My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 275 Army In Training

As I looked over my army, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. These minions had been trained to be the best fighters, and it showed in their movements. They were quick and agile, with a strength that belied their small size. But even the best warriors needed proper equipment, and I knew that I had to make some changes.

With 1600 warrior minions in training, I had a full day ahead of me. I watched as they marched off to begin their drills, their weapons glinting in the sunlight. It was a beautiful sight, and one that filled me with a sense of purpose.

But my attention soon turned to the minions that were already in my army. Among the 1030 minions, 1000 wielded crossbows. These weapons were fast and deadly, but they had their limitations. In particular, they were not as effective in wet conditions, and their accuracy could suffer as a result.

To compensate, I knew that we needed archers with regular bows. Unfortunately, we only had a handful of them. So, I opened the advanced control menu again, and placed 470 archers in training. I decided to change their clothing this time to make it easy to differentiate them from the crossbow-wielding minions. The archers with crossbows had dark brown clothing, so I changed their color to green to identify them.

As I watched the minions go about their training, I realized that it was important for me to be able to identify each one. With so many minions under my command, it could be easy to lose track of who was who. I made sure to take note of each minion's unique features, so I could give orders more effectively.

But it wasn't just about identifying the minions. I knew that they needed to be properly equipped for battle. So, I went through each one's equipment, making sure that they had everything they needed. I checked their crossbows and regular bows, making sure that they were in good condition. I also made sure that each minion had a sufficient supply of arrows and bolts.

As I worked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. These minions were my responsibility, and I was doing everything in my power to make sure that they were ready for anything. With my army properly equipped and trained, I knew that we could take on any challenge that came our way.

As I looked out over the sea of minions, I couldn't help but marvel at their incredible abilities. They were a unique and talented group, each with their own special skills and quirks.

I approached a lone minion and instructed him to call the others. He nodded eagerly and quickly darted off, his small legs propelling him forward with surprising speed. In no time at all, the other minions began to arrive, each one chattering excitedly as they greeted one another.

I watched in amazement as they communicated effortlessly, their high-pitched voices carrying across the distance with ease. It was incredible to witness the sheer intelligence and teamwork that these tiny creatures were capable of.

As the minions gathered around me, I began to examine them more closely. They were all wearing identical blue jumpsuits, making it difficult to tell them apart. I knew that if we were to work together effectively, we needed a way to distinguish between them.

I selected ten of the most intelligent stage 2 variants and promoted them to the rank of commander. They beamed with pride as I announced their new status, each one standing a little taller and puffing out their chest.

I called the minions manager over and instructed him to provide the commanders with red jumpsuits. They would be the only ones wearing this color, making them easily identifiable in the midst of the army.

Next, I chose five stage 2 intelligent variants to serve as my personal advisors. These minions would be responsible for guarding me when I was outside and protecting my home during the night. They were given green jumpsuits to distinguish them from the other minions.

The remaining three minions were assigned to operate the siege machines. They were the experts in this field, responsible for maintaining and operating the machinery. One was put in charge of the ballistae, another handled the catapults, and the last worked alongside the warriors to adjust the siege tower. These minions were given dark brown jumpsuits to blend in with the rest of the army.

As the minions went about their tasks, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and awe. They were such a unique and capable group, and I knew that with their help, we would be unstoppable in battle.

Over the coming days and weeks, I continued to categorize and organize the minions, creating new ranks and positions to ensure that everyone was working together efficiently. It was a daunting task, but I was determined to make sure that every minion had a clear purpose and role to play in our army.

Despite the challenges we faced along the way, the minions proved themselves time and time again, showing incredible bravery and skill on the battlefield. I knew that I could always count on them to be there when it mattered most, and for that, I was forever grateful.

After categorizing the minions and making sure they were assigned to their designated tasks, I returned to the house. I impatiently waited for the intelligence variants that had been sent to the twin cities. My mind was racing with thoughts of strategies that we could use to defeat our enemies. I was eager to know about the strength of their armies, the weapons they possessed, and the tactics they were likely to use against us. This information was vital if we were going to win this war.

As I waited, my mind kept wandering back to the events that had led us to this point. The death of our king and queen had left us vulnerable, and our enemies had taken advantage of that. The twin cities were once our allies, but now they were our enemies, and we needed to be prepared for anything.

Hours went by, and finally, the intelligence variants returned. They brought back with them vital information about the twin cities. They reported that the enemy armies were strong and well-equipped with advanced weapons. They also revealed that the people of the city were unaware of the death of their kings.

With this information in hand, I began to construct a strategy to attack the enemy. I knew that if we could distract them and catch them off guard, we could destroy their army and emerge victorious.

I decided to take Chloe, one of our strongest warriors, with me to the residential area to assess the situation. When we arrived, we could hear the joyful laughter of children playing in the park. We approached the playground and there she was, Chloe, running around with the children, playing a game of catch.

It was a sight to behold. Chloe was always fierce in battle, a tigress who was merciless against her enemies. But seeing her playing with the children, she looked carefree, like a kid herself. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her.

As we continued to observe the area, we noticed that the enemy army had let its guard down. They were unprepared for an attack, and this was our chance. With the information we had gathered, we formulated a plan to strike the enemy.

That day, we emerged victorious. The enemy was caught off guard, and we were able to defeat them without any casualties. Chloe proved to be a valuable asset in the battle, and her skills as a warrior were unmatched.

Looking back on that day, I realized that it was Chloe's ability to adapt to different situations that made her such a strong warrior. Whether she was playing with children or fighting on the battlefield, she was always prepared to face any challenge that came her way.

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