My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 91 - 90 Hanging Sky Golden List 1

Chapter 91 - 90 Hanging Sky Golden List 1

Chapter 91: Chapter 90 Hanging Sky Golden List 1

Translator: 549690339                    —

On the third floor of the Mage Tower, Mu Yuan stood by the window, gazing into the distance.

The roar of the monsters grew louder, and the earth trembled slightly. “They’re here!”

Outside the territory, this area of the forest that had been completely chopped down, suddenly, two tiny bright red dots appeared in the dead of night, followed by four, six, eight… countless more.

The countless glowing red dots illuminated the desolate darkness, and also illuminated the figures that were arriving from afar, changing from walking to running, their speed growing faster, their faces more aggressive.

Gobhns, Jackal Men, Grey Wolves, Giant Bears, Walking Corpses… all sorts of monsters appeared seemingly from nowhere, each different yet sharing common traits — grotesque faces, crimson pupils.

The crimson in their pupils was more intense than ever before, completely filling the eyeballs, even seeming to spread to the capillaries holding the eye in place, like web-like strands of red spreading across half of their faces.

The flesh of Goblins, Jackal Men and similar monsters had more muscles, faintly glowing with a red hue, as if red worms were crawling beneath the skin, causing their skin and fur to bulge.


Mu Yuan quickly set aside his telescope, but after some thought decided he couldn’t show any fear, so he forced himself to keep watching, taking deep breaths, confronting the hideous monsters.

He must adapt. The current monster tide, though not strong, was a suitable target.

‘The enemy has entered the attack range.’

He could faintly see a line. Once the monsters stepped over the line of defense buildings, they could fire at will.

“The range of the Arrow Tower is four hundred meters, the Mage Tower is seven hundred meters, and the Thunder Magnetic Coil Tower can extend its range according to the power output.”

But Mu Yuan did not fire.

They were just minor monsters. These defense structures were strategic weapons, and also major consumers of Soul Sand.

At the forefront of the defensive line,

There were some skeletons who wanted to charge into the monsters for a fight to the death – a disadvantage of low-intelligence troops that required the player to keep a constant eye on them, even when going to the bathroom.

But Mu Yuan had General Dead Bone watching them.

Dead Bone, an undead hero, suppressed all the restless skeletons, allowing only the Strong Shooters in the watchtower to fire at will.

Their range was longer than Skeleton Warriors, the shooting was much easier. Swish-

Swish swish swish-

Under the command of Dead Bone and Mu Yuan’s grand strategic guidance, the Strong Shooters drew their bows and fired their Feather Arrows without using skills.

The lead Shooter, the God Archer Seventeen, aimed at the ‘elites’ of the monster pack.

An arrow severed the sky, shooting through the eye socket of the Big Goblin, splattering blood. The big Goblin’s sturdy body fell with a thud.

One by one, monsters fell, but this didn’t discourage the others from leaping towards Tianyuan Territory.

Their figures m the field of view grew larger, but what awaited them were expressions… or rather, the lack of expressions on the faces of skeletons who were not much less intimidating.


Dead Bone spoke.

The Skeleton Warriors didn’t throw their Bone Spears, instead, they all jumped down from the earthen wall, drew their swords, and faced the wave of monsters.

This was a probe, necessary for intelligence gathering.

Dead Bone wanted to understand if there were significant differences between the monsters shrouded in thick red fog and those they usually encountered, lest they be caught off guard when the battle intensified later.


The Skeleton Warrior grips the hilt of the sword, slashing mercilessly towards the snarling, wide-toothed, axe-wielding Jackal Man, leaving a resonating roar in its wake.

Within just two rounds, by leveraging its superior strength it parries the Jackal-Man’s axe, cutting down the relatively higher level Jackal-Man warrior right on the battlefront.

After securing the first kill, the emotionless Skeleton Warrior continues to hunt for its second target. Taking large strides forward, it suddenly gets gripped.

The Jackal-Man, only having a small upper body and one arm left, crawled up eerily like an evil spirit. The crimson light in its eyes was even more mysteriously bright, with blood-red foggy threads clinging on to it, its eyeballs were throbbing like a heart.

“Prick  ”

Unfortunately for it, the Skeleton Warrior cannot be scared off, it vertically plunges its sword heavily into the eerie eyes, bursting the Jackal-Man’s head as if it were a watermelon.

“The effects of these crimson lights are more potent than those in the Land of Filth. In the trials, the monsters are more brutal, more powerful, and they… have an extremely mysterious and tenacious vitality!”

You must explode their entire heads to truly kill the monsters.

More accurately, it is the eyeball. That is the true weak point of the monsters.”

Mu Yuan ponders.

He stands on the Mage Tower, being blown by the gusty wind. The nauseating smell of blood already blowing towards him. In the far distance is a sticky red mist, integrating with the liquid flowing on the ground, the sky, and the earth are all crimson.

This is the real Eternal Continent, without filter.”

After all, it was just the first wave of the monster tide, and it was quickly exterminated.

Mu Yuan then enjoys the wind, while multitasking in the real world to open the forum to peek at the situation of other players.

They have also started their fighting.

A Sword and Shield Soldier chops down a Goblin, however, just as he turns around, the Goblin, with its bloody, mangled body, opens its crimson eyes. Spreading bloody threads towards its neck, it suddenly jumps up and pounces on the back of the Sword and Shield Soldier. Its sharp wooden thorn is aimed at the relatively weak area of the neck, stabbing viciously one, two, three times.

Blood spurts out.

The rather high-level Sword and Shield Soldier struggles for a few seconds before it collapses with a thud.

The player controlling it right behind the scenes is stunned, astonished, screaming, “Darn it, my Sword and Shield Soldier!”

Similar accidents occur from time to time in various players’ live broadcasting rooms.

The vitality of monsters in past years has never been so exaggerated.

Sure enough, under the ominous red fog premonition, this year’s Lord’s Trial has become more difficult.

Only after resisting the first wave of the small monster tide and barely having a breather, the aspiring lords began to understand what was going on through the forums, by watching the performances of other top newcomers, and by inviting several senior players to provide guest commentary.

We have to explode their eyeballs!

This is too tricky!

Many newcomers frowned, feeling nervous and uneasy, but at this moment they had no way out, they could only press on.

Also, around this time,

The newcomers who descended into the Eternal World through their consciousness, seemed to receive a revelation in the darkness, and naturally looked up.

In the dark cloudless sky, clouds that look like golden dust quietly appeared, slowly rolling and lighting up the pitch-black night sky. It lasted for a few ’ seconds before gradually dimming, leaving behind only a small, winding golden list, hanging high in the sky.

The “Trial Golden List”!

Who can be at the top of it?

The name of one territory after another appeared on the Golden List, with their rankings constantly changing.

The total number on the list is one hundred..

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