her tight and Corinna and Krista's mom thanked him for saving them. Corinna also gave him a hug and checked him over to make sure he was okay before they did anything else. The screaming from the Fellowship's victims could still be heard outside so now was not the time to dilly dally. Milo told them the plan.

They would make a break for the southern barrier, from there they'd hide out until hopefully the attack was stopped or until the Fellowship moved on. Milo's plan hinged on the hope that the Fellowship would be too busy chasing those fleeing the camp to search the building beyond the barrier. Milo then texted David and Jorge to let them know that the Fellowship had attacked the refugee camp, Jorge was quick to respond saying they'd be sending reinforcements and they'd be arriving soon.

The Incubus guild was tasked with being on the frontline fighting off the Fellowship from where they originally attacked from. Based on this information Milo expected that reinforcements would arrive in 10 minutes or so. That was ten minutes they'd have to survive without any backup, only having the association and weaker guilds who were there to depend on. Milo gave an order to Alucard to help Corinna walk as she had the cast on her leg and the four of them started to walk towards the exit of the tent.

When Milo pulled back the curtain the group came face to face with a Fellowship member repeatedly stabbing someone they had pinned to the floor. Seeing the man with sickening glee on his face as he repeatedly stabbed the person triggered something in Milo, suddenly the thought of avoiding taking a human life seemed to flee from his head. Milo raised his sword hand, causing a shadow to fall over the man. The man turned up to see what was making the shadow only for his vision to go black as his head was separated from his neck.

Krista looked at Milo's face, only to see it filled with righteous fury, before it hardened as he looked towards his companions.

"Let's go."

After killing the crazed psychopath, Milo and the group began to make their way towards the barrier on the south side of the camp. As they made their way there, Milo continued to fight off any Fellowship members that targeted them, this time not hesitating to use his blade to extinguish their lives. At this point he recognized that it was a dog eat dog situation and would have to put aside his distaste for taking the lives of people.

Soon the group was a football fields distance from the barrier. A group of people could be seen climbing over the barrier that was set up by the association originally meant to protect those seeking refuge in the camp. A man had just made it over when all of a sudden an explosion triggered. The barrier was destroyed as purple flames swallowed the people who were attempting to climb over the wall.

In the center of where the explosion was sourced, a figure could be seen in a red robe, covering his face a red mask could be seen with a number 5 on its forehead. Surrounding him were hundreds of more Fellowship members wearing the white robes that the lower ranked members wore. The man put out his arms and the group he was leading charged the refugees that survived the attack that destroyed the barrier. A smaller group stayed with the new cardinal acting as a sort of escort

Krista and her mother sank to their knees as they felt hopeless in the face of terror from seeing another wave of Fellowship cultists appear. Corinna had tears in her eyes thinking that there was nothing they could do to escape. Their previous route to freedom that was open seconds ago was taken away in the blink of an eye. Milo turned to look at the group accepting their fate as hopelessness consumed them.

Seeing this happen something welled up in Milo's stomach, it felt like his muscles were screaming. Seeing the 5th cardinal making his way through the hole he made in the barrier towards him and the ones he cared about brought forth a feeling of rage Milo had never felt before. It was running wild inside him fighting to escape. All Milo wanted was to keep the people he cared about out of harm's way and it seemed like at the moment the world was trying to stop him from doing so.

It was at this moment, a Fellowship member came running up from behind the group, in his hands was a spear aimed for Milo's back. Milo was oblivious to the attack coming from his blind spot. Even Alucard missed the man as he, like Milo, was focused on the cardinal and his dark purple flames that seemed to spread and swallow up more of the refugee camp with each step. Krista noticed the incoming attack and screamed Milo's name but the man was already thrusting the spear forward. Milo reacted to Krista's scream but it was too late. He turned around, Corinna had put herself between the tip of the spear and Milo. Milo cut the man down where he stood, but the attack had already landed. Corinna fell to her knees as the spear impaled her through the stomach. Blood was soaking through her clothes as Milo screamed and went to catch her.

She raised a shaking bloodied hand to Milo's face and smiled at him with blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. She spoke the words, "In the end I still got to protect you, even if it was only this once." Tears began to stream down Milo's face as the shock of seeing his guardian and cousin dying before his eyes finally hit him. A few seconds later Corinna took her last breath in Milo's arms.

Krista and her mother were now bawling. Milo knelt, still visually stunned by what had just happened. Not even a week ago, his cousin was cooking him dinner and leaving cheesy notes in his lunch for him to read while at the guild. Now, she was dead in his arms, killed by the spear of a random member of the Fellowship cultist who had originally planned to take out Milo.

"Master, we need to run," Alucard said, seeming to be the only one in the group who was still aware of the chaos taking place around them. While he knew the great pain Milo was feeling due to the connection through Milo's ability, he knew that they would be killed if they stayed there any longer. At this moment, a new emotion could be felt through their connection, and Alucard trembled in fear feeling the new wave of emotion.

Milo set Corinna on the ground gently and then stood as Krista and her mother still knelt near Corinna weeping. He turned around to look at the 5th cardinal and the group of Fellowship members who were all brandishing weapons that were now a little under 40 yards away. The man in red continued forward towards the middle of the group as ominous violet infernos spread out behind him. As they moved, the entourage in front of him would kill anyone in their path who still showed signs of life.

Milo was trembling where he stood not from fear but from anger. He began to walk towards the man and readied his weapon. Once he got a safe enough distance away from Krista and her mom, he screamed and activated his ice ability, not holding back. The temperature dropped to sub zero in an instant and dozens of spears appeared behind Milo's back.

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