My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 198 - 187: Large Recruitment Point (3K)_1

Chapter 198: Chapter 187: Large Recruitment Point (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339 |

Mu Yuan had already remembered the information on ‘Remnant of Obsession’.

This is a very rare special monster that only has a chance of being born when a strong being dies and their obsession becomes tainted.

After killing a Remnant of Obsession, there’s an opportunity to devour and absorb the essence left by it.

It’s possible to acquire ‘Inherited Knowledge’, ‘Advanced Skills’, and ‘Profound Techniques’. This is similar to an Experience Stone. But it’s also possible to gain ‘Artistic Conception’, ‘Physical Enhancement’, ‘Mental Enhancement’, and other benefits that an Experience Stone can’t offer.

Even the key to becoming a legend, the ‘Domain Realm’, can be obtained by absorbing the essence of obsession.

It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Many top powerhouses should be eager to find remnants of obsession everywhere, right?

Actually, it’s not like that.

The essence absorbed from the Remnant of Obsession not only brings benefits, but also various disadvantages. It can easily make one’s soul become impure and power disordered. Otherwise, why call it a part of obsession?

“Duo Lai, are you okay? Don’t eat randomly, okay?”

Mu Yuan was a bit worried, and in the Spiritual Link, he visualized a hand poking Miss Duo.

Duo Lai covered her head innocently, and again sent out the ‘crossed arms slime’ emoji.

“Duo Lai, no problem *(.»?».)«.”

“Finally, I’ve also entered the Domain Realm, hehe~!”

When she heard that Isloa had been promoted to the Epic Level, she was worried about whether her second place in Tianyuan would be taken. Now it seemed that General Duo Lai was stronger and unbeatable in the world.


“Why is it half-step Domain Realm?”

“Where’s the other half? Come out quickly for me!”

Duo Lai was flushed with effort, trying to activate her Domain, but… apart from causing a light breeze, nothing else seemed to have happened.

She had pushed the door to the Domain, but hadn’t fully opened it.

“You’re just a little short.”

General Dead Bone said, “Next, you just have to concentrate and naturally develop your Domain with your Venue Skills.”

So that’s how the door to the Domain is opened?

General Duo Lai understood.

General Duo Lai was full of confidence.

Ten minutes later, General Duo Lai began to doubt her existence.

General Dead Bone also began to question: according to common sense, when everyone got to this point, they should be able to create their Domain with their eyes closed. Where did it go wrong?

Isloa massaged her forehead. Of course, everything was wrong.

The knowledgeable Isloa promptly took out her abundant knowledge and explained meticulously, “A Domain is a special ability derived from the combination of Artistic Conception, energy, venue and self-consciousness. We can divide the birth of a Domain into ninety-nine steps. You are currently at about the sixtieth step. Next, you simply need to do this… this… then this… (1200 words omitted)…to fully open the door of the Domain.”

“So, Duo Lai, do you understand now?”

Isloa’s mouth curled up. In terms of teaching, she considered herself to be much stronger than General Dead Bone.

She’s Isloa, the one who almost became Principal, after all.

Many fans admired her lectures back in the day.

With that thought, she came back from the pleasure of teaching, only to see Miss Duo looking like she was about to faint-

“Lord, Lord…is this the side effects of Duo Lai absorbing the essence?”

She immediately went up to Duo Lai, gave her a careful physical check, but found that Duo Lai was very healthy. So why was she looking like this?

Isloa fell into deep thought.

Mu Yuan didn’t fall into deep thought. Instead, he sighed softly, “Everything’s within my expectations.”

There’s indeed no problem with Duo Lai’s body.

Probably due to her devouring talent, the essence of the Remnants of Obsession, which is a mixture of medicine and poison for others, is just ‘edible’ for Duo Lai.

Not only is she in no danger after devouring it, but she can also absorb more experience and power.

That’s how she achieved the Half-step Domain Realm.

For the remaining half-step…

Just keep devouring.

Is Duo Lai dumb? Not really.

Does Duo Lai have poor comprehension? Not exactly, she just can’t compare with Emperor Dead Bone and Isloa.

But if Duo Lai could learn something through other people’s explanations, she wouldn’t be Duo Lai.

“That’s right, guji-1”

Duo Lai put her hands on her hips, looking proud.

What on earth are you proud of!

While Duo Lai and others began their joyful harvesting process, Mu Yuan started thinking about the recent remnant of obsession.

Looking at the results, this remnant’s previous incarnation was most likely a top-level powerhouse of ‘Fourth-order Peak’, ‘Domain Realm’, or ‘Half-step Legend’, probably stronger than Lord Linglong.

But now that he is reduced to a faint remnant, he seemed pretty weak, easily killed by Duo Lai’s attack.

The remnant of obsession’s power was far from its peak life.

“In the future, I can look for more information about remnants of obsession. While it’s useless for most people, it’s not the same for Miss Duo.”

He could also upgrade to Domain Realm through the Duo Lai Template.

It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in himself, but one must learn to use all favorable conditions.

Mu Yuan was also manipulating a few Skeleton Morticians, carefully searching through the experimental tables and cabinets around him, flipping through the entire venue while maintaining it as much as possible.

Half an hour later, he began to frown.

The place wasn’t too large to begin with, roughly the size of half a football field. It didn’t take much time to scour through. Most likely due to the passage of time, the books here became decayed, and the bottles of potion had dried up, leaving behind only some degraded crystals.

The AOE attack from the lingering remnants of the obsession had damaged and shattered relics scattered on the ground.

Duo Lai stamped his foot, “Dammit!” He regretted letting that remnant leave so peacefully!

When it came to rewards, this trip allowed Duo Lai to take a step into the Domain Realm, which wasn’t bad, but it was disappointing not to find any valuable items in a secret realm site that was barely functioning.

The second round of scavenging began.

This time, they scoured every inch of the area, not caring if it got destroyed in the process. But they gained little, only finding about a dozen half-broken rare materials. Isloa imprinted damaged books, hoping to restore them back at home.

The gleam of archaeology twinkled in her eyes.

Excavating an ancient secret, step by step revealing the truth of the past.

This was fascinating.

Wait, wasn’t she technically an ancient herself? Isloa fell into deep thought.

However, Duo Lai walked to where the remnants of the obsession had appeared.

Here, his Spatial Devouring had chewed out an irregular gap, below the floor was rock, and the surrounding area had been searched multiple times, revealing nothing special.

Refusing to believe this, Duo Lai stretched his hands into a pair of high- frequency vibrating shovels, buzzing as he started digging.

He continued to dig down, following a specific direction.

After digging about 30 meters,


His high-frequency shovel hit something, as if it was blocked. Soon, a dusty Duo Lai dragged out a shiny black box measuring half a meter on each side.

The box was extremely hard, even a scratch could only leave lightweight marks when Duo Lai’s Harden shovel, imbued with electromagnetic vibrations, struck it.

Isloa circled around the box, her fingertips glowing as she traced it.

“This is a spatial security box. Not only does it hold a much larger storage space than a storage ring, but it will also destroy itself when subjected to violent vandalism. We can’t forcefully open this box, we have to use skills. Of course, that’s not difficult for me.”

Three Magic Spheres appeared behind Isloa, continuously shifting in color.

She directed different frequencies of different types of energy towards the security box.

After a while,

“click??? ”

The bright black sheen on the box receded like a tide, reducing to only a shiny silver shell. At the same time, the box’s lid slowly opened, revealing the roughly too square meter space inside.

‘Your treasure hoarding skills, Benduo approves!’

Duo Lai thought Isloa was a good teammate. He peeked inside, taking out one item after another.

The quantity and variety were plentiful.

But Miss Duo recognized many of them—Treasure Handbook, Monster Illustrated Handbook, they were among the few subjects she could grasp—she wasn’t worried about those she didn’t recognize, as General Duo Lai always carried enough Identification Crystals.

She narrated:


“Obtained: Soul Crystals xioo.”

“Obtained: Standard Equipment X200.”

“Obtained: Rare Equipment X15.”

“Obtained: Mechanical Guards (rare) xio.”

“Obtained: Mechanical Dragonflights (Excellence).”

“Obtained: Half of the Map of Large-scale Recruitment Location.”

The treasures were ample, seeming to be the final resource reserves of the person from this secret realm?

But since the people here were all dead, Mu Yuan gladly accepted them.

Standard equipment? Could be remoulded.

Rare Equipment? Would be given to whoever it fit.

The Mechanical Guards seemed decent, with Elite-level Combat Power. Yes, according to Isloa, they were very valuable for research.

The most valuable, naturally, was the ‘Mechanical Dragonflights’ which took up most of the storage space and was judged as having an Excellent grade after being identified.

The Dragonflight was over ten meters long and three meters tall, with a large abdomen and two pairs of metal wings that were folded in. Its mud gold hue made it look like a magnified, albeit rotund, golden dragon.

The Dragonflight had four cannons mounted on both sides of its abdomen, and inside its open mouth was another cannon with no weak power.

It seemed to be an armed airship, not weak in power, of course, the energy consumption was not low either.

Even if it wasn’t used for combat, but simply for transportation or prestige, it was excellent.

Mechanical Dragonflights, impressive.

And the remaining half of the map.

‘Large-scale Recruitment Location Fragment’

‘Instruction: This map piece can unlock a large-scale recruitment location, but for some unknown reason, the guide has been damaged, only by finding the missing half of the map can this recruitment location be activated.’

Mu Yuan had heard of such treasure.

Some special recruitment locations could only be activated by specific media. And if the word ‘large-scale’ were used, it would mean that this recruitment location could recruit a substantial number of not low-grade soldiers.

More importantly, he found this fragment somewhat familiar.

Mu Yuan ran to the warehouse and took out a map piece that looked old and wrinkled, but was actually impervious to both sword cuts and fire, comparing them side by side.

“Land of Bones.”

What kind of soldiers would be there.

Mu Yuan was intrigued.

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