My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 224 - 206: Pre-war Preparations, The Treeman Troops Are Ready (3K)_i

Chapter 224: Chapter 206: Pre-war Preparations, The Treeman Troops Are Ready (3K)_i

Translator: 549690339

Ten days later, inside the Secret Realm known as the ‘Elf’s Courtyard’… Lords like Mu Yuan, Liu Miumiu, and Jiang Luoxing were gathered here to share intelligence and discuss world affairs.

“What’s with this year’s Dragon Court competition? Why are novice lords like us thrown into the preliminary rounds?”

Jiang Luoxing scratched his scalp, feigning distress.

His sorry display resulted in glares from others around him.

Every lord that was given access to the secret key to this realm was a top performer within their respective periods, all recognized as the cream of the crop.

Even Yu Siyu, the Lord Yanyu who had ranked 36th on the gold list now, couldn’t qualify for the preliminaries of the Dragon Court Competition.

Given her situation, there was even less hope for the freshly crowned lords ranked lower.

This was such a great honor!

An acknowledgement from the big bosses!

Showing an impressive performance could potentially win over certain big bosses and gain their favor or investment. This was such a rare opportunity. Yet, Jiang Luoxing dared to complain? What a show-off!

Jiang Luoxing chuckled awkwardly.

He had indeed been a tad conceited, but his distress was genuine.

“Did you guys even consider if novice lords like us would have a chance to shine? I’m afraid we’ll be beaten up and humiliated there.”

He could decline the invitation, and he had thought about doing so.

But he decided otherwise in the end.

A real man must face challenges head-on. This has nothing to do with his father breaking his legs if he refused-

Jiang Luoxing said, “Apparently this time, there are more than a dozen novice lords participating. A few potential stars from previous periods have also been selected. Among us, I’m probably the weakest.”

He understood the reasoning behind such arrangements. On one hand, it was meant to nurture these novices as a testament to the big bosses’ recognition. On the other hand, it was also meant to provoke a group of stale lords. Regardless of the rationale, a contest between new and old lords was inevitable. The old lords, unwilling to appear lacking in front of the big bosses, would try their best to ruthlessly eliminate the weak novices from the completion.

Such a sad fate.

He looked at Big Boss Tianyuan, Liu Miumiu, and Yu She. Only the four of them here had the qualifications to compete.

“Big Boss Tianyuan…”

Jiang Luoxing wanted to ask something but ultimately decided against it. “Nevermind, I don’t need to upset myself.”

He turned to Liu Miumiu.

If it weren’t for Big Boss Tianyuan, Liu Miumiu, with her background and talents, would be the leading figure of their circle.

Usually, she would be on par with Lord Wangba and Lord Shen Lei, each with their supporting factions.

Yet here…

Even though he, Jiang Luoxing, was a rookie, he had organized the entire gathering.

“Big Boss Liu, what’s your take?”

“Well, what else can you do? Just fight casually,” Liu Miumiu said nonchalantly.

Unlike Jiang Luoxing who felt stressed, Liu Miumiu seemed relaxed.

It wasn’t that she was much stronger; she was maybe twice as strong as Jiang Luoxing or Yu She. Her laid-back attitude was the real deal.

While outsiders often referred to her as the ‘Sister of the Lord of Han Yue City’, she didn’t feel compelled by such a title, and held no resentmentfulness towards it.

Thoughts of ‘clearing her name as Liu Miumiu and stepping out of her sister’s shadow’ only occasionally crossed her mind.

Since she couldn’t reach her sister’s heights and had such a formidable sibling, why not just…

Go with the flow.

She was laid back, not fully ‘settling for less’ as she didn’t want to taint her sister’s reputation. But she was certainly complacent.

Liu Miumiu didn’t have any grand aspirations. She was content with managing her territory and cruising towards retirement.

“The selection for the Dragon Court competition? We just need to perform decently in the early stages and maintain a passable standard. Then we can quietly retreat and watch from the sidelines, which doesn’t sound bad.”

Liu Miumiu outlined her plan, believing it to be flawless.

Sporting such an unafraid attitude as if she didn’t mind the bullying, others couldn’t really comment much.

“You’re right. No matter how anxious we get, the ending of us getting beaten up is inevitable.”

Jiang Luoxing sighed, prepared to accept his fate. “Among us novices, probably only Big Boss Tianyuan could lose with dignity.”

He looked towards Tianyuan.

Mu Yuan just smiled, “We’ll give it our best shot.”

He also seemed quite optimistic.

Could it be that becoming a big boss required one to learn to stay positive first?

Jiang Luoxing sank into thought.

As their conversation carried on, they began discussing national affairs. Unlike the keyboard warriors online, they indeed had a chance to contribute to their country’s glory in the future.

Heard that Shen Yao Empire has been stirring trouble at our Tai Xuan borders recently. So disgusting.”

What’s worse is that Shen Yao Empire has numerous lapdogs. They often pin the blame on terrorists whenever the situation gets leaked, as those players were indeed not from the Star Splendor Federation.”

A lord said, “They have so many lackeys because they have built three Ark Cities. They guarantee the absolute safety of the citizens within the cities during the merging of the two realms.”

This is how they have managed to win over many countries. Of course, those players causing trouble at the Tai Xuan border are merely pawns manipulated by Shen Yao and the higher-ups in those countries. They are gullible fools.” “Didn’t our country build any Ark City?”

Another person asked.

He’s from a relatively ordinary background.

Information about Ark City is only known among the higher echelons of each country, but here, some lords are family members of the higher-ups.

“We indeed lack construction, because Ark City can only shelter so many, and what we in Xuan Country want to shelter is…”

Jiang Luoxing began, his voice solemn.

“The entire country”.

Lanxing is on the brink of collapse, and its future is uncertain.

How Tai Xuan can protect an entire country, or how it can protect as many citizens of Xuan Country as possible… Mu Yuan doesn’t know.

This secret is not even known to Liu Miumiu.

What a greenhand like him can do is to try his best to earn more resources for Tai Xuan.

To revitalize Tai Xuan, to defeat Shen Yao, it is our duty.

To the east of Tianyuan Territory, is the Treeman Forest.

The dense leaves block out the sun, and only a few rays of sunlight can pass through, casting little patches of light shadow on the ground.

Here, where your gaze rests, you can see trees that reach twenty or thirty meters in height. The trees grow vigorously, making it the best place for leisure and recuperation in the Tianyuan Territory.

As soon as Mu Yuan steps into the place, the air becomes fresher, and the chirping of birds and insects can be heard everywhere in the forest.

Flower Fairies and Flower Sprites happily dance around, spreading their clear giggles of “giggles”.

“Compared to the three troop building types, the environmental transformation of the Treeman Forest is the most refreshing.” Currently, there are three main armies in the Tianyuan Territory. The Undead Legion, the Defensive Troops, and the Treeman Troops. A fourth one, the Snow Girl Artillery Troops, is in the planning stage.

Compared to the first two, the Treeman Troops do not stand out very much. This is because treemen prefer quietness and usually take root in the ground, looking no different from ordinary trees from afar or up close.

In the past, the power of the treeman species was so weak that even a leader like the Tree Demon Granny could not perform well on top-tier battlefields.

But after more than three months of dedicated development, the Treeman Troops have come a long way.

There are a total of 60 treemen.

Among these, there are three three-star war treemen besides the Tree Demon Granny. All the remaining treemen, except for the war-treemen, are ancient treemen of a one-star level of Excellence.

Through the Evolutionary Miracle, his war-treemen will surely awaken the talent called ‘Mood Soul Drowning Roots’. It is a unique talent that can promote growth in daily life and absorb the essence of vegetation and Earth’s Force to perform Talent Bursting during the war.

This talent is not too strong, and Mu Yuan does not consider a single talent to be on par with the Heart of Darkness, Body of Grudge Demon, and Fearless Battle Body.


An ancient treeman of one-star Excellence can definitely awaken the advanced skill ‘Growth of Ten Thousand Woods’.

When several dozen ancient treemen use this skill, even if it is not a venue skill, it can form a gigantic forest of wood far exceeding that of a single venue, comparable to a large-scale magic.

In such an environment, the power that the war-treemen can bring about by using the Talent Bursting method would be tremendously horrifying.

Mu Yuan even had no idea what its limit might be.

This is the overwhelming strength of a full-fledged troop system!

Also, it is a feature of the treemen.

They move inconveniently, but they can use the venue and firmly occupy the advantages of the venue. In terms of combination and coordination, the Treeman Troops even far surpass the neighboring Undead Legion. ‘ “With the advantage of troop building, all of the Treeman Troops have stepped into the professional level. The three war-treemen have even stepped into the elite-level, and the Tree Demon Granny…”

Her level hasn’t increased much and her panel is luxurious.

Apart from the initial skills, and the skills awakened and mastered during evolution, she has also learned some basic but practical skills through self-exploration and reading learning materials.

Whipping, Leaf Blade, Sleep Powder, Parasitic Spore, Drain, and so on.

Especially the last few, when combined with the ‘Growth of Ten Thousand Woods’, they can have amazing effects.

Of course, the Tree Demon Granny is not strong enough yet and needs a little help.

Mu Yuan stood more than a hundred meters away, pointing from afar.

The glow of the miracle fell.


The earth began to tremble.

The whole forest seemed to come alive with this single tremble.

The majestic war-treemen, who were already exceptionally tall, started to grow again.


“Alert: Your troop ‘Tree Demon Granny’ has bathed in the miracle’s glow and evolved into the Epic Life ‘Lord Treeman’, awakening the Epic Skill ‘I am the Forest’.”



The alerts sounded one after another.

Under the encouragement of the surrounding treemen’s waving branches, the Tree Demon Granny did a good job of comprehending new advanced skills and stepped into the Artistic Conception Level.

Not only that,

I Am the Forest: Turn all plants in the range into your own territory, link them as a whole, and give them incredibly strong growth and recovery abilities. The more plants in the range, the stronger the territory’s power. More abilities need to be developed on your own.’

‘Also, I am the forest, and the forest is me. Since treemen can move, the forest can as well.’.

Mu Yuan strokes his chin.

What kind of power would erupt when ‘I Am the Forest’ and ‘Growth of Ten Thousand Woods’ are combined?

He looked forward to it.

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