My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 222 - 204: The Movable Fortress, Mage Tower & The Expected Dragon Knight (3K)_1

Chapter 222: Chapter 204: The Movable Fortress, Mage Tower & The Expected Dragon Knight (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

The construction requirements for an Intermediate Mage Tower are extremely high.

In addition to the prerequisite building ‘Primary Mage Tower’, various basic materials are required, along with 20 Soul Crystals, 500 units of common Black Ironstones, 50 units of Rare Bronze Crystals, and one of each Elemental Sphere treasure – fire, thunder, earth, wind, and water – at the Rare Level.

Besides these, you also need a superior treasure ‘Super Energy Core’.

The cost is exorbitant.

But not to mention the high cost, even many lords, at the cost of their entire fortunes, chose to construct the Intermediate Mage Tower.

It’s a composite building that houses various living facilities, research facilities, and… powerful defense capabilities.

As long as the Intermediate Mage Tower is constructed, even if it’s not of a high level, it should be able to easily eliminate any random Leader Level powerhouse.

It can greatly enhance the security of the territory.

Providing Isloa with a research environment is just a by-product — in fact, in the entire territory, only this girl can make use of the research function of the Intermediate Mage Tower.

Thinking of this, Mu Yuan immediately started purchasing.

This is also a major project.

Now that he has raised his territory to the third level and advanced to the

‘Small Town Level Lordship’, he can transport superior treasures from Lanxing into the Eternal World.

However, the trans-dimensional fee is quite high. It’s like cutting your own meat.

If there was no other option then fine, but since he has a choice, Mu Yuan would not waste a sum of Soul Crystals for no reason. Poor people should be frugal.

He implemented plan two.

He had Sophia search the forum for sellers of the treasure ‘Super Energy Core’ and make contact. Very quickly, Sophia came back with good news.

“There is none in Shiling Town, but one of the sellers who is selling it is based in Pan Shi City. I have already negotiated with him. If we pick up the item, he will give us a three percent discount. Boss, what do you think? ”

“I agree.”

The price is much cheaper than buying it on Lanxing, plus you save the trans- dimensional fee. Actually, it’s two fees – turning the Soul Crystal Tool into reality also incurs the trans-dimensional fee charge.

The only difficult point is self-pickup.

Picking up goods across cities on the Eternal Continent is not an easy task.


he had General Duo Lai for pickup.

After transforming the Ever-changing Badge into a pair of wings of wind, General Duo Lai took to the sky. In just half a day, she was back in Tianyuan.

Half a day later,

Bang bang bang —

With the joint efforts of hundreds of Territory Citizens and elites, the Intermediate Mage Tower was rapidly constructed and…

This pure white tower, over twenty meters high, slowly lifted into the air. It was flying!

“Intermediate Mage Tower (Superior)”

“Description: A comprehensive building that combines living, research, and defense facilities. The bottom area is for living, the middle for research, and the top for operation control. Users can discover the specific functions by themselves.”

Although the Mage Tower was suspended in mid-air, it had traction ability.

Mu Yuan didn’t have to fly himself, his whole body gently floated up until he was standing on the platform in front of the door of the white tower.

He pushed the door open and entered.

The interior of the tower was more spacious, apparently applying some space technology. The tower comes with a salon, a dining room, a ballroom, a small garden, several bedrooms, and more. In contrast, the Mage Tower is at least ten times superior to the small resting room of primary Mage Tower.

It’s even more luxurious than the City Lord’s Mansion.

He looked down at the mansion below and suddenly felt the City Lord’s Mansion lose its charm.

The middle floors were equipped with various research equipments. Mu Yuan took a glance and had a vague impression of a few of them from some information he had read.

Isloa, who also came to visit, was bright-eyed.

“This is the Elemental Centrifuge!”

“This is the Magic Imprinting Device!”

“This device is called Magic Camera, it can turn dynamic techniques into static ones!”

“And this… is a spiral scanner that can examine the whole body!”


Each of these sets of equipment is equivalent to a rare item.

And these are just the supporting tools of an Intermediate Mage


Upon thinking of this, Mu Yuan’s previous complaints about the high cost of the Mage Tower were almost entirely dissipated.

He listened to Isloa’s introduction, marveling in amazement.

In fact, it was the first time Isloa had seen these too.

She had only learned about these devices from many study materials in her spare time and had long been envious of them. She once thought about saving part of her salary to buy a set in Pan Shi City. She didn’t expect to see them so soon, and she could even touch them.

“Um, Lord…”

She said in a soft and coquettish manner.

Mu Yuan broke into goosebumps all over.

“Speak clearly if you have something to say.”

“Can I borrow these equipment, Lord? You can set any conditions. For example, how about the private photos of Sophia and Daisy.”

Mu Yuan glanced at her: But of course, it wouldn’t be that easy.

In fact, no one else in the territory could use these devices, but since Isloa felt that she could make certain requests, then…

Increase her workload, a lot.

He happened to have some ideas that need to be realized.

For instance, emulating the Resentful Spirit’s ‘Resentment Absorbs’ skill, to develop similar functionality, but with a wider range of detection radar.

For example, referring to the Treeman’s ‘Mood Soul Drowning Roots’ skill, make a ‘Wood Spirit Essence’ that can promote plant growth.

And on and on…


Mu Yuan stated over ten ideas off the top of his head then looked at Isloa.

“Aren’t these your specialties?”

Isloa opened her mouth, wishing she could go back in time and sew up

her mouth two minutes ago.

But she couldn’t turn him down anyway.

The area of body research is exactly what I’ m best at.

After seeing these expensive equipment, the first thing Isloa wanted to research was herself. She wanted to understand the difference between an epic life and a normal life. She had previously thought about scraping some bone powder from General Dead Bone, some condensed liquid from General Duo Lai, but she thought about it and decided to start with the field she knew best, which was human beings.

So, the most suitable material is herself.

She had done research on herself and modified herself before. Now, with the Starlight Avatar, self-research is even more convenient. Even if there is an accident during the research operation, Lainey can still save her. Such a research environment is perfect.

She thought excitedly.

But now it has to be postponed slightly, the ideas put forward by the Lord are also wonderful. The more she thought about it, the more feasible it seemed.

Besides, since it’s the Lord’s task, materials like Treeman and Resentful Spirits must not be missing, right?

They will have to cooperate with her research.

That’s not bad at all.


Seeing Isloa giggling foolishly, Mu Yuan knew his idea is very feasible.

As expected of this Lord.

He has a lot more plans.

For example, using the ‘Sinful Eye Prison’ skill of the evil spirits, constructing a special illusion environment for tempering one’s will. Even though it may not create the Light of Will, as long as it can temper the will bit by bit, quantitative changes may one day bring about qualitative changes.

It’s worth a try.

Thinking this, Mu Yuan walked to the top floor of the Mage Tower and came to the control panel. As he tapped his finger, the stream of light spread out like ripples.

]®:The Intermediate Mage Tower can simultaneously launch six automatically-tracking magical missiles, and the operator can micro-control the missiles.]

1®:The Intermediate Mage Tower can move freely and generate an energy light shield with impressive defensive power. The maximum coverage of the light shield is a radius of one hundred meters.]

]@:The Intermediate Mage Tower has detection capabilities and can detect abnormal energy fluctuations within a radius of ten kilometers. This ability requires a professionally qualified magician to adjust its settings.]

With attack, defense, and detection all in one, the Intermediate Mage Tower is indeed a perfect and comprehensive miracle building.

If its moving flying speed could be a bit faster, it could be used as a mobile fortress.


No wonder it is often said that having an Intermediate Mage Tower can attract many magic talents.

The Mage Tower and the Ice Spirit Cold Pool have been built.

The equipment embryo has been given to Master Li. He is currently studying what kind of equipment is the most suitable to create.

The only thing left is…

The object with a faint blue glow, like a lottery ticket, appeared in his hand.

It’s a personal recruitment scroll!

There are two choices: Random Recruitment and Specific Recruitment.

For Random Recruitment, the chances of getting the target’s agreement are probably higher, but the likelihood is only getting a wild troop of Excellence One-Star.

For Specific Recruitment, adequate information and face fruits are required.

Mu Yuan’s memory drifted back to the Festival Grounds.

At that time, many top heroes hadn’t chosen to follow the Lord.

The most sought after was undoubtedly Holy Light Master Sacrifice Windsor. Mu Yuan already had a Holy Light Master Sacrifice at home, but this hero Windsor is able to continuously promote nuns…Mr. Mu is also a bit envious.


Holy Light Master Sacrifice Windsor is a heroic spirit and does not exist in the world. He doesn’t meet the conditions for using the personal recruitment scroll.

The remaining choices are not many.

After some thought, Mu Yuan selected a target.


jNotice: Do you want to specifically recruit Dragon Blood Martial Maiden Xiu Liu? Once confirmed, it cannot be changed.]

TYes! J

The recruitment scroll burned up fiercely.

In front of Mu Yuan, the light suddenly dimmed, and he could no longer see any plants or buildings around him, just a grey area.

In this hazy, secluded space, the silhouette of a brave woman suddenly appeared.

At first glance, she looked vigorous, but upon closer inspection, one could see that her dark red armor was full of marks, and she was not standing upright. Instead, she was half-bent over with her hands hanging down, looking powerless.

It tookher two or three seconds to realize, “Huh? Where is this? Oh, recruitment. What kind of recruitment?”

Mu Yuan: “…”

Did he choose the wrong target? This Dragon Blood Martial Maiden seems even less reliable than Miss Duo.

He could only step forward and said, “Providing food and lodging, excellent benefits, and also…”

The eyes of Dragon Blood Martial Maiden Xiu Liu focus on him, in a daze for a while, from confusion to certainty, to teary-eyed.

“Boss, please take me in!!”

He hasn’t even finished listing the benefits.

INotice: You have successfully recruited ‘Hero-Xiu Liu’. J

IHero-Xiu Liu]

rclass: Dragon Blood Martial Maiden (Excellence Three-Star)]

ILevel: Second Rank 8th Level]

ITalent: Red Dragon Bloodline, Dragon Roar]

1 Skills: Flame Breath, Flame Slash, Dragon Claw, Dragon Mode,…]

jstrategic Skills: …J

jOther: …J

The panel of Xiu Liu is not luxurious. This is probably because she has been wandering around and has not received systematic training and learning.

That’s okay.

Her potential is among the top of many heroes, and she has a high-purity Giant Dragon Bloodline.

As for dragons, the future is promising.

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