My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 227 - 208 Tianyuan’s Nine Epic (3K)_1

Chapter 227: Chapter 208 Tianyuan’s Nine Epic (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

The selection for the Dragon Court competition was drawing closer. However, this competition was different from the Hero’s Festival, it was not a celebration for the lords.

This was a serious military competition, a military drill!

Those new star lords who had a better chance of representing Tai Xuan in battle, such as Wuji and Kong Ming, were making the final sprint. This was both an honor and a stress for them.

If they failed in the Dragon Court competition, not only would they be affected, but so would Tai Xuan!

Failure was not an option!

They were preparing for battle.

Here at Mu Yuan’s side, they also started to recall the exploration team that had ventured more than 200 kilometers into the wilderness and set up camps outside.

He had to ensure that on the day of the military drill, all his elite warriors would be within the territory. Only then could the lord bring his troops into the simulated battlefield one by one, in the form of consciousness.

“This time, it’s not just the Undead Legion and the Treeman Troops that need to participate in the battle, the Defensive Troops also need to take the stage.” Especially the Defensive Troops…

Compared to the previous two, the Defensive Troops are of much lower level and class.

The two hundred combat troops that currently have the main force equipment can barely achieve the Rare Three-star Level. Among them, those who have crossed into the Excellent One-Star Level are very few, only a few commanders in the troop can enjoy this treatment.

Aside from the low level and class, the battle experience of the Defensive Troops is also lacking.

After all,

Their main duty is to patrol and guard the territory, with few chances to face monsters directly. Occasionally, some of the elites of the Defensive Troops will form Hunting Teams, but they mostly face weak enemies.

“Speaking of which, the Treeman Troops have even less battle experience. Their slow speed of movement and large size make it impossible for them to go out at will. Only when there is a real major battle, is it worth their great efforts to take the stage.”

Both these troops need a lot of training.

The simulated battlefield provides this opportunity.

As Lord Shepherd speculated, he opened the panel and scattered a series of rays of evolutionary light.

“Tip: You have evolved an Excellent One-Star Soldier ‘Fearless Knight’.”

“Tip: You have evolved an Excellent One-Star Soldier ‘Brave War Rider’.”

“Tip: You have evolved two Excellent One-Star Soldiers ‘Power of the Holy Light Priest’.”


With this, the Ten-member Nun Sky Group had achieved the status of all Excellent.

The captain Lainey is an Excellent Three-star Stage ‘Sacred Light Chief Priest’, and she is now an elite class with very abundant Holy Light power.

Mu Yuan glanced at the Human Evolution Points.

By nightfall, he would evolve another Epic.

He or she would be the ninth Epic General of the Tianyuan Territory.

“This spot…”

According to the evolution sequence of the human race, the person next in line after Lu Liu is Sophia.

Firstly, Sophia is exceptionally beautiful and has great potential; secondly, her level is quite high, second only to Isloa, Xi Liu, Duo Lai, and Dead Bone; thirdly, Sophia is very capable, managing all the affairs of Lanxing alone, relieving Boss Mu from any worries. Fourthly, Sophia deserves more power as she is solely responsible for managing the Lanxing affairs.


“If we want Sophia to participate in the military drill, we have to get her back from Lanxing to Tianyuan Territory, which will affect the operation of the Lanxing Company. This is unnecessary.”

The work she is responsible for at Lanxing is more important.

The territory does not lack a minor general like Sophia.

In this case, Sophia’s evolution will be slightly postponed, and this spot will be reserved for…”

Mu Yuan considered carefully and gradually decided upon the candidate.

Tianyuan Territory, the hilly area to the east.

The terrain is rough and rugged, with towering rocks.

In a low-lying area, a humanoid target stood, gleaming in the sunlight. Around it, there were no bowmen to be seen.

After two hundred meters, four hundred meters, one thousand meters…

There was no shooter in sight.

Surrounding the low-lying area, the terrain rose to form a hillside, with large rocks and crosswood scattered haphazardly, along with sparse trees growing in between. Two-thousand meters to the west of this area, trees began to grow denser, forming a lush forest.

Within the forest, a sharp sound suddenly emerged, like the whistling of a sharp weapon cutting through the air.

In the next instant,

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh—

One arrow after another, like a long snake, shot out from the forest. As they approached the incline, the arrows strangely defied inertia, rising upward, skimming the ground as they continued to fly forward.

The sharp wind carved a clear, conspicuous path across the ground.

The arrows were still flying.

Time seemed to slow down.

They skimmed the ground, flicking their tails, leaping, falling, moving sideways… they circled around one boulder and crosswood after another, finally descending from above to hit the humanoid target in the low valley.

The first arrow shattered the head of the humanoid target.

Before the fragments could fly off,

The second arrow pierced through and shattered the fragments.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth arrows…

Eight arrows in a row shattered the fragments flying about from the destroyed head of the humanoid target without harming the torso below at all.

The last arrow seemed to have missed, flying past the humanoid target and disappearing into the waist-high grass in the distance.


The grass erupted, scattering countless grass clippings, and a headless green- skinned goblin fell down on the ground.

In the sky, a Storm Falcon soared, taking in everything beneath it, while sharing these scenes with someone two thousand meters away.

On a robust tree standing over thirty meters high, the archer leader ‘Seventeen’ squatted semi-crouched, wiping the tiny beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

“A distance of two thousand eight hundred meters, hitting the target accurately.”

“However, the energy attached to the arrow is not enough. Even such a degree of arrow could hardly kill a Goblin Leader in one shot.”

“Alas, I am still too weak.”

Seventeen felt somewhat distressed.

She was one of the earliest to arrive in the territory, and only ranked behind Undead, Duo Lai, Bone Two Bone Three Bone Four, Jun, and Lu Liu.

But now, she was increasingly struggling, even with relentless cultivation it was difficult to catch up with everyone else.

Seventeen knew there were disparities in talents amongst individuals, and such differences could not be bridged merely by effort. After all, had General Undead, General Duo Lai, and others not put in their own effort as well?

Perhaps, they were even more diligent than her.

“And if I want my arrows to deal a substantial amount of damage, I need to rely on external artifacts. Only by using leveled rare arrows, I can posses the ability to kill stronger enemies, and when facing formidable opponents…”

She would need to sacrifice rare arrows!

These arrows were forged by Master Li, using the leftover scraps of rare treasures from the forging of Treasure Armor. Even then, each arrow still held a significant value, especially since it is a consumable.

The finances of my territory are not abundant, how could I put a strain on an already impoverished budget?

Seventeen had only three such arrows, and up till now she didn’t use any of them. She would rather use the ‘Falling Star’ skill, burning her own energy, mental strength, and willpower, rather than use these precious arrows.

“Can I develop a skill that could increase the range and accuracy, as well as significantly improve the destructive power?”

“Ah, where should I start?”

She was troubled.

She considered asking the Lord or General Undead for advice, but they were all busy. She believed that they should not be bothered with her trifles.

The other generals were also busy. After much hesitation, Seventeen decided not to trouble anyone and pondered alone.

After pondering for one month, then two; she still didn’t find a solution.

“Huh? The Lord!”

She shivered suddenly, realizing that the Lord was standing under a tree not far from her.

When did the Lord arrive?

She hastily stood up, wiped the sweat from her palms and prepared to bow.

However, before she could, she heard it.

“The organization has decided, you are the next Epic candidate.”

“Huh? Huh!”

Barely rising from a squatting position, Seventeen stood startled with her eyes widened and mouth slightly open.

She lost herself completely.

The next moment,

She fell right from the thirty-meter high tree.


Despite being an elite, without Mu Yuan having to catch her, she flipped two and a half times mid-air, gracefully landing on the ground.

“1,1,1? Am I the next Epic?”

She pointed at herself, then said with a lack of confidence, “I can’t do it.”

“No, you can, I said so.”

Mu Yuan replied.

Indeed, Seventeen’s innate abilities were not prominent, nor were her achievements, but it was related to the current situation.

Seventeen was the deputy corps leader of the Defensive Troops; also, as an archer, she excelled in defending the city. She utilized her geographical advantages to launch attacks on the enemy from high ground.

The destructive capability of a strong archer in a city defense battle is terrifying.

In the initial stage of the newcomer’s trial, Lord Da Ri had momentarily topped the golden billboard with the help of a powerful professional Strong Shooter.

During those times at the Tianyuan territory, Seventeen was not yet a Professional and was unable to influence the battle. Later, as the Tianyuan territory gradually strengthened, rarely did the monster tide manage to attack close to the territory, so Seventeen was unable to play a major role.

However, it was just temporary.

Every once in a while, the Eternal World would have a Red Fog Tide or a Monster Tide. That would be Seventeen’s moment to shine.

As long as she was provided with a suitable environment, she was a terrifying fragile skin harvester.

Though, she herself was also fragile-skinned.

Among all the generals in the territory, she possessed the weakest survival ability. Compared to Bone Two Bone Three, and Sophia, she was lacking by far.

However, when used at the right place, she could be a trump card.

She was diligent enough; although she hadn’t developed powerful new skills, she had already maximized the use of her natural Mind Arrow skill.

She deserved an evolution spot.

That night,

Inside the City Lord’s Mansion, the glow of miracles descended, as if pulsating stars in the night sky were shining on her.

In the glow, Seventeen’s ponytail fluttered, her eyes blazing with light.

FDing! J

FPrompt: Your Soldier ‘Seventeen’ bathed in the evolution glow, has evolved into Epic One-star Life ‘Arrow of the Pole Star’ and awakened Epic skill ‘Ten Thousand Arrows Treasure’, …J

The white glow gradually faded.

Behind Seventeen, space rippled and spread to both sides.

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